First Lesson

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     At the wind hitting him, Shifu frowned and stared at the panda in silent shock. Po and (Y/n) stepped forward, the wolf speaking first in a whisper, "Us? Teaching Kung Fu?"
     Po nodded, frowning next to her as he 'whispered' to Shifu also, "Yeah, I mean, why not Tigress?" He pointed back at the warrior, "She's always telling everyone what to do."
     Behind them, Tigress glared softly, upset at Po, "Be quiet, Po"
     Waving his arm back, Po tried to prove his point as he glanced between the tigress and red panda, "See what I mean?"
     Smiling, Shifu waved his hand to the side and stepped forward, "Tigress is not either Dragon nor Jade Warrior." Reaching with his staff, he gently poked Po's and (Y/n)'s stomach, "You two are."
     Leaning back, Po frowned and gently pushed the staff away with a finger, "Come on, They're the Five!" He turned to the side, extending his arms to point towards the warriors, "What can we teach them?"
     Using his quick speed, Shifu walked around the two, chuckling quietly to himself, "There is always something more to learn, even for a master." As he said that, he tapped his staff gently to the ground, "For instance, let me show you another move-" he began twirling the staff above him before catching it horizontally in front of him, "-the dramatic exit."
     He narrowed his eyes at the two before suddenly pointing his staff to the ceiling, "What's that?" This only got him a few seconds as it did catch everyone off guard to look up. Using that time, he turned and exited quietly, his feet pattering to the ground as the five and (Y/n) looked back down to watch.
     Po on the other hand hadn't took notice of Shifu gone until he looked down at where the smaller panda once stood, shock across his face, "Whoa! Are you kidding me? That..." He turned and looked around him, the others watching him stunned that he even fell for the trick, "What? Where'd he go?"
     At once, the five bowed in unison, "Master."
     Po and (Y/n) tensed up for a second, looking to each other before back at the ferocious warriors. (Y/n) smiled softy as she spoke, Po chuckling next to her, "You know he's gone guys? You don't have to do that."
     Not looking up from his spot, Monkey pressed his fist again into his open palm, "We await your instruction, Master."
     "All you have to lose-" Tigress looked up toward the wolf and panda, holding her fist and palm out, "-is our respect."
     Mantis broke away from his spot, hopping himself up onto Po's shoulder, "Seriously, how bad can it be."
     Po gulped softy, smiling nervously to Mantis before to (Y/n), "Y-Yeah, how bad could it be?"

~Small Time skip~

     The Training Hall was in chaos, all five warriors panicking from their spots whilst Po and (Y/n) watched from a safe spot, Po holding a staff in his paw. Mantis yelled as he held onto one of the swinging clubs, "Very bad!" He grunted softly as he was momentarily squashed between it and another of the same equipment, "Very, very bad!"
     Watching from the sidelines, Po waved his left arm slightly, the staff in the other, "Okay, okay!" Standing straight, he pointed towards Monkey, "Monkey, immovable mountain stance!"
     From where he was, Monkey was running on all fours, out of breath almost trying not to fall into the Dragon Planks, "Yes, master!" Yet with the command, his efforts were ruined as he postured himself, grunting and wincing as he fell through the planks.
     (Y/n) winced for Monkey, not being able to imagine to pain he felt in that moment. As she gave off her command, Po cringed inwardly, "Tigress, time for a tornado backflip!"
     At the moment Tigress was doing form the dummies, who's 'hands' were set ablaze. She frowned softly, thinking of how to maneuver herself before nodding, "Yes, master!" With a quick twist, she leaped up into the air, only to grunt and get knocked to the ground by a wooden club, which was on fire.
     As she landed in a crouch, she slowly stood, the flames igniting the tip of her tail. This caused Po to call out, pointing to Tigress's tail in worry, "Oh no, fire!" Up above in the ceiling a faint voice could be hearing repeating 'fire', whilst accidentally shooting a row of flaming arrows across the Training Hall's interior. One of them managed to get stuck to Tigress, making her wince, a small kitten like sound coming from her, "Sorry! My fault!"
     (Y/n) frowned slightly, looking away and pointing to Crane, "Crane, go high." The second her words left her muzzle, her (e/c) eyes widened realizing Viper was up top also, "Wait, I mean low!" She flinched as Crane flew into Viper, Crane managing to land on Mantis who was laughing at the chaos.
     Grunting at being squashed again, Mantis immediately stopped laughing and raised his forearm, "Ow, my claw thingy!"
     Unable to think of another command, (Y/n) covered her eyes and hid slightly behind Po, letting him make the rest of the following decisions. The panda was already trying to hide behind his staff, "Up, Viper and Tigress, do... uh, like a totem pole, Poison Technique!" In front of the two, Tigress was balancing herself on a wood warrior, Viper coiled on her head before Tigress lost her footing and spiraled out of control.
     "Uh, you two, do... a swarming insect bite with a yellow tail-" Struggling to remain calm, Po tried to think of a better command, the flames of the room just reflecting the chaos off the walls, "-yellow jacket, uh spicy... tuna..." With every second, Po slowly pressed his face into his staff, giving up on the commands.
     As the Five approached Po and (Y/n), the wolf slowly stepped out from behind Po, guilt written all over her face as she watched the pained group struggle and limp towards them. They reminded her of how beaten Po was in their first day of training. She was beaten a little too, not nearly as much as he was.
     Viper struggled to pull herself to Po, her coils tangled with the dummy she and Tigress had fallen into, "Good... job... Po... and (Y/n)..." Her voice was strained and weak, having never been beaten like that before. Behind her, Tigress help her arm and her tail crooked, Crane's head was pushed through the middle of his hat, and Monkey was literally dragging himself after them with his fist. Mantis hung from Monkey's tail, too sore to move.
     Po gulped softly, reaching out to put out the flames on Tigress's ear, only to jump slightly when she knocked it away. He leaned back slightly, his voice getting high from nervousness, "Did you at least... learn something?"
     Tigress narrowed her eyes slightly, releasing her arm, "Yes." Reaching up, she grabbed the tip of her ear, putting out the small flame with ease, tilting her head at the panda, "That you can't teach." She sounded a little out of breath, the beating from the machines having hit her hard.
     Crane spoke up matter-of-factly, opening his wings in a small shrug, "And that Tigress is flammable. Turns out."
     It was silent for a few moments, (Y/n) flinching slightly at the sound of one of the many equipment from the ceiling falling. Po had tensed up, gulping and chuckling nervous, himself now taking in all the damage that was caused from this 'training' session.

Kung Fu Panda 3. Po x Wolf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now