The New Teacher

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So there's one small part for the meal, because we can't do burgers or pizzas, imagine what you would usually get at either a Hibachi grill or a Chinese Restaurant. This will be for (f/m) - favorite meal


     The morning was cool and relaxing, the citizens of the Valley of Peace already either beginning their days or starting to wake up. Though up in the Jade Palace was a much different story. Laughter filled the hallway, followed by a pair of pounding footsteps. As they echoed through the hall, the furious five one by one awoke from their sleep.
     Kicking the door open, Po leaped out first, his trusty guardian and secret girlfriend, (Y/n) following close behind. Side by side they landed in a standing pose, Po yelling out with a raised fist, "Justice! Is about to be served!"
     Together the two leaped off the top of the stairs, halfway down the furious five leaping after them. (Y/n) payed no attention to the group at the moment, her eyes straight ahead at the upcoming statues. She and Po would race down to the village a few times in the week, always ready to see who would beat the other to Mr. Pings noodle shop.
     As Po headed for Oogway's statue, (Y/n) veered to the right and leaped up and off of a statue of Fang, off the tail to be exact. At this angle she should surely get a small lead ahead of Po. She could hear the Furious Five catching up to them, the trees rustling and the faint beat of wings. Stretching her paws out, she tumbled into a short roll before regaining her balance, looking over and back at Po to see how far he was.
     Not only was he not far from behind, but he was crashing through the trees. She giggled softly, her fur whipping at the wind as she watched him spin in the air. Shaking her head, she ran faster and stopped ahead on the rooftop of a building, listening to Po yelling nearby. Glancing over, her (e/c) eyes widened as he landed in a tree, catapulting himself into the air.
     Tigress and the others caught up and stood next to her, watching Po with a raised brow. Tigress was the first of them to speak, looking to (Y/n) smiling, "Let me guess, you both are racing again?"
     She couldn't help but smile, nodding as she looked up at the friendly feline, "Yup! This time were betting that the winner gets anything they want one day in the week, winners choice of day."
     Mantis leaped up onto the wolfs shoulder, crossing his raptorial legs, raising one tibial spine in question, "So you can choose any day you want and the other doesn't have to know until it's too late?"
     Grinning, (Y/n) nodded and lunged forward as she answered, "Yup! And if I don't go now by the time he gets down then he'll win!"
     For a moment, Mantis held on in shock of the sudden movement before leaping off to jump at his own quick pace. Up in the sky, Po was making his way down, his excited yell slowly getting louder with every passing second. The group made their way to the village quickly, (Y/n) taking an early leap, barely beating Po to the shop, "Ha! I... Made it first!"
     She panted softly, all of them landing in dramatic poses, as per Po's request before relaxing to order. Po raised his paw first to start the order, "We'll have two justice platters, please."
     Mr. Ping began writing their orders quickly, following with a third justice platter, a few tofu buns, spicy noodle soup with extra sauce on the side, and an order of (f/m) with extra (sauce/meat).
     Though it wouldn't take long for the meal to be made, it scheduled to be made past noon, after training. A hungry stomach, a delicious lunch, something Po would say when he was excited to get the day going. Leaving Mr. Ping to the orders, Po and (Y/n) ran side by side out of the shop, villagers lining the street to see the famous warriors and the furious Five.
     Reaching his paws out, Po smirked and ran ahead, giving low fives to the paws of the small rabbits and swine. One child cheered, his eyes bright with excitement as the group of warriors passed him, "Yeah! Defend the Valley!" Crane swooped low, gently patting the boys head with his wing as he flew by.
     The group all scaled the mountain, back up to the Jade Palace's Training Hall. Leaning over the wall, they all landed together, except Po was the only one to land in a pose. He didn't have to look to know, the others have already told him their dislikes of it, "You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose, are you?"
     Stepping forward, (Y/n) sighed softly and stretched her arms looking up at him, "Do we have to strike a pose, everytime we land?" Behind her the other began walking forward, Tigress lazily looking at her paw and Crane looking over his wing.
     Po spun around to face them, his emerald eyes first going to (Y/n) then to the others, "You guys, never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance!" Climbing up the stairs, he turned and faced the door chopping and kicking the air, "I've heard about some masters who could win a fight just by throwing open a door."
     Standing on one leg, Po coiled his leg to kick the door, but before he could let out hi kick, the door opened revealing Shifu. He gasped slightly, his foot stopping mere inches from the red pandas face, the wind from his foot moving he whiskers and fur on Shifu.
     Shifu stood with a smile, his ears perking forward slightly, "Dramatic entrance?"
     Po quickly stood a bit straighter, backing up allowing Shifu to move and shut the door, "Master Shifu!" His voice was meek, worry from almost kicking his current master in the face. (Y/n) on the other hand covered her muzzle, giggling softly as she and the others walked up to meet Po's side.
     Raising a brow, Shifu nodded and looked between them all, "The Dragon Warrior is correcting."
     That caught the others off guard, looking to Po with a shock that he was correct about this weird theory. (Y/n) looked back at them, leaning to Po with her elbow on his shoulder, "His ideas may be strange, but they are good ones."
     Po relaxed, looking between Shifu, the Five, then to (Y/n) with a shocked expression, "Really? I was just making..." He cleared his through, his stance not as tight as he smiled, "Yeah! I mean, yeah, I am."
     Standing the staff in his paws, Shifu began, "Before the battle of the fist, comes the battle of the mind." Swaying an arm to the door, he smiled and tilted his head down, "Hence, the dramatic entrance." Turning, Shifu kicked the door open, leaping forward thrusting his staff into the air ahead. From above, arches rested ready with their bows, shooting flaming arrows into large pots upon receiving Shifu's signal. In less than a few seconds, all the pots in the hall were lit with flames, a warm red glow forming as Shifu looked back at the others smirking.
     Po couldn't hold back a gasp, dragging his paws down his face walking inside, "Woah, nice dramatic entrance!"
     Behind him and (Y/n) and the others walked in, admiring the flames while the doors shut. While Po continued to marvel at the sights, (Y/n) stepped forward curiously, tilting her head with a raised brow, "What's the occasion? You don't normally do things like this."
     Instead of facing them, Shifu first stepped forward, admiring the training hall as if it was the last time he'd set foot in there, "Today, will be my final class." He seemed relieved, smiling to himself as memories came to him of all the years there.
     That caught all of theirs attention, looking between themselves in worry. For a second (Y/n) froze, not expecting that answer as Po ran ahead and turned Shifu around to face him, "Your final?... Wait, I didn't know you were sick." Crouching down to his height, Po held Shifu's head and tried to look into his eyes, "Although, you have been looking a little-"
     Getting aggravated from the unnecessary handling, Shifu glared softly and pushed Po away with his staff, "I'm not sick!"
     Jumping back, Po tried to catch himself of Shifu's good side, "Healthy. A little healthy. A lot actually!" In his process of jumping back, he almost bumped into (Y/n), quickly sidestepping and apologizing quietly to her, "Sorry."
     The wolf giggled, smiling as she patted his shoulder in reassurance, "It's ok."
     Meanwhile, Shifu facepalmed, sighing as he stepped towards the group, "My final class because from now on, your training will be in the hands of-" he lowered the staff to rest between Po and (Y/n), "-the Dragon and Jade Warrior."
     At this news, the five tensed up, looking at both wolf and panda in shock and confusion. Crane's jaw slacked, dropping as if nothing was holding it in place. Monkey raised a brow, and the others jaws were dropped just slightly. (Y/n) also tensed up, her (e/c) eyes widening as she looked up at Po to see if he was hearing it right too.
     Po nodded silently, smiling back at everyone before the realization hit him, but not in a good way. Being a warrior was easy, but being a teaching was something not up his alley. Shaking his head, Po bent down and yelled in fright, "WHAT!?" The wind of his voice slid Shifu back a few inches.

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