Passive? Aggressive.

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Right so we're talking tons of much needed erm... jokes this time. Lots of suggestive dialogue as well as a few questionable gestures. There's a bunch of bantering and arguing too, but it'll probably be like that for the next couple chapters or so. And Lust being Lust. Read with a clean mind plz. /j 

—Your POV—

Confusion stirs within you as a bone arm slings around your neck. You register it as Reaper, who is immediately pushed away from you by Horror who growls something petty. You roll your eyes, focusing on the spectacle that is being observed on Cross' couch. 

"You're like, the luckiest human alive." Reaper says, standing beside you and ignoring the scowling Horror on your opposite side. "What you're witnessing is a once in a lifetime experience." 

"But what is even going on...?" You ask, trying not to sound as dumbfounded as you are. Reaper chuckles smugly, and you don't know if it's at your befuddlement or whatever is happening to Nightmare. 

"Poor Nighty's brother broke him." Reaper coos, sweeping over to Cross and all but snatching Nightmare from him, holding the latter by the collar. 

"NO!" Nightmare barked, pushing away from Reaper and stomping away rather quickly. "None of you get to see me like this.

Killer laughed out loud, shoving past you and Horror to march over to Nightmare, who was already making his way up the stairs. 

"What're you gonna do if we do?" Killer purred, standing on the bottom landing with way too much malice in his grin. "Stab us with your hentai tentacles~?"

Nightmare started, going to yell something else before straight up running to where you assume is his room. Killer immediately gave chase, flying up the stairs with Cross suddenly following behind him before he turned and shouted to everyone on the floor below. 

"Don't worry I'm not going to you know, hog him or anything I'll bring him back in a one piece!" 

Horror grumbled, shaking his head before he led you to his couch where the two of you have a seat. Error teleports somewhere and Dust strikes up a conversation with Reaper while Lust makes his way over to you, sitting to Horror's right, with you on the left. 

"What was that all about?" He asks, genuine before he smirks coquettishly. "Also, is Nightmare more... submissive when he's like that?"

"I'm afraid this is right up your alley." Horror states, solemn. "But, I don't think it's worth it. Mess with him now, and when he gets back to normal he'll surely treat you." 

"'Even when I'm weakened I could still send your ass to hell!'" Killer mocks from atop the stairs, carrying Nightmare over his shoulder quite casually. "Not now, obviously." 

"No wonder Killer always catches the worst of it..." Horror mutters, glaring at the giggling skeleton as he parades down the stairs. Wasn't he all sore and injured not even ten minutes ago?

"PUT ME DOWN!" Nightmare yelled, elbowing Killer in the skull repeatedly while wildly kicking. "I will KILL you!"

"How do you plan on doing that, princess?" Killer teases, dropping Nightmare onto his respective couch. "You don't seem so tough anymore."

"I hate you." Nightmare hissed, glaring sharply at Killer, then Reaper. "You too. I hate you both. I hate all of you."

"We love you too buddy." Dust called, chuckling deviously. "I'm very sure we all do." 

Lust twitches and fidgets in his spot, putting a hand over his mouth as a low whistle comes from between his teeth. Horror grabs his arm, and the two share a look you can't discern. You're still not totally aware of the situation, not like you want to be. 

"Hey you!" Nightmare shouts, pushing Killer to the side in a huff to point at you. "Why are you just sitting around, you're a housekeeper not some lousy couch potato!" 

You go to get up, but not only does Horror reach out to stop you, Killer does too, just verbally. 

"C'mon are you really going to just take orders like that!?" He whines, tossing his hands up. "Like I understand you're a weak little human and stuff but damn! Look at him, he's probably weaker than you are!" 

Nightmare gasps, offended, before marching up to Killer and slapping him dead across the face. He isn't phased, but looks a bit surprised when Nightmare dusts off his hands and tuts something disdainfully. 

"You're really going to compare me to someone that lowly?! At least I have magic." He snaps,  flapping a hand at you dismissively. "I would destroy them." 

You deadpan the weakened Nightmare, his arrogance on full display. All of a sudden, work can wait, you'd much rather be able to relax and sit with your favorite skeletons than listen to that whiny bastard. At least until he buffs back up again. You'll enjoy this for now. 

"Right." Reaper speaks up, clearing his throat and stepping to the middle of the room. "Your attention please?" 

Everyone slowly turns to look at Reaper. Cross slides onto Nightmare's couch to comfort him quietly, Killer takes a moment to pipe down and listen, Dust looks up and Error comes into the front room to pay attention. 

"Shoot." Error murmurs, not a stutter in his words. 

"Well, due to me being the most powerful being here, I guess I'll watch over you guys for now." Reaper announces, grinning at Nightmare who yells in protest. "I mean, I could totally whoop your boss even when he's normal, but I feel like our power gap is more established now."

"You INSOLENT BASTARD!" Nightmare yowls, struggling against Cross' death grip on him to stand up to the deadly skeleton. "I WILL BREAK YOUR BONES!" 

"Yeah princess, whatever." Killer sneers from a distance, glaring sinisterly. "Let's hear it Reaps." 

"How about we chill out today since everybody's banged up from yesterday's little fight." Reaper suggested, though there was no real room for protest. "Everybody move your couches." 

"We'll camp up front tonight." 


Was this satisfactory? I know it's a bit late but I got very very busy doing my hair and selling donuts today ehehe. Also something came up tonight so I had to lose a few hours haha. 

Good news: I'm not sick anymore!! Better than ever! :DD Bad news: went outside to feed a friendly stray I've been taking care of for maybe half a year now and got bit up by a bunch of ants and mosquitoes :/ spring really has sprung ig. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

(Also you may or may not get a little snipped of an idea I had in the next authors note haha) 

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