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I want to say in this is a short duet! So the normal is you! And underline is you and ____! I have a feeling you all are gonna like this duet.

Also I didn't expect to write such a long chapter early on in this book. So that's a my bad!

     After the training fiasco, Po and (Y/n) had gone down and gotten the food for everyone. Since the Five we're still freshly hurt, neither didn't want them to have to struggle down and back up the Jade Mountains stairs. Except this time, instead of staying together to eat, Po and (Y/n) went off to eat on their own together, away from the others. They both had the heavy feeling of guilt in their stomach, almost keeping them from eating, especially Po.
     Currently they were sitting under a Plum Blossom tree, the same tree where Po had asked her to be his girlfriend. At the time when he had asked her, the tree was in full bloom, small pink flowers littering the tree and the ground. They had been practicing stance, to keep their center still while the other would say or do things to distract the other. Po won that day when he asked (Y/n) to be his girlfriend, the initial shock of the question catching her off guard.
     She always thought that she would have to be the one to ask him, but she didn't mind this change on bit. After a bit of talking they eventually agreed to keep this relationship a secret. It was hard the first few weeks, but then got easier as time went on. By now there ware almost 8 months into their relationship, almost 8 months since Shen's defeat. Po and (Y/n) sat at opposites sides of the tree trunk, their lunches half eaten in their laps.
     From her spot, (Y/n)'s ears flicked back hearing Po's sigh, he hadn't been his cheery self since after the training session. Turning her head, (Y/n) glanced to the bark of the trunk and reached her arm back, "Po, what's on your mind?"
     Po lowered his chopsticks, a frown on his muzzle as he closed his eyes, "I don't know... I just feel a bit guilty for the trouble we caused to the others." He glanced his emerald eyes to the side and perked up seeing (Y/n)'s paw reaching around the trunk. Reaching to it, he gently took hold of her paw and gripped it gently, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand.
     Feeling his paw grab hers, (Y/n) smiled softly and looked back over the fading mountains ahead of her, "It's not your fault Po, and it's not ours either. We've only been warriors for almost two years, the five have been warriors most of their lives."
     The panda nodded slightly, understanding what she meant, yet guilt was still a strong feeling to overcome. He stayed quiet for a few moments, pondering on what she had said before perking up at a thought, "Hey (N/n)?"
     The (f/c) wolf tilted her head slightly towards his voice, smiling at the nickname he had given her, "Yeah?"
He took a small breath, as if thinking of how to ask before smiling softly, "Could you... sing that song? The one that reminds me of us and cheers me up when I'm down?"
     She couldn't stop her tail from wagging softly, blushing slightly as she could hear his quiet chuckle, "Of course." With her free hand, she removed her finished meal off her lap and placed it to the side before she began softly, "Merrily we fall out of line, out of line~ I'd fall anywhere with you, I'm by your side~ Swinging in the rain, humming melodies~ We're not going anywhere until we freeze~"
     As she sang, she scooted her way around the tree in the direction with their connected paws, "I'm not afraid anymore~ I'm not afraid~" Reaching Po's side, she smiled up at him before leaning her head into his shoulder, "Forever is a long time~ But I, I wouldn't mind spending it by your side~" Closing her eyes, she giggled as Po let go of her paw and instead wrapped it around her shoulder.
     While she continued to sing, Po reached with his left paw and retook her paw in his, "Carefully we'll place for our destiny~ You came and you took this heart and set it free~" Opening her eyes, she looked up to see Po smiling down at her, "Every word you write and sing is so warm to me~"
     "So warm~"
     "To me~ I'm torn, I'm torn~ To be right where you are~" As they finished, the two leaned in and gently pressed their foreheads together, looking into each others eyes. For a few seconds they were quiet before Po chuckled and pulled away, kissing her nose, "I love you so much, you know that right?"
     (Y/n) could feel the heat hush under her (f/c) fur, smiling brightly as she leaned in, nuzzling into his neck, "I know, you tell me almost every day." Her tail wagged almost as if she was a pup again, the fur on her neck fluffing up slightly. Looking up at him from his neck, she kissed at his cheek before leaning back tilting her head, "Wanna head back to the palace? We could go pay a visit to Master Oogway?"
     Po smiled back, his brows furrowing slightly as he nodded, "Yeah, lets get heading back." Standing up, he pulled (Y/n) with him, holding her bridal style effortlessly. Spinning her lightly, Po laughed and eventually stood her up. He stood there, looking down at her with adoration before holding her paw and walking her back to the Jade Palace.

Kung Fu Panda 3. Po x Wolf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now