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     "Oh..." After a few seconds of silent staring, Po quickly removed every artifact he was wearing. Holding his paws together, he gulped realizing he was still wearing the helmets of Master Rat's army. Shaking his hands, the helmets fell to the ground as Po tried to act innocent again, smiling at the warriors and (Y/n), who currently held her face in one of her paws.
     It was when heavy footsteps sounded, when Po began to frown slightly. From behind him, Li suddenly popped into view, clearly unaware of the everyone else who had come to join them. The panda, who was concealed in Master Flying Rhino's armor, bumped the horn and muzzle end of the armor into Po's side, stomach, and back circling him, muttering words along the line of 'I'm gonna get you' and 'who's got you'.
     For a split second it seemed that Po's life flashed before his eyes. Holding himself in place, he pushed at the armor, whispering and attempting to hush Li, "Shh! Pffth! Master Rhino!"
     Inside the suit, Li stopped and raised a brow standing straight, "Why?" He circled Po to get on his right side, "What's wrong?-" Now spotting the warriors in front of him he froze. Panicking, he grunted softly and threw the metal pall in his baws over his shoulder. A faint crash and thud sounded as the Urn of Whispering Warriors broke once again, a ghostly groan. Bowing the best he could in the suit, Li spoke calmly, "Hello."
     There was no response from the warriors, not even one from (Y/n). The warriors looked around at the mess before glaring at Li, obviously not liking the damaged that has been caused. (Y/n) glared softly at Po, shaking her head slightly.
     Trying to lift the mood, Po smiled and wrapped his arm around Li, walking him towards the warriors, "Guys guys, you're never gonna guess who just showed up. Not in a million years! You can't, you just try-" From beside him, Li lifted his helmet slightly, revealing himself to the masters.
     Their expressions immediately changed, smiling as they spoke in unison, "Your father!" All they anger now exchanged with joy for their dragon warrior, stepping forward to meet him. (Y/n) looked shocked at them before following and handing Li his tea, along with handing Po his drink.
     Po gasped slightly, looking between the approaching warriors shocked, "Woah, how did you just guess that? Oh, wait a second." He rolled his eyes slightly and grinned, giving Li a side hug whilst pointing between them, "Yeah, of coarse. We look exactly the same." Letting go of Li, he took the tea from (Y/n), smiling to her before introducing Li to the others, walking to each warrior, "Say hi to my friends. Mantis, Tigress, Monkey, Crane, and Viper!"
     Li went along the warriors, smiling and shaking their hands before perking up at the name Viper. Turning back, he shook Monkey's hand, "Oh. Viper, was it?"
     Monkey smiled and corrected the panda, "Monkey, sir." Viper on the other hand giggled softly at Li's mistake.
     Po chuckled and waved his hands, "They're kind of my best friends. And this-" He plopped down to the floor, pointing to Shifu grinning, "-this is Master Shifu! Legend."
     Stepping over the multitude of helmets from Master Rats army, Shifu raised a brow at Po before smiling up at Li, "Uh, it is an honor to meet you, Master Panda." He turned and glanced to Po and (Y/n) who now joined his side, and chuckled softly, "Perhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall?" He turned back to Li with a smile, "Your son will be teaching the class. "
     At that, the Furious Five, except Tigress, cringed at the thought. (Y/n) frowned softly, her ears pinning back at the pain she would be causing her fellow warriors. She looked up at Po worriedly.
     Getting the hint, Po shook his head and grabbed Li by the shoulders, "I'm sure he's tired." He glanced between Li and Shifu, "I'm sure you're tired. He's tired." Gently pulling at Li, he attempted to lead him away as Shifu's face fell, "I'm gonna show him the Chrysanthemum Suite."
     Pulling away from Po, Li shook his head grinning, "What? Tired? No, I'm fine. I would love to watch you teach!"
     Leaning over, Po raised a brow and whispered to hi, "Trust me. It would be more fun to watch me-" The sudden bells from the bell tower rang in the distance, echoing up to the Jade Palace alerting the warriors, "-fight!"
     Li frowned softly, standing straight as he looked back at the doors, "What is that?"
     Putting the tray down, (Y/n) glared softly as she stepped towards the doors, "The valley is under attack!" Turning to Po, she nodded her head towards the door, "Po, we'll have to show your father around later." With that, she turned and ran out after the others, faintly hearing the small conversation behind her, she shook her head and pushed through the doors.
     Down below, the Five and Shifu were already on the rooftops fighting the intruders. From where (Y/n) was, strangely enough the intruders looked, green? Tilting her head slightly, she landed on a rooftop nearby and watched shocked as her friends and Shifu fought what now she realized was weird zombies. About to jump over to help, she tensed up slightly when she heard a yell from above.
     "Enemies of justice! " Leaping into view, Po held up a fist up as he was about to land on the opposing building, "Prepare for-" Spotting one of the enslaved Badger Twins, his eyes widened as he momentarily forgot where he was, "Wha.. Are you kidding me? Woah!" He grunted as he crashed into the roof, bouncing off and to the alley below.
     Few a few seconds all the fighting stopped, the masters, the warriors all looked at where Po had crashed and disappeared. (Y/n) blinked away the shock and creeped to the edge of the building she was on, looking down at Po with wide eyes. Glancing back up, the watched as the fighting picked up again before leaping over to where Po was trying to climb.
     Reaching down, she grabbed Po's paw and leaned back pulling him up, "Po! Are you ok?"
     Po groaned slightly, helping her pull him up before rubbing his side, "Ow! Yeah, yeah I'm ok." Climbing the rest of the way onto the roof, he looked over at the fighting with interest, "What's the deal with the green guys?"
     Nearby, Viper wrapped herself around a Badger twin. Glaring, Tigress punched the being, only to wince and shake her paw confused, "Some kind of jade zombies."
     Standing up, Po raised a brow mumbling to himself, "Jade zombies?"
     (Y/n)'s ears perked up, smiling as she quickly added in with Po, a soft thud sounding next to her, "Jombies!" Turning to face the being to her right, she smiled at Monkey and pointed to both him and Po, the males doing the same grinning, "Jinx!"
     A staff suddenly swung down hard, hitting Monkey in the head causing him to yelp, "Ow!" Monkey reached up to grab the staff, only to gasp as he was yanked away.
     (Y/n)'s eyes widened, turning to help him, "I've got ya!" Chasing after the two, the leapt across a small gap and leapt into the air. Unable to thing of a good beat to fight two, she took a small breath and spun herself horizontally before landing a hard kick to Master Badger, "I've got that lightnin' inside me~ Child of a God~"
     The Master Badger twin glared, tossing Monkey away before he swung at (Y/n), also turning and kicking at Po. While Po deflected the attacks, (Y/n) stepped forward and tried to land a hit on the twin, "I'm like a titan that's risin'~ Oh, just you watch~"
     Down below, Li was panting softly, running to watch his son. When he finally spotted him up on the rooftops, he called out to him worriedly, "Lotus, be careful!"
     This caught (Y/n) off guard, not expecting Li to have fought them to battle. While Po was backing to the edge of the rooftop, both failed to notice how Master Porcupine was making his way up the side of the roof.
     Po waved down to Li calmly, "It's okay, Dad! I do this everydaaayyyy!" He yelled slightly as he was kicked into the air by the master, only to be slammed back down into the roof.
     "Po!" (Y/n) gasped, stumbling back slightly as now suddenly the Badger twin was now facing her, "I'm steppin' into fate~ There is no ti-" She grunted as the master swept her legs out from under her. Calling out slightly, she watched as the badger disappeared, sliding down the rooftop.
     Coming in from her right, she smiled thankfully as Tigress came over, catching her wrist before she slid to the alley, "Hold on!" With ease, she lifted the wolf to her feet and nodded, "Remember to have firm footing, that will stop you from sliding next time."
     Nodding, (Y/n) smiled and made her way back to the middle of the roof, "Thanks Tigress!" Looking away from her, she tensed up as a crash caught her attention. Looking to where Po once stood, she managed to watch the split second of him and the porcupine disappearing into the building below.
     Frowning softly, she hurried over in time to see Po pinned to the floor of his bedroom, the bow pressed against his neck chocking him. She shook her head, shocked that he was even happy about his little situation.
     Po gripped the bow smiling, choking as he leaned his head back, "I'm being choked by Master Porcupine! This is so cool!" He gasped softly before grabbing his action figure of the master, "Oh oh, look. It's you!"
     Lunging down, (Y/n) growled softly and landed in a defensive position beside the two, "Po! You need to focus!" Spinning herself, she landed a quick into the porcupines side knocking him off Po.
     Downstairs, unaware of the current battle upstairs, Mr. Ping was in his kitchen cutting a radish, "Message from the universe?" To say the least, he was angry, nearly cutting the vegetable perfectly before throwing the knife into the counter, "I'll give you a message from the universe... Stay away from my son!"
     Suddenly there was a crash ahead of him, Po, Master Badger, and (Y/n) all fell just Infront of the counter. Po glanced back at him, blocking the masters attacks as he maneuvered him away towards his father, "Sorry, dad, I'll clean it up later!" As he fought, he grabbed a nearby pan.
     Mr. Ping gasped and quickly took the pan out of his paw, "Woah, woah, not my good pan!" Putting th pan away, he quickly handed it to paw, "Take this one."
     As (Y/n) ducked and blocked to avoid attacks, Po raised a brow confused at the ladle before smacking it against Badger. Small tings sounded as they forced, making (Y/n) giggled and glance to Po, "I wonder how much damage that can do."
     Po chuckled slightly, eventually tossing away the ladle as he was brought to the middle of the dinning area joking back with her, "Yeah, maybe we should see if it can be dangerous!" He laughed to himself, looking to (Y/n) as he kicked Badger towards her.
     The (f/c) wolf grinned back at him, giggling before jumping back away from the jombie. Turning her back to him for a second, she turned tail and ran towards the wall. Leaping up against it, she bunched her legs before leaping back at him. She landed a hard kick to his chest, forcing him to fall and skid on the tiles while she landed in a crouch.
     Across the way, Po kicked and swung at the other twin. As he neared the opposing wall, he didn't yet notice Li at the edge of the shot. Leaning back, he narrowly missed the swing of a blade, the metal cutting a poster of himself in half.
     Running around the corner, Li stopped at the entrance of the shop, his face riddled with worry as he had just watched Po miss getting sliced, "Lotus, watch out!"
     Leaning back, he kicked up a seat into Badger's mouth before flipping away. As he landed Po kicked down at a table and glanced to Li, "Dad, check out my Dumplings of Doom!" Bowls of dumplings flew in the air, allowing Po to catch most of the bowls and pouring the dumplings into his mouth. Behind him, Viper wrapped herself slithered and wrapped herself around Po's stomach, Tigress not far behind as she had grabbed Viper's tail.
     (Y/n) hurried over and got into her position as Tigress planted her feet to the ground. While Tigress pulled hard, (Y/n) placed herself behind Po, pushing against his back causing him to release the dumplings at high speeds. The enslaved masters glared, dropping their weapons as they looked towards the ground, attempting to cover their faces as dumplings bounced off them.
     Mr. Ping gasped and ducked down behind his counter, dumplings shooting into the kitchen and leaving them stuck to the wall. A few seconds later the dumplings ran out and they all ran forward, pinning down Porcupine and the Badger twins to the ground. Po grinned softly, "Gotcha!"
     Slowly, the eyes of the masters began to glow and a dark echoing laugh sounded from all three of them.

Kung Fu Panda 3. Po x Wolf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now