Going Home

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~In the Spirit Realm~
     At some point during Kai's dispersion, the surface beneath (Y/n)'s feet disappeared, leaving her floating in bright light. She couldn't tell which way she was going, or if she was even in the same spot, but what she did know is that she was spinning, and she didn't like it. She reached her paws out, trying to grasp onto anything to steady herself.
     Somewhere nearby, she heard the sound of a deep ripple, like a droplet of water had fallen into a pond. Her ears flicked towards the sound, groaning in frustration as she struggled to stop spinning. After a few seconds, she eventually grabbed onto something soft and warm. A sigh of relief left her, lowering her head as she spoke.
     "Po, I swear if you ever pull a stunt like that ever again, please try to warn me next time."
     Instead of Po's voice, is was an amused feminine voice that caused her to snap her eyes open towards the familiar wolf, leather-scaly wings tucked against her back.
     "Well then, I guess you'll have to tell him that yourself."
     "Master Fang?" Her eyes were wide, taking in the female who's fur remained dark yet tainted gray in some splotches. After a moment to realize she wasn't imagining her, (Y/n) grinned and pulled herself to the master, hugging her tightly as her tail wagged, "Master Fang!"
     Fang laughed softly, hugging the younger warrior back as her ears flicked back, smiling softly down at her, "Haha, yeah it's me."
     "But, I thought you would be released from Kai's grasp? Why are you still here? Where is everyone else?"
     The master smiled, pulling away from the hug as she looked down at her, "Everyone is free. They have their chi and is in the Mortal Realm." She looked up at if she were looking in the direction of the realm, but it was hard to say, "I can't join them because my spirit lies here."
     At that, (Y/n) remembered why Fang didn't return to the others. A flashback to their moments back in Gongmen City crossed her mind. The words said between them, the flame that spiraled, the energy that Fang had given her. Her ears slowly pinned back at the realization, her tail curling as she frowned softly, a feeling of guilt rising into her chest, "I'm sorry... I never got to say some things but..." She looked up at the master, a shaky breath leaving her. "Thank you.. Your sacrifice to save me meant so much and I wish there was a way for me to repay you back for everything you gave up."
     Fang was taken aback by her words, her ears perked forward as she observed (Y/n). She noticed the mix of pain, gratitude, and regret in the young masters eyes, prompting a soft smile upon her own muzzle. Reaching down, she gently cupped her face, rubbing her thumb across her cheek, "Don't apologize for anything.." She smiled sadly, her tail swaying lowly behind her, "I've known my fate for almost 20 years.. And I would do it all over again if it ensured that you would live. I may be a respected master, but you were needed more. You may not think so, but you don't realize how impactful you are in the lives of others. Your presence alone, your strength, your passion, it inspires all those who look at you. You are amazing, and I don't regret a single moment from giving my life to save yours."
     The more Fang spoke, the more (Y/n) felt her heart swell. Tears had formed in her eyes, having to pull herself out of her grasp to wipe her eyes. Her voice was shaky, smiling as she regained her inner strength to meet Fangs two colored eyes, "Thank you.. It means a lot to hear it from you."
     The older wolf chuckled, smiling as she released (Y/n), allowing the younger wolf to float in front of her, "I'm glad. Now-" She clasped her paws together. "-I'm pretty sure you're wondering where Po is, correct?"
     At that, (Y/n)'s eyes widened in realization that she hadn't seen Po. Nodding quickly, she looked around, her jaw dropping almost as she spotted Po at a distance away talking to someone on a canoe, "Yeah, it looks like he's over there."
     As (Y/n) pointed, Fang turned and looked at the distance, a smile upon her muzzle as she knew who Po was with, "Alrighty then, lets get you over to your partner." With a wink, the master opened her wings and flew in a circle around (Y/n) before flying behind the confused warrior.
     With a surprised yelp, (Y/n) was grabbed under her arms from behind, the warmth of Fangs front against her back as she flew her towards Po and the figure. For a few moments the younger wolf was stunned at the sudden actions, grasping tight to Fangs forearms as the air pushed against and with them at the same time. When her shock subsided, she couldn't help but smile and relish in the feeling of the quick speeds, the beat of large wings above her almost muffling her giggles as a thought popped into her head. 'So this is what it feels like to fly.'
     It didn't take much longer until they were upon Po and the now recognizable tortoise, Master Oogway. The panda and reptile were on a canoe, Po in his golden clothing now holding a jade yin-yang staff. She couldn't hear what was said, but given how Oogway had pointed and the way Po lit up as he turned around, she knew it had something to do with her presence.
     Po couldn't stop the grin that grew along his muzzle, turning away from Master Oogway to th nearing Fang and (Y/n), his voice almost echoing with joy, "(Y/n)!"
     She returned the yell, her tail wagging as she began to try and squirm out of Fangs grasp. She could hear the masters chuckle above her. When they were close enough, instead of stopping, Fang let go of (Y/n), allowing the younger wolf to fall into the pandas arms. A duet of laughs and giggles escaped them, lost in their own world as they muttered sweet nothings to each other.
     It was when the canoe came to a stop and the soft thud of the ground sounded before the two pulled away, realizing that they were practically cuddling themselves in front of powerful masters. Flustered, both (Y/n) and Po pulled away, smiling to one another as they kept their hands connected still. What the masters stood on was a small, beautiful, yet simple little island. The only thing that resided on the island was a Peach tree, one similar to the Peach tree of Heavenly Wisdom.
     Rubbing the back of his neck, Po smiled sheepishly before his ears perked up, looking to Master Oogway for guidance, "So, now what do we do?"
     In all his glory, Oogway chuckled as he was lifted up into a swirl of petals, "Hmm, you tell me?"
     Po's eyes widened a bit, reaching for Oogway with his staffed hand as he called out, "Wait, no! Oogway, don't go-!"
     Instead of disappearing, Oogway appeared on one of the branches of the Peach tree, laying against the trunk with a smile, amusement evident in his voice , "I'm not going anywhere. I live here." (Y/n) had to cover her mouth as Po chuckled softly, lowering his arm nodding. "It is you who must decide whether to stay or go."
     At that, both (Y/n) and Po looked to each other before turning to Fang and Oogway, speaking in hopeful unison, "Wait. We can go back?"
     This time Fang spoke up, the she-wolf standing and leaning back against the trunk of the tree, "Who knows? We've never tried."
     (Y/n) could feel herself grinning, her tail wagging at the thought of seeing her friends again, the thought of living the rest of her life surging her hopes. She looked at Fang, both wolves exchanging a nod as Po drew a yin-yang symbol in the water. As the symbol grew, a shockwave of chi spread over the water, sucking both mammals into the water.

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