Fresh Press

187 15 61

—Your POV—

"Any ideas yet lil' Buddy?" 

Fresh has been asking you the same question for the past twenty minutes, and you have been shaking your head for the past twenty minutes. 

You were trying to mentally review your plan, making sure there were failsafes galore and a ton of smart gimmicks to throw in. Fresh was very unpredictable, it'd been easier to think up while Epic was in the room, but he scared you a little more than necessary and sent your brain into overdrive with the whole 'torturing Lust' idea. 

Fresh was a little too relaxed and carefree. Not exactly a bad guard, you were sure he'd stop you if you tried to exit, but the way he was sitting... feet propped up and arms folded behind his skull, smile stretched to his eye sockets looking completely sure of himself... it was more than a little unsettling. 

But, you didn't let that deter you as you looked down at your lap, eyes squeezed shut as your thoughts raced and your mind got to work, devising and revising to make your plan bulletproof.

Just play along. Set your answers in stone and don't overthink *spit*. If you stuck to the main subject and didn't play off questions or input, the interrogation could result in you and Lust running it up and getting the hell outta here.

You encouraged yourself mentally. It probably wouldn't work well with Fresh's attitude, but maybe somewhere you could find sympathy or kindness... and hopefully enough to bail you out of here. 

The way he spoke of his job suggested he didn't like it, but you couldn't really tell because of his constant smile and slang-ish way with words. It was odd, such a large facility with so much twisting stuff to find out, and Fresh probably shows up and spoke to everyone as he did you. 

Maybe there was something wrong with him...? It was far fetched and a little bit rude to imagine it that way, but Fresh certainly did stick out like a sore thumb, most definitely a known character in whatever workforce he was a part of. 

"Right broski, I'm getting a little bored. You're obviously not gonna talk so it's my turn!" Fresh chirps, piping up significantly as the feet and arms come down, rendering Fresh with a normal sitting posture. 

He smiles ominously at you, his golden tooth flashing creepily as something behind the shades flickers, something purple. It's a little shocking, but you play it off as your own over imagination when you smile back, having no clue of what was to come. 

"Epic told me you and Lust are a cute little pair." Fresh coos, leaning forward on the desk as he props his head up on his hand, rolling a pen with the other one. "So why not split up and ask questions to both sides individually."

You shudder, something in the air shifts, and suddenly you're not so comfortable anymore. The cold straps seem to dig into your skin a little harder, and the air around you becomes thicker, harder to breathe in as Fresh chuckles a small bit. 

"I'm going to ask questions, and we're going to snap this here bone of contention. Kapeesh?" 


"Good! I've heard you and Lust are really chompin' at the bit! But what bit? What do you want?" Fresh spreads his arms for dramatic affect, gazing up at the ceiling and widening his grin even more when his stare met yours. 

You note the slight decline in slang, a more serious and somewhat more penetrating kind of aura filling the room as the question hangs over your heads, part of you not even knowing what Fresh had meant. 

Also, what the *heel* was that joke earlier?? Bone of Contention?? No one under the age of 50 knew whatever the *funk* that meant, so you decided to ignore the potential threat and throw out a sheepish smile and some jumbled up words, the change in authority kind of threw your plan, but if you panicked you'd only screw it up more.

bOuNtY hUnTiNg. Your mind urged, Fresh's smirk seeming to grow a shred more impatient with every second you kept him waiting. You couldn't really think too much pressure, too much uncertainty, too much tension...

"Bounty hunting. That's the bottom of it." Your mouth must've been executing a deceitful plan with your vocals while you were trying to concentrate, because you had no plan to let that out. 

Fresh looks at you, one thick eye brow raises, then the other, and the skeleton leans back in the chair. He's still smiling, but it's rather amused instead of impatient. 

"Ok, lying but demanding." Fresh says, smile softening to something a tad more genuine. "But why? Who would've sent you anyways? You're a human. Small fish like your homie Slutface would be more interested. Plus I've legit never seen you 'round here, and I handle all the fighty stuff." Fresh sighs, stretching out as his bones rattle. 

You feel your eyes widen. Maybe Fresh is still a little irritated. 

He really didn't seem like the type to roll out insults like that, especially so underhanded and without the one he was insulting within earshot. It didn't seem that common with him, and he didn't even look phased. The discomfort was rising in your chest, but you kept calm, making sure not to lose it as you racked your mind for more lies, or answers, as long as you stuck to common grounds, you'd be ok. 

You opened your mouth, and then closed it. Fresh gets out of his chair and comes towards you. The panic spikes and you try to recoil as he comes over. 

"You're not looking to hot lil' Buddy. Epic said you were found near that crackhead's cell. Care to explain?" Fresh pressed, leaning down an inch or two to make it easier for you to focus on him and him only, not even closing your eyes would get his image out your head. 

"I came to kill Horror." 


Lol lies. Anyways buncha *spit* today. I was writing on AO3 and I'd written like 6,000 words, but when I was going to save the draft, I accidentally hit the refresh button and I killed all my progress. Bought a 'slushie' from my school's lunch area to find out that it was legit just frozen apple sauce and I just wasted a dollar. Lastly, caught some *hitch* taking photos of my Best friend and posting them online, making fun of them and crap. Lol I have a 7th period with them though, and I know how they get home, so I think I'll take my own kind of action. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!

- De Moogus 

(On a side note my dumbass can't count apparently, so I'm officially confirming my schedule as every other day and I will give a warning if something comes up. Sorry for the confusion, thanks for understanding Moogus out have u a good day.)

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