More Talking

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—Horror's POV—

I couldn't sleep. 

My body wouldn't sit still. I just sat awake on my bed, occasionally shaking and quivering. I couldn't tell if I was cold or something else. It was 4:00AM and I'm getting bored of this. It's probably my body being on edge about our new housekeeper. Why my soul beats three times as fast around them... I just can't figure. 

They're nothing special. Except the fact that they were able to get me and Nightmare to agree to let them in. Error seems a bit at ease around them as well, which is great. I don't know about Kills and Dust though. Killer always tries acting tough around new people to see if they're worth it or not. To see if he can bully them easily, or if they'll prove strong. 

Dust is just weird. He'll just sit around and pretend to be creepy until he drops it and starts making an skele-TON of stupid puns for shits and giggles. He's going to act suspicious around them no matter what, and for some reason I can't handle the thought. 

Cross is Cross. He just sits around being boring and muttering to himself. He'll probably scare them more than he ever intended to. They sure think a lot, maybe they'll overthink around him.

Error likes to keep to himself, A LOT. He's still reluctant to giving us his contacts, saying if he's ever needed he'll just show up. Which proves false, because last time we needed someone wrapped in unbreakable strings, Nightmare had to step in and Error didn't get punished. I'm positive he'll be mean to them on purpose, just to scare them off and shoot down any ideas of them prying or asking questions about him. 

And well Nightma—

The second I thought about him he was there standing in the doorway, looking at me tiredly. Immediately I perked up, seeing another sentient being in the vast expanse of the murky darkness that was currently my room. 

"I've been feeling your emotions shift for the last 4 hours Horror." Nightmare drawled, walking over to my bed and plopping on it next to me. I frowned, knowing I'd have to clean the black mess later. "Well yeah." I uttered, feeling slightly guilty for keeping him up with the constant shifts of the local auras, mainly mine. 

"Oh, don't feel bad. I don't really need to sleep anyway." Nightmare said with a sigh, making me look at him, scanning his goopy facial features and recognizing agitation rather than tiredness. I too sighed, knowing I was going to be a discombobulated sleepy mess if there were any missions tomorrow.  

Nightmare huffed, playfully glaring at me as if he knew what I were asking. 

"Horror, don't worry I won't send you out on any missions. I want your pet to get a feel of all our presences before we leave out on another mission. Plus, your brother Crooks is coming tomorrow too right?" Nightmare queried, receiving a prompt nod from me. 

"Yeah, I told him there was a human he could play with while he was here and he got hyped."

Nightmare cut his eye. I kind of tricked my bro into taking care of the human for me, but whatever. Nightmare would've done the same thing if him and his brother got along, right? Nightmare yawned, making me snicker and receive another glare. 

"Ok, since I let you off the hook for the mission I had planned, you'll now tell me why the fuck you're still shifting emotions like channels on a TV." Nightmare said seriously, making me snap back to attention and explain the little... 'kitchen situation' between me and our new housekeeper.

(Explanation Noises)

"—And then they ran off." I huffed, that was a lot of info I just relayed to Nightmare, and he was looking at me with this stupid shit eating grin. "What's so funny?" I asked, genuinely pondering what he could find amusing.

"You couldn't even go a day without trying to eat them hmm~?" The way he said it made me cringe and gag a small bit. 

"Hell no!" I retorted, a crimson flush already slithering across my face as I hid underneath my hood. Nightmare put a finger to my teeth, shushing me as I calmed myself. It was four in the morning, no doubt most of the others will already be sleeping. 

"I just wanted a small taste of their blood is all. And it's the perfect branding mark." I huffed, turning briefly away from Nightmare to think over my actions. Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea, but how many times does a person ask to just taste your blood?

"Well, that explains the complex feelings coming from them earlier. They're hurt, and terrified by the way." I watched as Nightmare got up, headed for the door. His words stung in the slightest, but I'd make it up to them. Maybe Crooks will give her some pointers about me, in the right direction. 

"Also bites are fucking disgusting, hickeys are another thing." I cringed again before regaining my composure, figuring another question for Nightmare.

"Oh yeah umm Boss?" Nightmare stopped but didn't look at me. "Why are you still up...?"

Nightmare chuckled, then reminded me he didn't need to sleep, making me put my head down in embarrassment and quickly nod. Hearing Nightmare's fading steps down the hall I looked up and sighed. I was really screwed. I hadn't even tried sleeping. 

I huffed laying across the bed in an attempt to get comfortable. I just couldn't though. So I went downstairs and flopped on the cold couch. It was more comfortable than my suffocatingly warm bed. I laid here until my eye sockets couldn't bother staying open, and eventually I was asleep. 

And I was awakened with shrill screaming. 



- De Moogus 

Playing with my food. (Horror sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now