To The Jade Palace!

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     Gasps filled the air as the same thought ran through everyone's head, thinking that Po and Li were related. All eyes, including (Y/n)'s, went to Po as he gasped also, not yet realizing what everyone was gasping about, "You lost your son?"
     Li smiled sadly, his voice low and soft as a familiar pain glinted in his eyes, "Yes, many years ago."
     Po frowned softly, his lip quivering as he spoke in the same tone of voice, "I lost my father." At his tone, he glanced down as (Y/n) rubbed his shoulder, before looking back at the other panda.
     Li's smiled dropped, clearly feeling bad for the younger male, "I'm very sorry."
     "Thank you."
     For a second it seemed like Li was going to say something else before stopping, "Well, good luck to you." He turned slightly towards the exit of the shop.
     Po smiled, tilting his head slightly as he nodded, "You too. I hope you find your son."
     "And I hope you find your father."
     The two stared at each other for a few moments longer before turning their backs to each other. By now the customers in the store had begun to look between the two, their jaws agape in shock that the two hadn't realized why they were so silent, all facepalming when they took too long to realize.
     Though when Po had finally turned his back all the way to the male, (Y/n) jumped in front of him and waved her arms slightly, "Po!" She was smiling, raising her brows hoping he would get the message.
     And that the two finally did. Po stopped in his tracks, looking at (Y/n) then out in front of him as his face dropped. Li had done the same, letting go of the hat he had just put on his head as he turned quickly towards Po, "Son?" Po turned around grinning, the familiarization now being caught by Li, "Oh my gosh, it is you!" He lifted his hat in shock before bending down, Po wheezing as he pointed towards him, "Well, don't just stand there. Give your old man a hug!"
     Po raised his hands, wheezing again in joy as he was lifted into a tight hug. Wrapping his arms around Li, he hugged back just as tight, high voice high from shock, "I can't believe you're alive!" All around the two, everyone was cheering, including (Y/n). The only one who was silent was Mr. Ping, the goose dropping a Po minifigure from bewilderment.
     Li held Po a bit higher, shaking him slightly as he let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, I thought I'd lost you forever, Little Lotus."
     Tensing up slightly, Po's eyes widened as he quickly stepped back from the hug, "Uh, okay, this is very embarrassing, but I think you've got me confused with a panda named Lotus." He then gestured to himself, "My name is Po."
     "Oh, right, you wouldn't..." Li shook his head, waving his arms as he realized his mistake, "Okay, see, Little Lotus was the name you were given at birth."
     Po seemed to scrunch himself together, excitement coursing through him at now knowing his birth name, "Really?" Waving his paw, he grinned as he walked half turned to the panda, "I can't believe it. After all these years and you're really here? This is amazing!"
     As Po began to lead Li to her and Mr. Ping, (Y/n) straightened herself up and smiled up at the two, "Oh! I want you to meet someone." Po pulled away from Li and placed his paw at the middle of (Y/n)'s back, gently nudging her forward, "This is my best friend (Y/n) (L/n)!" He then leaned over to Li and whispered in a hush, "She's also me girlfriend. But don't go around saying that ok!"
     Li was a little taken aback when he first saw (Y/n), not expecting Po to have a girlfriend at all, especially one that's a wolf. He half forced a smile, a small tinge of fear shocking him as (Y/n) had some similarities to the wolves who had attacked his home, except her fur was different, not as rough or scarred like the ones he had fought. Li took her paw and shook it gently, "It's nice to meet you (Y/n)." With both paws, he held her one paw between his two and bent down to her height, "Thank you for keeping my son company."
     (Y/n)'s eyes widened softly, smiling up at Li as she shook his paw, "It was and still is an honor to be here for your son." Her tail wagged softly, her (e/c) eyes lighting up with joy of his thanks.
     When Li had let go of (Y/n), Po then led lead just next to her to an upset Mr. Ping, "And this is my Dad! Come say hi to..." He waved his arm to Li when he realized, what should he call him, "Ehe, I don't know what I'm supposed to call you."
     The goose looked up at the new panda with a hidden glare, struggling to hide his anger, "I'm pretty sure he said his name is Li."
     Grinning, Li pointed a finger to the goose, "You... come here." Bending down, he lifted Mr. Ping up and engulfed him in a tight hug, a few pops and cracks sounding, "Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of my son."
     Lifting his head off the panda's shoulder, Mr. Ping glared and quickly pulled away, "Your son? Now hold on just a minute." He pointed up at the male, glaring at him suspiciously, "How do we know this... stranger is even related to you?"
     Turning to face Po, Li grinned and lifted up his own stomach, "Look at that! Our bellies could be brothers!" This caused Po to laugh, looking down between their stomachs as Li continued, "Hey, son, let me teach you how to belly gong."
     As he said that, Li bumped his stomach into Po's, causing them both to chuckle and laugh, (Y/n) included. She looked up at the two, covering her muzzle giggling before she turned to Mr. Ping, frowning softly at his growing anger. Walking over to him, she gently patted his back and, looking down at him with a reassuring smile, "Hey, are you doing ok?"
     The goose crossed his wings, frowning as he looked up at the (f/c) wolf, "No, no I'm not doing ok!" He turned to face her, shaking his head with furrowed brows, "Something isn't right! And I'm going to get to the bottom of it!" Storming past her, he hopped up onto a table behind Po and Li, standing in the background of a picture of the two. When the picture was done, Po and Li looked at it confused and turned to face the goose, "But I still don't understand. I thought Po was the only panda left."
     As Mr. Ping hopped off the table, Li sat down smiling, "No, there's a whole bunch of us." A young rabbit hopped up onto his lap giggling, causing him to pat their head.
     Leaning forward, Po grinned and leaned himself over the table happily, "Where!?"
     As Li spoke, (Y/n) and the others villagers all leaned in to listen, "Here. There's a secret panda village in the mountains."
     Po cut him off with a yell, "A secret panda!-" He quieted down at Li shushing him, "But how did you know where I was?"
     "I received a message that led me here-"
     Popping up between the two, Mr. Ping glared pressing his face to Li's, "How could you receive a message if no one could find you?" Backing away, he put himself between Po and (Y/n), crossing his wings turning his shoulder to Po, "Sounds suspicious to me."
     Following Mr. Ping's words, the crowd in the shop all crossed their arms, most scowling as they began to grow suspicious themselves. Po and (Y/n) looked to the goose then to each other with raised brows. Hums rolled through the crowd as Li shook his head, lifting the young rabbit off his shoulders and back onto the table in front of him, "No, it, it, it was a message from the universe!"
     This brought approving and amazed gasps from the crowd, Po being one of them. Mr. Ping only glanced back, glaring as he snapped his face away grumbling, "Rats."
     Turning to another young rabbit who hopped onto his knee, he patted their head, "Now-" He turned back to Po chuckling, a big grin on his face, "-what's all this about a Dragon Warrior?"
     Po's eyes widened as he stood up, "How'd you know I was the Dragon Warrior?" Gasping, he pointed a finger towards the panda, "Did the universe tell you that too?" The citizens all began to gasp, turning to Li expectantly.
     Shaking his head slightly, Li pointed to the poster above the counter behind Po, "No the poster did." Po glanced back at the poster, which had both Po and (Y/n) in a fighting stand, before smiling back at Li as he pointed to the giftshop outside, "And the gift shop. I bought a tiny cup." Lifting up the cup, it showed a small drawing of Po kicking the air, the gift shop also filled with other cups, masks, and scrolls that had images of (Y/n) and Po on them.
     Jumping up, Po waved his hand, "Oh, right, of coarse! The-" He couldn't help but wheeze, standing up grabbing Li's arm, "You gotta... you have no idea there's so much to show you." He began to pull Li towards the entrance of the shop with the crowd following, leaving both Mr. Ping and (Y/n) behind, "You're gonna be so awesomely proud! Come on, come on!"
     (Y/n) was about to follow them before stopping when she realized Mr. Ping wasn't next to her. Looking back, she frowned at the saddened look on the gooses face, "Mr. Ping?"
     The goose only frowned, his bill quivering slightly as he let his arms slack next to him, "But I'm already awesomely proud..." To his left, a white rabbit kit held up a Po action figure, prompting Mr. Ping to look at the figure and smile sadly.

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