Let the Battle Begin

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I want to say in this is a duet! So the normal is you! And bold Fang!! I have a feeling you all are gonna like this duet. And also, sorry for the long wait of this chapter! But I think once you see what I had to deal with the second half of this one, why it took so long. I hope you all enjoy!!

I also apologize because Wattpad is not letting me put the song on the top that's in the duet! I'm posting the video just below this writing! I recommend listening to the video before reading to kinda have in mind how the singing will be!

Also this chapter has 4,452 words! The longest of all the chapters made so far!
     That same evening, Po and (Y/n) rounded up the village for dinner, and to discuss the plans on defeating Kai. Although it took a bit to get everyone situated and listening, Po stood at the head of the table, a bamboo stick in his paw, "Ok, pay attention, 'cause I'm only gonna go over this ten more times!"
     Even if he wasn't going to do it, it sure felt like it, as he did repeat it twice already. Spread out on the table in front of him was the map of the village, showing off even the ice valleys around it. On the map was a small pile of dumplings, a pile of cookies, and a pile of noodles.
     As he spoke, (Y/n) stood nearby with Mr. Ping and Li, as it would be better for Po to tell the plan as he knew more about the village than she did, "The only entrance to the village is here. The dumpling squadron will take position here, while the cookie squadron will take position here." Using the stick, he pushed the two piles at the entrance, in front of a group of kids before looking away, "Now, on my signal, the two squadrons will-"
     A soft crunching caught his attention as he looked back, going quiet as we watched the kids eat the food. They all looked up wit him wide eyed, a rumble of chuckles and laughter spreading through the crowd, "Right, ok." Turning across from there where the noodles were, Po turned and pointed before stopping short staring at the empty space, "The noodle squadron will.."
     His silence was cut as a child slurped at the noodles, laughter again rolling through everyone, (Y/n) joining in with soft giggles, "Alright, ok. Anyway, the important thing to remember is that this is the spot where-" Waving the bamboo, he placed it down in an open spot before gasping as he nearly fell forward, a cub in front of him devouring the length of the stick with ease. Raising a brow at the short stick, Po laughed and tossed it backwards waving his paws, "Ok, saw that one coming. If you only remember one thing, it's to distract the jombies until I get close enough to put the Wuxi Finger Hold on Kai. You got it?"
     With a thumbs up, Po looked around at everyone as they cheered and dispersed from the table, heading towards their positions. Even though (Y/n) tried to get to Po through the crowd, she was stopped short as Lei Lei grabbing her and Tigress's paws, leading them both away from him giggling.
     With her tail wagging softly, (Y/n) looked back at Po and mouthed quietly, "Sorry." She did feel that way for not being able to get to him, but spending time with Lei Lei made up for it with how cute she was.
     Po chuckled softly, nodding back to her as he watched the three of them walk off to a small opening. Looking back to the table, Po pulled out the Jade scroll and opened it up, extending it out over the table. Putting it down, he stopped at the image of Master Oogway and Kai fighting.
     He frowned softly to himself, reading over Oogway's handwriting before perking up at movement from the corner of his eye. Looking over to his right, he was surprised to see Li bent over another section of the scroll. The older pandas paw drifting over the image of Master Oogway and the pandas of the past healing him.
     Tilting his head slightly, Li squinted his eyes as he looked over their paws, how they were moving. Looking down at his own, he was going to try the movements himself before stopping as Po came to his side. Averting his eyes away, Li frowned as the guilt from before arose inside him, "I..." He turned slightly to Po, speaking softly before lowering his eyes, "I wish I could have taught you this son."
     Frowning softly, Po patted his back gently, It's ok, Dad. I'm-"
     He stopped as a sharp clinking sound, as if metal were being hit against each other, sounded off in the near distance. The village went silent, everyone looking to the entrance, the smiles wiped away from their faces.
     For a moment, Tigress nor (Y/n) heard the sound till everyone went quiet. They were sat on their knees, flowers placed over them behind their ears and along their necks given by Lei Lei. Looking up from their spot, the two looked to each other as it grew louder, their ears flicking in the direction they were coming from.
     Sniffing slightly at the air, the fur on (Y/n)'s neck rose in alarm, not expecting the battle to come so soon, "He's here.." Her voice shook slightly, her tail raising before she was calmed by a paw on her shoulder.
Looking forward, she relaxed slightly seeing at it was Tigress who was holding it, "It's ok (Y/n), we're winning this fight.. Today is Kai's last day.."
     Nodding back, she stood up and headed over to Po, her ears perked forward, "You ready for this?"
     Smirking softly, Po nodded and grabbed her paw gripping it carefully, "Always, now lets show him who we're really made of."
(Y/n) slowly smiled, her tail swaying softly as she looked towards the entrance, "Then lets get going!"
     At that, Po turned and let go of her Po, running towards the entrance of the village. (Y/n) followed close behind him, glancing back to see the villagers disappearing to their places. Sighing relieved, she looked back to Po and stopped next to him, looking out over the ice ledge.
     The was a few seconds of silence before a large figure leaped into view, chains falling next to him as he landed. His body was tense, his eyes glowing brighter than they ever had so far. Slowly standing, he turned towards the villages entrance, where Po and (Y/n) currently stood.
     To Kai's and (Y/n)'s surprise, Po was cheering loudly, it being loud enough to echo to him, "WOAH! That's what I call a dramatic entrance!" She hated to admit it, but Po was right, that entrance was pretty cool.
     Narrowing his eyes up at them, Kai could see both Po and (Y/n)'s chi radiating off of them. Since he had already met with the wolf, he was more focused on Po, watching as the panda seemed a bit awkward at the intense stare. Smirking, he walked forward and pointed a blade up at him "Haha! You must be the dragon warrior."
     Pointing right back, Po quickly regained his posture, "And you... must be Kai! Beast of Vengeance. Maker of Widows."
     For a moment, Kai stopped all movements, shocked that the only being to remember his names was one of his rivals, "Yes! Finally!" He spread his arms out, before pointing the blade up at Po, continuing to use it to scratch his chin, "Thank you! Almost makes me wanna spare your life."
     Taking his paws off his hips, Po made a talking gesture with his paws before jumping into a defensive stance, "Oh, you wanna spare me? How about you spare me the chitchat, alright? Let's do this."
Ignoring his words, Kai chuckled as he made his way off the steps and into the ice clearing, "I'm going to take your chi, then the chi of every panda in the-"
     Cutting him off, Po groaned loudly, "Ugh, chitchat!"
"In the-"
     Po winked back at (Y/n) motioning for her to join him as he danced around waving his hands, which she gladly agreed to join, "Chitty chitty chat chat!"
     "Chat chat chat!"
     Thinking the two were done, Kai glared as he tried to continue what he was going to say, "In the-"
     Po was quick to turn to him, adding for a mini finale, "Chitchat!"
     Glaring darkly up at the two, Kai growled and reached down, pulling off many enslaved masters into his hoof, "Oh, you pudgy little..." Po and (Y/n) slowly backed up into the village, keeping their eyes on Kai, making sure that it was all going to plan. Bringing his hoof to his muzzle, Kai whispered to the pendants, "Round them all up."
     With his other hoof, he swung a blade quickly into the air, tossing up the pendants after Po and (Y/n). The two warriors looked up, watching in shock as the pendants landed and transformed into the previous masters. Po at first smiled at the ancient ones before it dropped as the Four, Shifu, and Master Fang landed in the front.
(Y/n) backed up closer to Po, her ears pinning back slightly at seeing her old Master, she would need to be tricky this time. On the other hand, Po gasped and covered his mouth, "Oh no! It's true... You guys have all been turned green!" When his eyes landed on Mantis, his fear lowered slightly as he didn't look much different, "Except for you, Mantis, you were already green."
     Despite being jombies, the jombie mantis let out a small tic noise, his eyes narrowing up at Po. From behind the buildings, the pandas looked on in worry, glancing to one another.
     Sum looked over at Bao, worried for his cousin, "Now?"
     Bao frowned softly, whispering back, "Wait for the signal."
     From down below, a loud yell could be heard echoing to them, and with that the jombies were on the move. Jumping back, Po smiled and called out, "Here we go!"
Running after him, (Y/n) glanced back and watched as Crane flew high. Quickly, she turned and called over to Po, "Jump!"
     Po nodded and quickly jump, spinning in the air as (Y/n) slid under. On his way down, he grunted and caught Master Croc's snout, closing it quickly as he tried to slow him down watching Crane high above, "Dumpling squad!"
     In the distance there was faint voices yelling, then suddenly two pandas were flying through the air! With their arms out, Dim and Sum launched themselves directly to Crane, a shockwave coming from the connection, "Belly Gong!!"
     In surprise, Kai looked through his own eyes to see what had happened to one of his flyers, smirking in amusement chuckling softly, "Seriously?"
     Landing near Po and (Y/n), Crane fell with his beak stabbed into the ground from the landing, Dim giving them a thumbs up, "We did it!"
     Smiling, Po turned and pushed Cranes legs apart, leaping over him apologizing quietly, "Sorry, Crane!"
     As Po continued forward, (Y/n) looking back and watched as Master Chicken lunged for Po. Leaping up, she twisted her body and kicked Master Chicken back into the crowd before following Po again, "Aha!"
     Po smiled back at her before his eyes widened watching at Master Croc went to snap at her. Fumbling over his words he reached and quickly grabbed her, pulling her into his chest a moment before Croc could snap her, "Gotcha!" Jumping out of his reach, Po smiled at (Y/n)'s shocked expression and grabbed a pan from reinforcements, proceeding to carry her along the side of the building tossing her up to the rooftop.
     Yelping softly, (Y/n) landed in a crouch and turned to watch Po, giggling softly as she watched the panda bounce off Croc's head to get to her. At the same time, he grinned and nodded for her to give the next signal, both of them running along the rooftop, "Spring roll squad! It's time for some takeout!"
     In the distance, three pandas nodded and began rolling down the small mountain towards them. As the three mad their way along a path, (Y/n) helped Po hold the masters in their spot behind the pan. Grunting softly, the two looked over and smiled relieved when the three barreled through the masters, knocking Viper, Bear, Chicken, and Boar off the rooftop.
     The masters all stopped, looking down at the pandas glaring before hearing a sharp whistle. Snapping their heads in its direction, they glared to see Po and (Y/n) at the end of the rooftop, "Over here, Mr. Jombie!" Jumping down with the pan below them, (Y/n) stuck her tongue out to taunt them as they disappeared over the edge. Upon jumping off the roof, the two laughed as they slid down the snow, using the pan as a makeshift sled. Looking back, (Y/n) nodded to Po, watching as the jombies continued to follow them, "They're still following."
     "Good!" At the end of their ride, the bounced off a hidden panda and began running, Po looking back to watch, "And that's how we're gonna keep it!"
     From underneath the snow, Big Fun laughed as he slowly rose, the snow falling off of him, "Ha ha!" With outstretched arms, he engulfed Monkey in a tight hug, squeezing him in a bearhug as the jombies ran by, "I don't know who you are either."
     Grunting in approval, Po smiled and called out, "Noodle squad!"
     In a flash, a red ribbon wrapped around one of the Badgers staffs, whipping it to hit against the other twin. The two looked at their new opponent, glaring as Mei Mei swung both her ribbon and nunchucks, "Get ready to dance, with danger!" With precise movements, Mei managed to wrap the twins in her ribbons, attacking them relentlessly, giving them less time to react.
     Running through the village together, Po and (Y/n) lead Croc to Tigress, where the feline lunged from the darkness startling the croc. (Y/n) smiled and called out, punching the air to cheer her on, "Go get him Tigress!"
     There were only three masters left in the chase, Master Bear, Shifu, and Fang. Looking back at the three, Po frowned and hummed softly, he knew how to handle them, but to battle Fang risks greater damage to the panda village. Looking around for (Y/n), he eventually waved her down and called out, "Hey (Y/n)! Have you figured out where you are gonna lead Master Fang away?"
     Frowning softly, (Y/n) hummed and looked around before spotting a nearby ledge to get to the ice valley. Thinking quickly, she nodded and veered off to his left, "I do! Would it change the plan if I took her down to the ice?"
     Looking that way, Po shook his head, "No, I don't think it shoULD!" He grunted as he tripped and fell forward, quickly rolling onto his back crawling back from Bear, who had begun to raise an axe. Raising his paw to defend himself, Po sighed relieved as the hacky sack kids sent firecrackers at the Jade Master.
     (Y/n) had almost ran over, slowing halfway as the kids fought the master, "You okay?" Reaching down, she pulled Po back up to his feet, nudging him along to keep running, "That fall looked like it hurt."
     Helping her get himself up, Po smiled and waved with his free paw smiling, "No I'm alright! Just a little scratch!" Leading her towards the bridge, he kicked Master Chicken out of the way and continued what he didn't finish earlier, "As long as you keep her out of the way, you can fight on the ice. Just please be careful for me, alright?"
     Nodding softly, she smiled and pulled ahead of him, "Got it!" Once across the bridge, she let Shifu pass her and spotted Master Fang following not far behind him. Furrowing her brows, she took a deep breath and yelled to her, throwing a rock at her, "Hey Fang!" As the rock connected to her head, the master stopped and turned to her glaring, "That's right I'm talking to you! Come at me!"
     Turning tail, (Y/n) hurried to the nearest ledge and spun around to face Fang, smirking as the master lunged at her. During her mid-lunge, (Y/n) ducked low and got to her back, kicking up sending Fang over the ledge. Rolling onto her feet, she hurried to the edge and looked over, her ears perking alarmed to see that Fang had opened her wings, "Crap!"
     Watching as she flew up towards her, (Y/n) took a deep breath and took a few steps back. You only got one shot! Running forward, she leaped off the ledge, stretching her arms out in time to grab one of Fangs jade wings. Gasping softly, she gripped the wing tightly, forcing Fang to free fall with her towards the ice. Trying to stay out of her reach, she tensed her jaw and spun them both, throwing Fang hard below her. As Fang hit the ground (Y/n) opened her muzzle and let out a low bark, the force behind it bouncing off Fang and back up to her, allowing herself a softer landing.
     Landing in a low stance, the (f/c) wolf slid a few feet along the ice before spinning to face Fang. From her position, it looked like the older she-wolf was dazed for a moment, shaking her head as she stood to her own paws. When she spotted (Y/n) her eyes narrowed and she raised her arms in a stance, moving carefully toward her. Fang began to take what seemed to take a slow breath, a single thought racing through (Y/n)'s head. I can't let her lead the beat!
     Thinking quickly, she took a sharp breath and began to sing, "Ooh oh oh oh~ Ooh oh oh oh!~ B-B-Be careful making wishes in the dark!~ Can't be sure when they've hit their mark!~" Slowly walking towards Fang, she kept herself as level as she could, trying to move around her towards the snow where she could have a better grip on the ground, "And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart!~"
     Fangs eyes seemed to narrow, glaring at the she-wolf as she dug her claws into the ice, allowing herself easier grip as she moved quickly towards (Y/n), "No time!~ Get mine and make no excuses waste of precious breath!~" She slowly opened her wings, her canines glistening as she flew up and towards (Y/n), both singing at once, "The sun shines on everyone!~ Everyone love yourself to death!~" "My songs know what you did in the dark!~"
     Lowering her head, Fang dove towards (Y/n), attempting to knock her backwards, "So you gotta fire up!~"
     Crossing her arms over her chest, (Y/n) tensed her legs as she was send sliding towards the snow, "So light em up up up!~ Light em up up up!~" Once reaching the snow, she ran back a few feet and tossed up a rock, kicking it hard in Fangs direction, "So light em up up up!~ I'm on fire!~" Seeing as it hit Fang in one of her wings, she turned and headed to the few trees behind her, hoping to get Fang out of the air quicker, "Light em up up up!~ Light em up up up!~ Light em up up up!~ I'm on fire!~"
     Fangs ears pinned back, barely affected by the rock as she started to circle the trees, her voice seeming to echo around (Y/n), "A son of a stepfather!~ A son of a-" "Ooh oh oh oh!~ In the dark!~" Closing her wings, she dove down at the she-wolf, barely missing as she dove out of the way, "I'm so sorry!~"
     Diving out of the way, (Y/n) spun to face Fang, watching as the larger wolf landed and spun on her heels, "Ooh oh ohoh!~" Barely giving Fang enough to turn, (Y/n) rushed forward and jumped into the air. Spinning midair, she extended her leg and kicked as hard as she could, sending Fang back first into a tree, "In the dark-dark!~"
     When Fang hit the tree, there was a large cracking sound, splinters shooting from the side of the tree. Dropping to her feet, she shook her head slightly before looking ahead to (Y/n) glaring, "No lies and no deceiving~ That is what he loves~" Narrowing her eyes, she ran towards (Y/n) with the same speed, throwing a barrage of kicks and punches, "I keep tryin' to conceive that death is from above!~ No time!~"
     Leaning back, (Y/n) narrowly dodged the attacks, "A constellation of tears on your lashes~ Burn everything you love-" Sliding along the snow, she duck under a kick before jumping up behind Fang, "Then burn the ashes!~" Raising her arm, she lunged in and clashed her arms with Fang, "In the end everything collides!~ My childhood spat back out the monster that you see!~" Sweeping her leg, she managed to trip Fang, forcing her to stumble back, "My songs know what you did in the dark!~" "The sun shines on everyone, everyone love yourself to death!~"
     "So you gotta fire up!~ You gotta let go!~ (So light em up up up!~ Light em up up up!~)" Opening her wings, Fang quickly steadied herself, turning her body to spin back towards (Y/n), their voices mixing together, "You'll never be loved till you've made your own!~ (Light em up up up!~ I'm on fire!~)" The jade master leaned forward, attempting to snap her jaws at the young warrior, "You gotta face up!~ You gotta get yours!~ (So light em up up up!~ Light em up up up!~)"
     Grabbing onto the (f/c) wolf's arm, she yanked her closer, "You never know the top till you get to low!~-" Her voice was cut off as (Y/n) jumped up, connecting her knee to Fangs jaw stunning her, "Light em up up up!~ I'm on fire!~" With Fang momentarily stunned, (Y/n) turned her back to her and grabbed her arm. Yanking forward, she flipped the larger wolf over her shoulder and down into the snow.

~Back with Po~

     Up above, Po smiled bright as he watched both his dads fighting Shifu, "Go, Dads! Yeah!" He cheered them on, currently they were wearing a makeshift Master Rhino outfit, made out of baskets and bamboo. Looking around at how everyone was fighting, Po's smile grew into a grin. Hurrying over to the side of the cliff, Po looked down at the fight between (Y/n) and Fang, his eyes almost sparkling as from his view, to see how (Y/n) was fighting, her movements, everything, she was graceful, beautiful..
     Looking up, he smirked as in the distance he could see Kai fidgeting. Although he couldn't hear him, it seemed that he was struggling to get his jade warriors under control of the fight. On the other hand with Kai, it was very true. He could see through the eyes of every warrior, and all he could see were blinding flashes of Chi and pandas, "Stop. Stop!" With each warrior he switched to, he would turn his head, feeling the hits of his attackers, "Enough!"
     Climbing up to the roof of one of the houses, Po had a determined look on his face, satisfied with how everything was working, "Let's finish this!" Jumping off the edge of the building, Po pulled himself into a ball, successfully rolling down a snowy hillside. As he rolled, the snow around him began to form, surrounding him in a giant snowball. Speeding past (Y/n) and Fang, Po braced himself as he felt the snow beginning to break apart.
     As Kai looked through the eyes of his warriors, his brows furrowed together confused as he glanced back through Fang's eyes. He could see himself and behind him a giant snow ball? Turning around, everything seemed to slow down as his eyes widened, watching as the ball collided with him. For a few seconds, the snow blinded his view, but what it didn't stop was his sense of touch. In his shock, he felt something grab his finger, it was then when he froze in a defensive stance, the Dragon Warrior had snuck up on him!
     Po smirked, his ears perked forward as he held Kai in his place, with a raised pinkie, he held the bull in a Wuxi Finger Hold. Taking a moment to catch his breath, Po could only see the shock on Kai's face as he wiggled his own pinkie, "Sorry, buddy. Gotta send you back to the spirit realm. Skadoosh!" He lowered his pinky, bracing himself for the gold rays that consumed him when he did the same to Tai Lung.

Nothing happened.

     The silence between them was deafening, and soon their stances lowered slightly. Kai's tense body relaxed and Po straightened up, his smile now gone. Shaking his head, he leaned back before trying again, "Ok, that didn't work. Let me try one more time." He lowered his pinkie again, a determined look on his face, "Skadoosh!" Looking up at Kai, it dropped again as h realized nothing was happened, so he continued to lower his pinkie again and again, "Skadoosh, skadoosh, skadoo- What the?" Leaning forward, he looked down at their hands, why wasn't it working?
     "Hold on, wait!" Kai pulled his arm away from Po, mock fear in his voice as he held his wrist, pulling it close to his chest, "It's working! No! No!" Grabbing onto his face, he began to cough, holding onto his hair and then his throat pretending to choke. Unable to keep up his charade, Kai dropped his arms, chuckling as he slowly straightened up. "Nohoho, it's not~ Did Oogway teach you that little trick?"
     Watching Po's reaction, Kai's smirk turned into a dark grin, stepping towards the panda as he seemed to be in disbelief, "Too bad. It only works on mortals. And I-" Reaching up, he pokes Po's nose before grabbing the pandas wrist, "-am a spirit warrior.." Twisting Po's wrist, Kai glared down at him before turning away, his voice echoing across the ice and to the village, "Come!"

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