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—Horror's POV—

The admiration of what I wrote on my Cupcake's little bandage wraps was short lived. A shrill ring from the doorbell made me snap to attention, no longer in the fantasy of watching them eat. I huffed, pushing myself off the couch to answer the door. If it was one of those annoying tourists that Nightmare likes to jape, I swear I'm going to dust them. 

I undid the lock and carelessly flung the door open, muttering some 'hey' without actually looking at the guest. I heard them start tapping their foot and looked up. I didn't see a face, but judging by the large spherical chest plate with the Royal Guard emblem on it, I didn't need to. 

"CROOKS!" I shouted, hopping onto him and clinging to the large skeleton. "HELLO BROTHER, I BELIEVE I TOLD YOU OF MY ARRIVAL BEFOREHAND, CORRECT?" I nodded vigorously, seeing my little bro was like visiting an uncle or something. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's very special. 

Crooks fully entered catching everyone's attention and receiving various greetings. Even Cross paid heed to him, smirking and giving a 'hello Crooks'. My bro really seemed to enjoy all the attention, high fives, waves, casual questions. I smiled, still clinging to him when he looked down and patted my fractured skull. 

I hadn't felt like this for a long while.

—Your POV—

You watched Horror converse with his brother, a soft smile on your lips. Slowly, you slipped from the couch and onto the landing, sneaking up to the loft. Horror didn't seem to notice your leave, but Nightmare looked you straight in the eye, making you flinch and stumble into the wall. 

You heard him chuckle, then he walked over to Crooks, and whispered something to him. You were slightly confused, until you heard Crooks' booming voice ring out.

"WHAT? NIGHTMARE THAT IS PREPOSTEROUS! THERE ARE NO HUMANS HERE!" You noted he called Nightmare by his name. Nightmare shrugged, then proceeded to point at you. Immediately, you dropped to the floor, hoping Crooks wouldn't see you over the border on the loft. 

You crept across the floor and into your room. You stood up there feeling a sense of accomplishment. You locked the door behind you and sat on your bed. 

Ok maybe you were going a tad too far but what we're you supposed to do? You were a sore thumb! That one guy. The ugly duckling! The imposter! (Sus) And everyone here was against you. You'd never be accepted anywhere just like—

Suddenly, Horror appeared in front of you, startling you out of your thoughts.

 "Why'd you run Cupcake? Does my bro really seem that bad?" Horror queried, an expression of hurt on his features. You shook your head, a tremor running through you as Horror reached out to you. "I swear he's not bad." He said, soothing your racing thoughts. 

He cupped your face in his hands and smirked when you leaned into his touch, an unexpected warmth coming from him. "That's it Cupcake, you ain't got a thing to fear~." Horror cooed, making you relax. 

It was like magic, you never thought you'd be this comfortable around any of the skeletons, especially Horror. Yet here you were, letting him stroke and caress your cheeks and face, willingly leaning into his soft touch. 

A muffled shout from downstairs interrupted the moment though, and Horror abruptly yanked you up into his chest and teleported you both to the living room. You stumbled back, your vision blurry and your mind fuzzy. 

You heard someone gasp, before you were pulled into a tight hug. You opened your eyes, and saw a  huge smiling skeleton with braces spelling out 'The Coolest Ever'. You gasped too, and started squirming to escape, but it didn't work. 

"NIGHTMARE WAS RIGHT! THERE IS A HUMAN HERE! BROTHER DID YOU FIND THIS MAGNIFICENT HUMAN!?" Crooks beamed, and you couldn't help but smile and blush a bit. He was so childish and energetic, yet controlled and kind. Horror nodded, sending a wink at you. 

You stopped struggling recognizing that Crooks wasn't a threat to you. You relaxed in his grip and he readjusted you, giving you a large smile that gave you warm fuzzies. He sat down on Horror's couch, releasing you onto the couch. 

"So bro, whatcha' been doing lately?" Horror slid in next to you, sandwiching you between the brothers. He had his hands in his pockets, and right now, looked more tired and lazy rather than malicious and intimidating. You released the breathe you didn't know you were holding and relaxed, ready to be comfy between them for the next few hours. 

"WELL BROTHER, I PURSUED MY DREAM JOB!!" Crooks shouted, wrapping you and Horror in one of his famous skele-bear hugs. Horror's cheekbone was pressed against your right cheek, whilst the other cheek was being smothered by Crooks' chest plate. 

After a minute of happy incoherent murmuring, Crooks let you go to breathe. You appreciated that, not knowing how much longer your body would serve you without air. "Woah, you sound like you had a great time." Horror purred, shifting a bit closer, making you a bit squished, but in a comfy way. 

"INDEED I DID! WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SPAGHETTI HUMAN?" You looked up at the joyous skeleton, his energy making you feel content with yourself. "Of course Mr. Crooks!" You replied, making Crooks gasp happily before hopping up and running into the kitchen.

"YOU WILL NOT REGRET YOUR INTELLIGENT DECISION HUMAN!" Crooks bellowed, followed by the clatter of pots and pans. You giggled silently to yourself, glancing at Horror who was half-asleep. You gave him a small nudge, waking him immediately.

"Why'd you wake me from potential slumber?" Horror hissed, making you recoil from him.

 "I th-thought you might want some of your b-brother's spaghetti, Horror-San!" Horror relaxed upon hearing his title. He nodded sleepily and then turned his attention away from you.

A couple minutes later, something heavy dropped onto your shoulder. You tensed and went to look but flushed when you saw it was Horror. He'd fallen asleep on his own 'pet'! You smiled at him, then stealthily slipped out your phone and took a selfie with the sleeping skeleton. 

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all?


Wow what a nice chapter! Double update! Keep it comin' bruh! Crooks is finally up in here.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! 

- De Moogus 

Playing with my food. (Horror sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now