Kai's Desolation

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     Back at the Jade Palace, it had been a week and a half since Po had left with Li. In the time he had left, (Y/n) and the other masters had worked on a plan to stall Kai. Yet these plans were put on hold when messages arrows were shot to the Palace. Masters from across China were disappearing without a trace.
     This prompted for Shifu to have everyone in the valley and all the citizens inside to palace to evacuate. During this evacuation, Shifu had stayed at the palace, receiving the startling news as more and more masters were reported missing. Currently Shifu was sitting at the entrance of the Palace, surrounded by arrows as he was currently reading a message, "Master Lynx, Master Macaque and Master Takin are missing. They followed the jade creatures and never returned."
     Nearby, Monkey perked up as another arrow shot in their direction. Leaping up onto the Palace, he leaped into the air and caught it, landing swiftly. Hurrying over to Shifu, he looked over the sender before handing it to Shifu, "It's from the eastern province."
     Taking the arrow, Shifu frowned softly as he opened the scroll, only for his ears to pin back in anger, "Master Lizard. Master Ox. Master Eagle. All of them." With his anger, he sent it into his paw and snapped the arrow in half before tossing it and standing up, "In every village from the sea to here... Every master in China... has vanished."
     As he had spoke, Tigress placed down a scroll that was already opened, (Y/n) standing nearby with a similar scroll that had stated that Master Croc had disappeared. Her ears lowered at the news, looking down at Shifu as Monkey spoke, "Maybe they are all at a party?"
     Viper was quick to speak, turning to Monkey with a narrowed glance, "Monkey.."
     He quickly looked away, his joke to lighten the mood backfiring as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't get invited either."
     Shifu crossed his arms behind him, slowly turning towards the Palace looking at its carved details, "Kai has taken their chi. We are all that stand between him and the knowledge Oogway left in our care." Turning to his left, Shifu began walking towards the garden, where all the greatest masters statues were together, "The villagers. Evacuated?"
     The four were quick to follow him, Tigress nodding softly as she answered, "Done, master."
     Walking along the side of the Palace, Shifu glanced to them as he headed down a flight of stairs, "Crane? Mantis?"
     (Y/n) spoke up, shaking her head as she walked on the other side of Tigress, "We still haven't heard anything from them.."
     Gasping softly, Viper caught everyone's attention as she slithered forward, "Wait, it's them!"
     Everyone seemed to perk up hopefully, looking up towards the sky. They caught sight of Crane's form, but something was different, his normal lighter colors changed from light to a darker color. As the figure circled the palace, Shifu frowned as he realized his student had been turned to a jade zombie, "No!"
     Crane dived down towards the group and to the entrance of the garden, the fog around him turning green at his form. Everyone turned, quickly bending down to avoid Crane, as he passed and landed defensively at one side of the gardens entrance, Mantis following suit landing on the other. There was the sound of sharp metal against the tile as a tall figure emerged from the mist, his eyes bright with chi.
     The bull stepped forward a few feet ahead of Crane and Mantis, a smirk on his muzzle as he looked up at Oogway's statue, "Nice. Very tacky."
     Shifu's ears flicked towards his students, standing tall as he gripped Oogway's staff, "How dare you set foot on these grounds!"
     Kai brought his eyes from the statue to Oogway's students, "Look at you pathetic fools. Groveling at the feet of Oogway the Magnificent." For a second, Kai almost felt bad for them, for they didn't know the Oogway he had known, the things he had done.
     Tigress glared, gripping her paws as she looked over Kai, "You are not fit to speak his name."
     Chuckling, Kai smirked and raised his arms, allowing the chains at the end of his blades to wrap around his tones arms, "I am not fit, little kitten?~" In response, Tigress gave off a low growl, she, (Y/n), and the others getting in a defensive position, the only thing holding them back was when Shifu tapped his staff to the ground. Pointing a blade to the palace, Kai stepped forward, "I fought by his side. I loved him like a brother. And he... betrayed me." The bull closed his eyes for a moment, an expression of pain on his face as he recalled the betrayal from Oogway, "Well.. now I will destroy-" Raising his voice, he unwounded the chained blades and swung them quickly, "-everything he has created!"
     Shifu's eyes widened as the blades were swung in their direction, quickly waving his arm towards his students, "Go!"
     At once, everyone was lunging out of the wall, (Y/n) glancing back to see the stairs where they just were crumbled to pieces. Following after Viper, she scaled the nearest statue and ran to Kai's right side. Looking ahead, she charged as Monkey and Tigress couldn't get a hit on him, both quickly moving to avoid his counters.
     Lunging forward, she attacked as Viper managed to get Kai's back to her. Mid-kick lung, she raised her leg to kick his back, only to gasp as he grabbed her ankle and threw her to the side. Curling herself, she rolled over her shoulder and looked up in time to see Tigress get kicked away. Growling softly, (Y/n) looking around before perking up at an idea.
     Getting up, she ran over to the nearest statue and called down to Tigress, "I'll give you a boost!"
     Tigress looked back at (Y/n) confused before realizing where she was getting at, "Alright!" Looking back at Kai, her eyes narrowed as the blades were sent towards her. Lunging into the air, Tigress watched as (Y/n) leaped up behind her.
     "Now!" When she was above Tigress, (Y/n) let out a bark, sending a harsh gust of wind into Tigress's back.
     This sent Tigress right back at Kai, managing to get her to land a hard kick at th bull. At the contact, a shockwave of gold chi were released from his blades, knocking Kai back to his knees. Tigress smirked softly, her tail flicking softly as she landed in a defensive pose, "How's that for a little kitten?" Landing not far next to her, Tigress gave (Y/n) a thankful nod before turning her gaze back to Kai.
     The two females watched Kai closely as he kept his had down, his body seeming to tense up in anger. When he lifted his head, his eyes flashed bright green. Simultaneously, Crane perked up at the flash and quickly lunged attacking Tigress sending them both out of sight. (Y/n) gasped, turning about to go help her, "Tigress!"
     Before she could run though, she tensed up as Kai spoke to her, "You.. Little wolf.. Of all these fools, you seem to have as much chi as that panda." He shook his head slightly, tsking her softly as her reached a hoof behind him, "Now that's a problem." His eyes glowed brighter as he pulled a pendant from his belt, smirking as he brought it up to his face, "Keep her distracted~"
     Frowning softly, (Y/n) stepped back as he tossed the pendant to the ground, its form changing in mere moments. It started off as a mist before its body could be made clear. To (Y/n)'s horror, she stumbled back as the figure stood tall, their wings opening slightly as if she was going to take flight, "N-No!"
     Standing in front of her was Master Fang, her pelt, wings, everything now on her were the same color of jade. If it weren't for her wings, she would have been almost identical to any other wolf master. Jombie Fang looked down at (Y/n) with a glare, her posture already in stance as it seemed she was pondering over something. As (Y/n) stepped back, her fur rose a bit as this jombie began to sing, but it wasn't Fang's voice, more like an echo of it, "Hands on my neck, foot on my back~ Closing in from every side~"
     Pinning her ears back, (Y/n) frowned and attempted to talk sense to Fang, raising her arms to defend herself, "Master Fang! I know you're in there! You can fight this!"
     There was no reaction from the jombie as it lunged forward, throwing a punch and a jab at her, "Bleeding me dry, I'm fading fast~ Left for dead but I will rise up on my own~" Bending down, she lunged up and grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulders and dragged her into the air, "I could make it alone, I got all that I need to survive!~"
     (Y/n)'s eyes widened, quickly leaning to the side and jumping back to avoid the attack, "Fang plea-ahh!" She yelled out as she was lifted off the ground, being carried more towards the palace near Oogway's statue. Down below them, Monkey was struggling with Mantis, and Tigress and Viper were struggling with Crane.
     Once they were a little distances away, Fang threw the younger wolf towards the stairs, diving after her with glowing eyes, "Through th sweat and the blood, I know what I'm made of~ It's the hunger that keeps me alive~ This time, I'm coming like a hurricane, this time!~"
     When she was thrown to the ground, (Y/n)'s yelp was caught by the other masters. Tigress looked over in time to see (Y/n) struggling to get to her feet, the jombie Fang attacking her relentlessly, "Y/n!" As Tigress was about to run over, she grunted and stumbled down to a knee as jombie Mantis had flung Monkey into her and the others.
     At the same time, Master Shifu was battling with Kai, deterring him the best he could. Running along the base of a few statues, Shifu eventually made his way towards the middle, blocking Kai's blades as by kicking them into the cement. His ears perked forward as he ran along the chain before jumping into the air. Glaring down Kai, his focus was taken away as he spotted Oogway's pendant around the bulls neck.
     Seeing his focus gone, Kai grinned and threw a blade hard up at the red panda, hitting him in the head with the butt of it knocking him away. Shifu grunted, landing on the stairs nearest to Tigress, his fur ruffled and body sore. He could hear ringing, but through it he could make out Tigress's call and (Y/n) yelling out in the distance. Pushing himself up, he shook his head and looked back at (Y/n) and Fang, his eyes widening at the scene.
     From his view, Fang was pummeling (Y/n), no honor in the fight as it looked like (Y/n) was struggling to defend herself. Reaching forward, Shifu frowned as he struggled to stand, falling to his side, "Tigress! Help (Y/n)!"
     Kai watched the two, his eyes narrowing as he raised his glowing hoof and motioned towards himself, "Bring them to me.." Mantis was the first to respond, dragging Monkey to Kai as Crane did the same to Viper, all turning to pendants on Kai's belt, his dark laugh almost echoing at the new energy. By now, Fang had stopped her singing and grabbed (Y/n)'s ankle.
     Shifu's eyes widened, quickly pushing Tigress away towards the Jade warrior, "Before it's too late!"
     Tigress's eyes widened, turning around just in time to see Fang flying (Y/n) towards Kai. Moving quicker than her thoughts, she hissed and flipped herself, landing a hard kick at Fang's shoulder. The old masters grip let go at the kick, sending a flying (Y/n) into Tigress before it herself became a pendant.
     (Y/n) groaned softly, her body almost limp as Tigress managed to twist around to catch her. Laying her on the ground, Tigress growled and turned as if to run at Kai, only to stop as Shifu grabbed her wrist, "No! You both must go and warn Po!"
     Looking back at him, Tigress frowned and pleaded softly, "Master, please!"
     Shifu was about to respond, his ears pinned back at his pain before gasping as Kai flung a blade towards them. Reaching up, Shifu attempted to shove (Y/n)'s body into Tigress, yet his weakened strength could only do so much. With the blade landing between them, the force from it hitting the ground sent them in different directions, Shifu straight back more behind Oogway's statue, and Tigress and (Y/n) tumbling harshly down the hill.
     Shaking his head, Shifu pushed himself on his arms and watched as Kai's chained blades wrapped around the statues shell. From below the statue, Kai gripped the chains, his anger pooling with every word, "I will show you the true power of chi, brother." Where his hooves held the chain, a bright green light transmitted into the chains. Whipping the chains, he broke the statue from its place and began to spin it in the air, moving it slowly towards the palace.
     Raising his paw, Shifu called out in a final plea, "No!" With his call came nothing but destruction. Shifu was forced to watch helplessly as Kai threw Oogway's statue into a large chunk of the Jade palace before releasing it over the mountain towards the Valley of Peace. Shifu turned his body, his ears perked forward as he watched the statue fall and ultimately get destroyed on its way down.
     Kai moved from his spot, smirking darkly as he watched the destruction unfold. This feeling, this joy and satisfaction of watching his brothers work being wiped away, grew inside him. As Oogway's statue fell down the mountain, Kai chuckled and made his way towards Shifu. Walking towards him, he raised a brow and chuckled as he could faintly hear his words.
     Shifu lowered his head, shaking it slowly as ripped and broken scrolls fell around him, most still floating in the small breeze, "Oogway, forgive me." His ears twitched as Kai chuckled, turning his body to face this foe.
     As Kai neared him, he raised Oogway's pendant, which was attached to a necklace, up for Shifu to see, "Hmm? What do you say, Oogway? Do you forgive him?"
     Gripping his fists, Shifu struggled to hold himself up, "You may have destroyed the Jade Palace, but you will never succeed." He winced, taking a deep breath before continuing, "There will always be someone to stop you."
     Kai could almost laugh, leaning down slightly towards Shifu as he put Oogway's pendant away, "Who? The panda? The wolf?" He shook his head slightly, eventually stopping a few feet from Po, "Their chi is strong but... it won't be enough." Leaning closer to his height, he dropped his tone as Shifu struggled to stand, "He will meet the same fate as you..."
     Shifu grunted softly, straining at the pain as he glared up at him, "No.."
     Fixing his posture, Kai smirked and did a circular movement with his hooves, turning Shifu into a jade pendant, "And so will every panda in that village." When the transformation was complete, Kai grinned and allowed himself a moment for the chi to be transferred over, "Yes..."
     Unknown to Kai, Tigress had watched the whole thing from behind a boulder, her fur ruffled and her arm hurting. Looking away from the scene, her ears perked up as she spotted the jade scroll amongst a group of others near her. Grabbing it, she pulled it to her chest and whispered hopeful, "Po, I hope your ready."
     Turning tail, Tigress hurried over to a separate boulder down the hill. Sliding to a stop, she hurried and removed some brush she had put over (Y/n) when she had first found her. She presumed that from the initial impact it had knocked the warrior out cold. She looked down at (Y/n) with a worried frown, lifting her up onto her shoulder grunting softly, "Hold on just a bit longer, (Y/n) When we get to the village, Po will know what to do." With that said, she carried (Y/n) in the direction she had last seen Po and Li go, following their faint scent trail and lasting footprints.

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