The Panda Village

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     Hello everyone! Heads up this is a long chapter but it is worth it in the end! Have fun reading!

     It had been a few days since Po's and (Y/n)'s departure. Before he had left, he had gone in search of Mr. Ping, confused that he couldn't find him, that was until Li had told him that the goose needed some time alone to process Po going away.
     Though he was confused, it seemed to ease his mind that at least his father would be safe with the other warriors here in the village. Ever since the two left, they had traveled long distances, over various beautiful terrains. Currently, the two had just reached the top of a mountain, Po's rumbling stomach catching Li's attention, "Oh, time for a lunch break?"
     Panting softly, Po stopped walking and unstrapped his lunch backpack, "You don't need to ask me twice. Tossing the pack hard to the ground, his ears perked up as a muffled yelp sounded from inside.
     Raising a brow, Po looked over at Li confused, "Dad?"
     Having sat down a few meters from him, Li looked back at Po and answered, "Yes?"
     Frowning softly, Po spoke with a sigh, upset with whom he would discover stowing away, "Dad..."
     As Po opened up the backpack, Mr. Ping gripped slightly on a few vegetables smiling nervously, "Yes?"
     Shocked, Po let go of the lid glaring slightly at the goose, "What are you doing  here?"
     Glaring back, Mr. Ping pushed the vegetables off him, "What am I doing?" Hopping out of the backpack, the goose stretched and waved a wing at Po as his back cracked, "Getting a backache. Did you have to step on every rock?"
     The panda shook his head slightly, "No, I mean why are you here?"
     Mr. Ping waved his wing again before crossing them, "What was I supposed to do huh?" Walking towards towards, he furrowed his feathered brows together and patted Po's belly, "What if the pandas don't have food you like? You're never gonna be able to save the world on an empty stomach." Turning to Li, Mr. Ping stormed over and poked his arm gently, "I consider my presence mission critical."
     Pulling his arm up, Li looked at the goose as if he already known, "Oh yes, about that." Reaching into his own pack, he pulled out a radish and moved his paw slightly to the gose, "We can't share the location of the village with others, so..."
     As if offended, Mr. Ping backed away to Po's side shrugging his shoulders, "Well, you think I can't keep a secret, huh?" He gently grabbed Po's arm and rubbed his stomach as he spoke, "I raised Po for twenty years before I finally told him he was adopted."
     Wide-eyed, Li looked up at Po as if it was a joke, "Seriously?"
     Po smiled back at Li, "Yeah."
     "Okay, -" Putting his half eaten radish back in his pack, Li stood up and set himself up to continue walking, "-I guess it would be cruel to make you fly back."
     At this, Po stood straight up after having bent down to pick up his pack. Looking over at Mr. Ping with a gasp, Po pointed towards him shocked, "You can fly?!"
     Already walking ahead of him, Mr. Ping glanced back att his son with a raised brow, "I'm a bird, Po."
     Even though he didn't eat, his curiosity replaced his hunger. Grinning wide, Po quickly threw his backpack on and ran after his fathers to continue their travels.

     Over the course of the following week, the trio traveled through dangerous parts of many mountains. Various points in them where either Li, Mr. Ping, or sometimes both would help Po.
     At one point they were traveling through snow that came up to the pandas stomachs. As Po and Li pushed on through the snow and harsh cold winds, Mr. Ping walked freely atop of the snow, barely leaving deep print. Li stopped and watched as the goose walked past him, Mr, Ping staring his down the whole way before he himself pushed through the snow.
     Eventually they, Po and Li, managed to climb out of the snow and onto steady ground. Not far ahead was a large ice wall, where the three stopped walking to look up. It would have been a long climb, thick and long icicles daring to drop at any second, while the mountain seemed to disappear into the clouds above.
     Li was the first to speak, "We're here."
     For a second Mr. Ping looked up at the clouds, "Sure looks like a long ways up there." He couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he grabbed Po's paw and slowly began walking back, "And my son hates stairs. So let's go home."
     Patting his chest, Li looked down at the goose smiling, "We're pandas." He seemed to grab a frozen rope, snow falling off it, "We don't do stairs."
     Pulling his paw from Mr. Pings grasp, Po gripped his fists, "I've waited my whole life to here  those words."
     Li smiled and turned towards Po as eh pulled down on the rope. There was a small ringing above them before suddenly the three were lifted up off the ground, three more ropes appearing from under the snow. Below them was a sturdy basket-like platform.
     Whilst Po gripped the ropes and looked up in excitement, Mr. Ping only glared forward defeated, "Rats."
     As they reached higher into the clouds, eventually a large netting with heavier weight passed them. The younger panda watched it go before looking up and noticing that they were nearing a platform. His mind was racing with what he thought the village would look like. When his head passed the platform, his words were faster than his eyes, "Whoa- huh?"
     Instead of a village, all the three could see was a thick layer of snow fog. Squinting his eyes, Po looked around confused before following his fathers up the boardwalk, and up more into the mountain.
     After a few flight of stairs, they reached what looked to be a wooden gateway. Po stopped for a second to look at the woodwork, his jaw slacking at the beauty he could see in the fog.
     Mr. Ping however raised a brow at the sight, looking around at the fog before up at Li, "This is the secret panda village?" Chuckling to himself, the goose looked ahead smiling to himself, "No wonder you kept it a secret. If I lived here, I wouldn't tell anyone either."
     Noticing how the mist was shifting, Li smirked and eventually stopped, looking back at Po chuckling, "Hehehe now you can whoa."
     At that, Po let out a slow 'Woah' as the mist around them disappeared. The sun seemed to glow brighter as the mist lifted to reveal a village full of pandas. Shacks and lush green trees surrounded the tops whilst a fresh waterfall seemed to be their source of fresh water. But despite the pandas, what shocked Po the most was the beauty of this village. It was almost as if Spring and Winter had found a way to be in the same climate, a perfect home.
     Po still couldn't believe his eyes, all these pandas living with no worries and no fear. The loneliness that was deep within Po that longed to see his own species was gone, joy and pride now almost vibrating off him. He watched as cubs ran with kites, laughing and having fun, the wonder in their eyes making him chuckle as it reminded him of when he was young in the Valley of Peace.
     Farther in the village, tucked into a small bamboo space, a male sat up when he spotted the older panda, "Li?" Grinning, he quickly got up and woke the sleeping panda above him, calling out to the others in the village, "Everyone, Li is back!"
     One panda, who had placed down a radish basket, turned and smiled at the sight, "They're both back!"
     Suddenly, a cub popped out from the basket, causing radishes to fall to the ground as he yelled, "He found his son!"
     This spread quickly through the village, pandas from every home cheering for Li and his son. All of them seemed to meld into a crowd of black and white, running towards the trio as fast as they could. Po smiled big, looking around at all of them his ears perking up at their words. All of a sudden, everyone in the village stopped halfway, panting as their panda asthma had kicked in.
     A little taken aback from their sudden stop, Po raised a brow before realizing that panda asthma went towards all pandas. After a few seconds of the villagers catching their breaths, they eventually ran the rest of the way, circling around the three excited. Mr. Ping on the other hand looked around at the pandas shocked, his eyes wide at how quickly they had been surrounded.
     Waving his arm around, Li smiled and patted Po's shoulder, "Everyone, everyone gather around! This is my son!"
     As Li spoke, Po shivered confused before laughing as a triplet of cubs had climbed up on him, one on each shoulder and the third on his stomach, "Wohoah! Triplets!"
     One by one each panda cub spoke, catching Po's attention as they cuddles into him, "Hi, I'm Ku Ku-" "I'm Meng Meng-" "I'm Shuai Shuai." Making Po chuckle, they complimented him on his soft fur, the smell of cookies that came from him.
     From below them, an older female panda, almost looking like a grandma, reached up and gently squished his cheek, "He's so handsome. Just like his father."
     Pushing under his arm, Mr. Ping smiled big as he met with the female, "Why thank you!"
     Li smiled and turned Po towards a pair of males not that much older than his age, "Son, these are your cousins. Dim and Sum."
     Grinning, Po looked at the two as he held his arms out surprised, "I have cousins!"
     The two welcomed him instantly, Sum placing a bun necklace on Po. While Po marveled at the necklace, Sum leaned against his shoulder smiling, "We call it a snacklace." Without a second to lose, Sum, Dim, and nearby pandas all hurried and ate the dumplings, leaving a broken string on a surprised Po, "Dah, we'll make you another one."
     Behind Po, a rather larger and taller panda walked through the crowd before bearhugging Po, "It'd you."
     Po gasped softly in pain, struggling to move as he was lifted off the ground, "Oh, that's nice. Hi." H tried to take a breath, straining slightly.
     Rocking Po slightly, the male smiled and closed his eyes, "I don't know who you are."
     From behind the two, a small female cub approached Po's back and looked through it. Spotting his action figures, she giggled and pulled out both (Y/n)'s and Tigress's action figures, "Oh, fluffy baby. A stripy baby." Looking over the two, she jumped slightly as she felt over their patterns and clothing, "So beautiful."
     Hearing the little one, Po at first glanced back at her before gasping softly realizing what she was holding, "Woah! Ok, be careful with that." Spinning around to face her he bent down to her, pointing to the figurines, "Those are my action figures."
     After doing a small circle, the child looked up at Po with bright eyes, holding up the two, "Can I keep them?"
     Frowning softly, Po shook his had and tried to slowly take the figurines from her, "No, no-" For a second she pulled the two towards her, looking up at Po with tears prepared to fall, the cub whimpering softly. Quickly pulling his paws back, Po glanced away and brought his own towards his muzzle to hide some of his worried frown, "-problem. Of coarse, that's why I brought her." His voice seemed to go quiet towards the end, "Take good care of her."
     Cheering, the cub giggled and hugged the figures close, "Yes, stripy baby. Fluffy baby!"
     It was when the child met his eyes again that Po was hit with a realization. His pupils seemed to dilate as he leaned back, his ears perking up as he lowered his voice softly towards the child, "You look just like me, but a baby." Standing up, he looked back towards the older panda and spoke the same, "You're like me, but old." To the one next to her, he waved his paw before holding his own stomach, "You're like me, but fatter." Turning around, he started with a male who was covered in green patterned clothing, "You're like me but-" It was when he opened his mouth and laughed, revealed a crooked mouth which made Po jump, "-with a hat."
     For a moment all the other villagers chuckled and laughed with his reaction, one in the back calling out to the others, "He does wear a hat!"
     Looking around at the rest of the village, Po smiled and allowed it to finally settle in, "You all look like me."
     A wave of laughter went through the crowd before Li spoke up, "Let's feast in my son's honor!"
     Before Po could move, he was overcome with slight shock as the villagers turned and rolled down the hill in a different direction than they had come. Raising a brow, he whispered to himself confused, "What the?..."
     Chuckling, Li patted Po's stomach as he stepped back, "Pandas don't walk. We roll!" Falling backwards, the let himself fall backwards, joining the villagers down the hill. As they went down, they avoided all the rocks and trees that lay in their path, eventually all making it to a large set of dinner tables.
     Watching the pandas go, Mr. Ping laughed to himself amused, "Have you ever seen anyone look so ridiculous?" When he didn't hear anything from Po, the goose looked over and gasped as Po was already sat down and scooting after them, "Po, what are you doing?" When his son had started to roll, he chased after him for a few steps, "Po?"
     The first few rolls seemed to be easy for the panda, that was until he managed to get stuck on his head. Grunting softly, Po straightened up and tried again only to faceplant. Scooting along the ground, he eventually managed to get himself into a painful roll. Towards the middle, he ended up running for a few seconds and running into a tree. Holding his head, he stumbled backwards and spun before tumbling hard into a boulder. Once up, he managed to knock himself into a few more trees before straight-lining it straight into the tables, grunting as the impact stopped him underneath them.
     Li and another male looked down at Po worried, that was until Po stood up and spoke, "You're right. That is better than walking."
     Chuckling softly, Li smiled and patted his sons shoulder before waving his arm around the table, "Here is where we will grab ourselves a bowl and food. Then we'll be eating over there." Already having himself a bowl, Li went ahead and grabbed his own meal and headed for the other tables, claiming him and Po a seat.
     Smiling, Po nodded and grabbed himself a small bowl. With it, he filled it up with dumplings before following after where Li had gone. Looking around, he eventually spotted the panda and hurried over sitting next to him, waiting for Mr. Ping to catch up and eat with them.
     Once Po had sat down, a young male who was across from him spoke up confused, "What kind of panda doesn't know how to roll?"
     Leaning back, Po smiled and turned towards Li waving his paws, "Well, I'm kind of new at this whole being a panda thing."
     As Mr. Ping made it to the table, the male turned towards him and leaned in, "And what kind of panda are you?" Smiling, he reached up and pointed at him teasingly, "You have a funny neck."
     Putting his wings at his hips, Mr. Ping turned to the cub, "I'm not a panda at all."
     Pointing up, the boy continued to ask questions while pointing each time, "What's that?"
     "My hat."
     "What's that?"
     "My beak."
     "What's that?"
     By now Mr. Ping was getting a little anxious, the boy repeatedly moving down his body with every question, "My wing."
     "What's that?"
     "My dumplings!" Bending over, Mr. Ping held up his bowl of dumplings with a smile. With a wave of his wing he turned towards Po, "No more questions. Go away, kid." Putting his bowl down, he handed Po a pair of chopsticks before sitting down, "Here, son, I packed your chopsticks."
     Taking them, Po smiled and nodded towards him, "Thanks, dad." As he was about the eat, he perked up at the villagers gasped and leaned in surprised. Stopping just before he picked up a chopstick, Po looked around at the villagers, "What?"
     The same cub as before spoke up, pulling a dumpling away that he was about to eat, "What are those for?"
     Clicking the chopsticks together, Po smiled and showed them, "These? These are chopsticks. They're for picking up dumplings." At that, he lifted up a dumpling with ease.
     With wide eyes, the cub now held up a handful of dumplings in his other paw, a few falling back to his bowl as he sounded shocked, "You mean you only eat on at a time?"
     Perking up, Po raised a brow and looked around the table, gasping in realization as everyone else was eating multiple at a time. His jaw dropped as he slowly raised his free hand, the dumpling that he once held fell back into the bowl, "I knew I wasn't eating up to my potential!"
     Suddenly, behind where the cub in front of him sat, music began to play. The villagers began to cheer as three parasols spun slowly, hiding the actresses. In a second, two of the actresses pulled away in different directions, time slowing down for a second. As the parasol lifted up, it revealed a beautiful panda actress, who's fan covered some of her face, a red silk ribbon twirling around her. With a smile, she locked eyes with Po, and winked towards him.
     Po seemed to freeze, the dumpling he picked in his claws dropping to the table. Besides (Y/n), he had never seen anyone so beautiful. His pupils dilated for a second, tilting his head as he could almost imagine (Y/n) standing in this actresses place, "Huh?"
     Now hiding half her face behind her a fan, the actress giggled silently and stared at Po, flirtatiously fluttering her eyes at him. It was when he looked behind him and turned back to her that she continued, "I... Am Mei Mei." Looking over Po, she grinned and broke character, whispering compliments to herself, "Wow, she's amazing! So beautiful!" Lowering her fan, she acted as if he had interrupted her concentration, "That's sweet, Po, but please try to save all other compliments until after the performance."
     Po's face dropped when he realized what was happening. Trying to wave his paw, he spoke quickly, "Me? No, I didn't say-"
     Shushing him quickly, Mei glared softly, "Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Shut it." With a whip of her ribbon, she stepped back slightly, "After the performance."
     Leaning towards Po, Mr. Ping spoke softly as he was a bit confused, "Oh, has it started yet?"
     Looking around the crowd, Mei eventually kept looking towards Po as she spun backwards. With a slap of her ribbon, she woke up Dim and Sum to play instruments for her. She would flutter her fan, biting the inside of her cheek as she made her way around the other actresses.
     Li smiled and nudged Po gently, "Best ribbon dancer in the world! At least, that's what she says." Despite whether it was true or not, Li was glad to have arranged the actress to perform, he was hoping at some point he could figure out a way for him to introduce Po to her. He noticed how excited Po looked watching her dance, in his head thinking that this would work out for him.
     Waving the ribbon to her right, Mei spoke as if commanding anyone, "Look away, look away." Closing the fan in her paw, she smiled and fluttered her eyes as Po as she moved to the side with her twirling ribbon, "No, you can't. Can you?"
     Feeling a little unnerved, Po leaned towards Mr. Ping whispering, "Dad, why does she keep staring at me like-" Glancing to his dad, he went to spot the actress before jumping shocked at how close she was to him on the table, "-that?!"
     Smiling big at Po, Mei wrapped her ribbon around Po, "Try to keep up!" Jumping away from the table, she pulled Po with her onto the stage and spun him a distance from her.
     With his arm sticking out from the ribbon, Po strained to speak as the ribbon tightened around him, "I don't really know how to dance."
     "Of coarse you do." She flapped her fan Infront of her, raising her arm as she spoke, "All pandas dance." With a quick yank, she pulled Po back towards her, putting him in a binding dip, "I know what you're thinking~"
     Gulping nervously, Po frowned softly as he tried to lean his had back from her, "You do?" He didn't like this, being so close to her, he was starting to wish that he had fought more to bring her along with him.
     With her paw holding the ribbons handle, Mei reached down and gently traced her paw along the ribbons length along his chest, her eyes noticeably admiring him, "How can one panda be so beautiful?~" She took his nervous smile for a real one before quickly spinning him away, forcing him to grab her a bouquet of yellow Chrysanths, "For me?" Sighing, she spun them both around and placed her open paw in Po's, and with a flick of her wrist managed to force the panda to kiss her hand a few times, "Po!"
     Po grunted as he was pushed towards the table, looking back quickly towards his fathers for help, "Help me, Dads!"
     Before Mr. Ping could speak, Li shook his head and chuckled, "Yeah, no, you're on your own. But hey, you're doing great out there, son."
     Mr. Ping could see the worry on his boys face, frowning softly as he took a step forward, "Are you doing ok son? Do you want to come back to eat?" He knew his boy better than anyone, to him, Po looked bothered.
     Li's eyes widened at the goose, quickly looking towards Mei and waving secretly for her to continue. Although Po didn't see it, Mr. Ping caught a glance of it and looked towards the other panda with a cautious look.
     Catching his wave, Mei smiled and yanked Po back to her before he could respond to the goose, "Your turn!" Unbind Po from his ribbon prison, Mei handed him the handle and stepped back with a giggle.
     For a second Po looked down at it confused before attempting as spinning the ribbons like she did. Looking towards his dads for guidance, he grunted as he instead accidentally grabbed a cymbal from a musician and hit himself over the head. Distracted from the pain at that moment, he failed to notice how the ribbons wrapped loosely around his feet.
     Holding the panda with both paws, he yanked the ribbon up, yelping as he managed to flip himself also landing on his face. Those at the table were in a mixture of laughter and winces from his landing. Letting go of the ribbons handle, Po frowned as Mi wrapped him up in the ribbon again. Gasping as he was lifted up, he looked down shocked as Mei lifted Po above her head and bowed. Waving his paws in almost a jazz hands way, the villagers began to cheer, Mr. Ping calling out for Po sing as he had started to smile again.
     Mr. Ping was quick to move out of the way as Mei tossed Po onto the table, the ribbons still binding him in place. Li on the other hand smiled softly and nudged Po in the side chuckling, "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it."
     For a few seconds, Po's eyes seemed to brighten at the words. This is normal for them? Looking around at the confetti that filled the air, Po whispered to himself excited, the worries from before washing away, "I have so much to learn."
     Around him, the other pandas congratulated and praised him for his first time dancing for them. Li on the other hand, smiled to Mei and nodded to her thinking to himself. Getting them together might be easier than I thought.

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