"A promise?"

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     Standing up slowly, Po repeated the words back to himself, "True master of chi?" Grinning, he turned and quickly pointed to Shifu, "Like you!"
     For a second, all eyes went to Shifu as the red panda turned to Po shocked, "Me? I can barely make a flower bloom. I'd need at least thirty more years, and a cave."
     From the doorway lading into the library, Li stood holding his hat to his chest. Hearing what Shifu had said about pandas made him frown and think, before an idea popped into his head. As the other masters spoke quietly to one another, he watched as Po and (Y/n) snuck away towards a section of the scroll.
     Bending down to his knees, Po leaned down and lifted the scroll paper gently into his paws. The fur on his face lit up slightly from its golden glow as he looked at the scene. Reaching forward, he carefully felt the paper next to Master Oogway and the pandas, 'Cool...'
     Beside him, (Y/n) tilted her head at the images, marveling at the fact that there could have been panda masters. Looking between Po and the scroll, (Y/n) smiled softly and gently nudged him, prompting Po to look at her, "Wouldn't it be cool if we were able to do that?"
     Po chuckled softly and nodded back, tracing a finger along the golden lines, "Yeah, it would be awesome to do this!"
Suddenly, Li spoke up from his spot, stepping towards the pair smiling, "I can teach you, son."
     Not far from the older panda, Mr. Ping gasped softly, his eyes widening worriedly. Po perked up at the request, looking up at Li shocked, "You can do this?" By now the other warriors had stopped talking, turning to face the four with interest.
     Chuckling softly, Li smiled and nodded his head, his hat held to his stomach, "Well, of course. I'm a panda."
     Slowly standing up, Po's ears perked up slightly at a sudden realization, "That must be why the universe sent you here!" Jumping in place, he looked down to the ground for a moment as if preparing himself, "Okay, so what do I have to do?"
Smiling wide at his son, Li seemed to be excited too, "You have to come home with me?"
     From behind them, Mr. Ping gasped out, "What?"
     (Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit too, her ears pinning back as she looked back at Mr. Ping worried. Of coarse she wanted Po to be happy and hang out with his father, but would she be able to come too?
     Po's pupils dilated at the thought, "To the secret village?"
     "Yes, son. You must rediscover what it is to be a panda." Walking forward, Li grinned and placed it paw on Po's shoulder, "You have to learn how to live like a panda, sleep like a panda,-" Reaching down, Li gently patted Po's stomach, "-eat like a panda. Those 103 dumplings?" Chuckling softly, Li shrugged his shoulders before looking at Po with a raised brow, "Hmph... I was just warming up."
     By now, the green in Po's eyes were almost hidden away, his jaw dropped in awe as he spoke quickly, "I've always felt like I wasn't eating up to my full potential."
     Butting in between them, Mr. Ping glared up at Li, "You can't take Po away from me. No, no, I want a second opinion." Shaking his head, he turned and waved his wings picking up a scroll, "Shifu, open another scroll or something."
     For a second Shifu looked as if he was thinking before smiling and holding his paws together, "I think he should go."
     Tossing away the scroll in his wing, Mr. Ping looked over to the following warriors, hope rising in his voice, "Fine, a third opinion. Monkey? Viper?" Turning to the (f/c) wolf, Mr. Ping held his wings together in hopes she would speak up, "(Y/n)?"
     (Y/n)'s ears pinned back slightly, frowning as she spoke gently to the goose, "Mr. Ping, it isn't my choice to make." Looking up at Po, she smiled sadly and nodded to him, "He can choose his own path."
     Looking down at (Y/n), Po nodded back before speaking to Mr. Ping, "Dad, you heard what Shifu said Oogway said." Waving his paw back to the jade scroll, Po slowly lowered his arms, "This guy can only be stopped by a master of chi-" He brought his paws up to his chest, "-and I can only master chi by knowing who I really am." Looking away from the goose, Po pointed towards Li smiling, "Well... I'm a panda."
     Mr. Ping was silent for a few seconds, looking between the three before walking away sadly, "I'll pack your lunch for the road."
     Li looked down at Mr. Ping frowning softly before looking down at Po, "Alright, so I guess we'll go and get your things? Are they down at the shop?"
     Po smiled and nodded, "Yeah, some of my stuff is down there. And he's probably going to pack everything at the restaurant." He was about to lead Li out the door before stopping and looked back at (Y/n). Perking up at a thought, he quickly turned back to Li, "Hey, uh, dad? Can (Y/n) come with us to the village?"
     Li's eyes widened as he looked between Po and (Y/n) not expecting such a question, "I'm sorry Po, but the village is a secret to pandas only." With a claw, he pointed to (Y/n) shaking his head slowly, "She's no panda. And imagine how the village would react if suddenly a wolf was introduced to the village?" Leaning forward, Li shook his head and grabbed Po's shoulder, "The last time they saw a wolf was when our last home was attacked.. I don't think they will be too welcoming of her."
     At the last bit, (Y/n)'s heart seemed to sting at his words, they wouldn't welcome her because she's a wolf? Pinning her ears back, she frowned and spoke up to him, her voice slightly shaky, "Th-That was years ago, times have changed right? I'm not like my uncle, I-I can promise you that."
     "I'm sorry (Y/n), but the answer is still no, we cannot share the location of the village with anyone." Turning back to Po, Li frowned softly and let go of his shoulder, "I'll see you at the shop, from there we can make our way back to the village."
     The two watched as Li left the library before looking towards each other. It was when they heard a cough, that they realized that the other masters were there, listening to the whole conversation. Po looked up at them, and nodded his head towards the door. Getting the hint, the other warriors and Shifu left the library after Li, mumbling to one another about waiting outside the palace to say their goodbyes.
     There was a faint noise of doors clicking shut before silence fell between the two. Po was the first to move, frowning softly as he walked in front of her taking her paws in his, "Hey, don't mind what he said.. I guess he isn't as adjusted to you yet."
     Frowning softly, her ears pinned back while her eyes remained to trh ground, "Do you believe that? Or do you think it's something wrong with me?"
     Tha panda's eyes widened at her words, shocked that she would think that before shaking his head, "No. No, there's nothing wrong with you." Letting go of one of her paws, he gently grabbed her face and made her look at him, his eyes locked with her (e/c) ones, "Listen here, there's nothing you need to change. While I'm up at the village, I will prove to him and make him believe that the times have changed, and that you aren't like the ones who had attacked them. Trust me."
     At first she tensed up when he grabbed her before relaxing. Tearing up slightly, she smiled softly and nodded, leaning forward to hug onto him, "O-Ok. And Po, I have something to ask, or, more of a request."
     Po was quick to return her hug, holding her tight as he wiped her tears away before raising a brow, "Of coarse, anything for you."
     Sniffling softly, she slowly looked up at him and rested her chin on his chest, "That race yesterday, because I won, I'd like to turn it into a promise."
     "A promise?"
     Nodding slightly, she glanced away before meeting his gaze, "Can you promise me that you'll be safe while your gone?.. I don't.. I don't want to lose you to this, Kai."
     Smiling, Po nodded as he leaned down, kissing the bridge between her eyes nodding, "Of coarse, I promise to you that while I'm gone, and while we're apart, that I'll be safe." He then sighed softly, tilting her head up and gently giving her a small kiss, "I love you (Y/n), you know that right?"
     "Thank you." Her smile grew when he agreed to the promise, closing her eyes for a moment before blushing brightly at the second kiss, heat building along her cheeks as she l looked up at him happily, "I-I know you do. I love you too." She couldn't stop her tail from wagging slowly behind her.
     "I guess it's time for me to go." Hugging her close, Po slowly pulled away and rubbed her cheek, "I think it would be better that you stay up here, I'll still wave to you before I go."
     Frowning softly, (Y/n) nodded gently as she leaned into his hand, "Ok, I promise to wave back."

~Small Timeskip~
     It didn't take long for Po to reach Li down in the valley. With his pack set up, Po followed his father to the entrance of the village. For a moment he stopped and turned, waving up to (Y/n) who stood at the side of the palace away from the other warriors.
     Although Po couldn't see it, her ears pinned back as she waved back with a small frown. She wished that she could go with him, but in order for him to find his potential he would need to be without her.
     When Po had turned back and left, (Y/n) turned and made her way back to the rooms. Her chest hurt slightly, she was going to miss him, and even with him now gone, his scent would linger around the room.
     Closing her eyes, she took a small breath and sang softly, "Youngblood thinks there's always tomorrow~" Walking through their room, she dragged her paw gently along a desk, "I'll miss your touch on nights when I'm hollow~"
     Turning towards the bed, she plopped onto her back, "I know you've crossed the bridge that I can't follow~" Blinking her eyes open, she sat up and looked at a framed painting of her and Po, "Since the love that you left is all that I get, I want you to know~"
     Grabbing the frame, she smiled at it before hugging it carefully, "That if I can't be close to you~ I'll settle for the ghost of you~" Placing the frame back where it was, she closed her eyes as if she was thinking, "I'll miss you more than life~"
     "And if you can't be next to me~" With another slow breath, her ears perked forward as she could almost see Po's figure through his scent, "Your memory is ecstasy~"
     Reaching forward, she grabbed his paw, allowing this imaginary figure to spin her slowly, "I'll miss you more than life~" Slowly opening her eyes, she was back to facing the bedroom door, the figure gone, but his scent still there, "I'll miss you more than life~" Sighing softly, she exited the room, closing the door behind her.

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