Extra Chapter

730 22 6

~In the Spirit Realm~
     It had been a few minutes since both Po and (Y/n) had disappeared through the water, supposedly into the Mortal Realm, leaving Master Oogway and Fang at the peach tree. The wolf by now had pushed off the trunk of the tree, sitting at the edge of the water looking into it thoughtfully.
     Behind her, Master Oogway turned his gaze to her, a hum leaving him before he spoke, "What is in your mind, Master Fang?"
     The wolfs ears flicked back at him, her brows furrowing as she looked into her reflection, "I need to find him.. Tai.. Before he loses himself again.."
     The tortoise nodded his head, using the wind around him to move him to the ground, "I know you feel like you need to find him.. But when the time is near, you will be called upon.."
     Fangs tail flicked softly, shaking her head as she willed herself to look at Oogway, "But if I do nothing then he could get worse.. I can't stand to see him in such a way again.." She grasped at her paws, clenching them as she shook her head, "I just needed a little more time.."
     "And time is what you will get." Oogway had walked himself to her, slow but surely and placed his paw on her shoulder, offering it a reassuring squeeze. "But it is not your choice when that time will come.. You are not ready... And your energy has not fully returned..."
     Frowning, she looked down at the tortoise as she stood on her feet, her ears pinning back against her head, "No! I've accepted so much, but I cannot accept that I shouldn't go out to look for him!" She gripped her paws, a thought crossing her head before she quickly turned her back to Oogway gripping her forearms, "I've given away a life I could have had for the greater good.."
     Taking a deep breath, she calmed her voice as she continued, flapping her wings to allow her to fly in place, "I need to find him.. And I know you mean well trying to stop me.. But I promise to come back when I'm ready.."
     Oogway sighed, lowering his eyes to where her shadow rested before nodding and looking up at her, "If you do find him... Are you sure he will be accepting of the news?"
     "I don't know.. I feel like he will hate me for keeping him in the dark for so long.. But if I had introduced him to Meiying, or even raised her without telling him and he found out, I would be afraid of Tai corrupting her with anger too.."
     The tortoise hummed, looking out to where she longed to go. How the buildings and mountains of the Spirit Realm were basking in golden light. He didn't say anything, but instead sat down at the waters edge where Fang once stood, resting his paws on his lap as he spoke.
     "Love is a powerful thing. It can tear you apart, but it can also bring many together." He glanced up at Fang, a knowing look in his eyes. "Your love for Tai Lung had led you both to create a new species of warrior. If I had known this while I was in the palace, I would make a scroll depicting how love is magic in itself. And can do wonderless things." He chuckled softly, looking back out over the water once more. "I won't stop you if you go looking for him, but make sure to come back when your energy is renewed."
     Turning to face him now, Fang smiled and let herself drop down the few feet to the ground before hugging Oogway, her head resting on his, "Thank you, master Oogway. I promise to come back."
     Pulling away, she turned and leaped out over the water, stretching her reptilian wings as she flew away. Looking down at her reflection, she smiled softly and reached her arm out, letting her paw drag along the cool surface.
     Slowly, her ears pinned back against her head, sighing to herself as she tore her gaze away and looked ahead of her. She needed to find Tai and get his mind in the right space. But as she flew, she tensed up as a faint familiar smell hit her.
     Flapping her wings quickly, she stopped her body and flew in place as she looked around, her heart racing. Her eyes scanned her near surroundings, three floating islands, each adorned with mountains and lush lands. Closing her eyes, she calmed herself and took a few slow breath, turning her body in the direction where the scent was coming from the strongest.
     She was turned to what would have been her right and flew quickly after the scent, her brows furrowing confused. That scent, it was sweet like strawberries and dragon fruit. She wanted to shake the feeling, the last thought in the back of her head beginning to rise with worry and an ache in her chest.
     Landing swiftly on the ground, she bolted inland, chasing after the scent as it grew stronger. As she ran, she eventually made it to a forest like terrain, the bushes and planets vibrant with beauty. Pushing forward, she stumbled into a clearing, her eyes widening as she froze looking at who was at the other end of the scent.
     It was a young feline, a snow leopard in her early twenties. She had two colored eyes, the right brown and the left yellow. Her fur was strange in color, mixtures of light grey with darker speckles. And the patterns along her arms and neck, from what she could see, were a mix of dark grey and amber.
     Fang looked over the feline who had tensed upon her arrival, tears forming in her eyes as she leaned back against the tree nearest her, her wings practically sagging as she whispered shocked, "Meiying?"
     The leopards eyes widened, sniffing the air just slightly to catch Fangs scent. Her ears perked forward, voice wavered and her lips quivering with emotion as realization hit her.


Hello everyone! I'd like to thank you all for reading this series and I quite enjoyed writing it. I hope you all enjoyed this series and I can't wait to see you all, or hopefully everyone, in the next series How to Train your Dragon! The final note for this book will be posted with the screenshot of the HTTYD cover!

I hope you all enjoyed! I'll see ya next time!!


(Also if you have any questions about this chapter, I'll gladly answer them! But I will not answer questions about the 4th book ideas cause I don't wanna spoil anything)

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