Constant intervention

215 16 68

Last time I checked my stats was like, the middle of October, I had 66 engaged readers. I check em' now, and there's as many as parts in the book!!! Thanks so much everyone! You really made my day today. 


—Your POV—

Well, you looked at Lust... and he looks at you... and then you both look to Epic who's clearly getting bored. 

"Keep up the quiet shenanigans and you can expect to explain to Core what's going on instead of friendly little me." Epic growls, taking his free hand out of his pocket and raising it up, flexing his phalanges and glaring at Lust more so than you. 

"If you can't explain on your own, I'll ask questions... but not here, we don't wanna wake anyone still on sedatives." Epic says scowling intensely  you and Lust are encased in a strong purple aura, and then you teleport. 

Out of existence... 

   Into existence...

      But in a new place.

This kind of process was obviously not meant for humans, because you force yourself not to vomit from all the nausea flashing through your system at inconsistent speeds. 

You now felt horrible, but made sure not to do anything out of character as you examined the room, which looked like an office of sorts. 

You spawned in standing, but ultimately collapsed into the chair you didn't know was behind you. Lust did so as well, not looking half as bad as you, but he looked a little rattled and mostly irritated. 

Epic sat behind a desk, pressing a button on it that must've triggered something in the chairs, because now there were metal bars strapping you to them. Not uncomfortably tight, just tight enough. 

You still shift a little though, surprised at the apparent roominess even though the bars were physically against your skin. Lust looked a little shocked too, but for some reason he smirks and Epic reclines from you two, face going from serious to disgusted. 

"Stick and stones will break my b—"

"Don't even start that shit you slut." 

You're surprised by the sudden banter, glancing from Lust to Epic with wide, innocently dumbfounded eyes. Epic glares into them, to you look at Lust, who wears a pouty expression. 

"I'm not talking if I can't say it then." Lust says, turning his head in defiance as Epic chuckles darkly. "Your little lady friend will explain then... hopefully she's not just some poor human sworn into prostitution." He sneered making you near choke on air while Lust just snorts. 

"Well, start singing songbird, we don't have all day." Epic mutters at you, his expression going dull. You didn't know what to say though, a little too 'caught in the moment' for your brain to process anything, so you just stare at Epic, until he loses patience. 

"I'm gonna torture Lust." 

"You can't! Didn't anyone tell you pain arouses me?" 

"Too much sexual tension and you'll explode dumbass." (Don't take this too seriously, Epic's using a metaphor for what I believe would happen lol [keep in mind it's just a theory], comment to know more.) 



Again, you're here looking stupidly surprised. You never thought of it that way, but then again you never wanted to think of anything overly lewd especially in your position. Caught between the fingers of extreme terror, (I mean from a guy named Nightmare hell yeah) an omnipresent dictator, and a crackhead.

Confusing, but the panic on Lust's face and the devious smirk on Epic's were enough to convince you to start yapping. 

"OK! SO LIKE, I'M A BOUNTY HUNTER." You blurt out, earning a jolt from both skeletons who deadpan at you. You just sat there with your eyes wide and your lips pursed, fidgeting with the corner of your business vest thingy in an attempt to calm down. 

"No, you're a liar." Epic says coolly, rising from the chair and coming around the desk to actually sit on top of it. He glances over the two of you, slightly shaken Lust and the now a little more relaxed Y/N. 

"I can see it human... the desperation in your eyes, right? You're looking for someone, but not to kill them." Epic mutters, disappearing only to suddenly reappear in front of you, lifting your chin and staring intensely into your eyes. 

"Yeah, nothing malicious in fact, I'm certain you're in love with them." Epic chuckles dropping your chin and looking at Lust, who was spectating the whole scene, too many emotions flashing through his eyes for you to understand, but two you knew were in there were the prominent promiscuity, and what seemed like hidden betrayal or envy.

On the more important side of things, you wouldn't deny that you kind of liked Horrors more than most other monsters or humans, you just wouldn't admit you liked Horror more than other monsters or humans. Key difference. 

"What about me? Don't I look like I'm I'm love with someone?" Lust unexpectedly purrs, and Epic comically raises Lust's chin on one phalange, closing one eye socket and widening the other, peering into Lust's cut ones with a fake and dramatic look of confusion.

Epic pulled away, looking repulsed by Lust, who stuck out a bright purple tongue before licking his teeth and slipping his tongue back inside his mouth. 

"Ewww Lust, you're not in love with anyone! You just wanna fuck everybody..." Epic spat, using a childish tone while Lust's body slackens in his chair, eye sockets closed as he leaned back and gave a bark of laughter. 

"I wasn't always this way~" Lust defends, shrugging his shoulders as the sockets reopen and look at Epic. "We know that, doesn't mean you're any better right now." He replies swiftly, as though he's heard it a million times and is always armed with the same comeback. 

"Anyways, enough chatter, we've wasted enough time and the sheer look in your eyes won't explain what you're doing here." Epic demands, tone going serious as his body stiffens, the skeleton then proceeds to return to his office chair, plopping in it with a heavy thud and giving a shrill whistle through his teeth, eyes locked on you as you squirmed in your seat. 

"Torturing Lust is still on the table..." Epic suggests, tightening the straps on your chair to restrict any further movements, causing a simultaneous whine from you and Lust. 

"Come on! You're teasing now!! How come you tighten theirs but you won't tighten mine. They don't even like it!!" Lust complains, wriggling and moving and kicking and swerving like an angry baby, to which Epic sighs.

"Because I won't here what they're saying over whatever disgusting noises it'd make you produce." Epic hisses, teeth moving into a thin and impatient frown. "There's literally no way to restrain you unless you're asleep, otherwise you start being a fucking whore." Epic continues, and Lust you notice, actually recoils from the harsh words, even if only a centimeter or two. 

"Ok ok, won't bother you two, even if it kills me." Lust huffs, leaning away and turning so neither of you could see his face, or coincidentally all the emotions flowing through it. 

"Anyways, let's get down to business young lady, explain why you're here." 


Yahooo good day today. Fridays are the best, so I wanted to pop in something extra, but it appears that'll have to wait as chores and later hours of the evening are upon us, as well as my little brothers. But for today's slice of Moogus flavored life, I was walking off campus with my best friend (she walks with me until the edge of the school property) I made a bold joke that I was going to kiss her, and she literally said; 

'Let's hope not'

And I wanted to do literally anything, but she'd already started walking away, so I just stood there until my brother shouted for me, and then I thought about it all day... I'm not in love with her, but she also pointed out my shitiness earlier that day so I don't know how to feel...

Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

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