Bones and Bovines

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{You know the drill...more flashback...}

"So do you even know what a bovine is?" Farm queried as he and Horror trudged through mostly empty pastures. "It's a cow, or bull, sometimes buffalo. Not horses though." 

Horror simply nodded as the other skeleton droned on, pace swift as he dragged Horror along. He didn't want to seem like a killjoy or anything, but he didn't care, as long as he wasn't plowing fields with some stupid disc. 

The barn was like any other. Large, red, with a black-shingled roof and white painted planks of wood making out the door. It was a pretty old looking building too, half of its white paint peeling in grotesque, unnatural ways. Horror wondered how long it'd been around. 

"We're here!" Farm declared, briefly catching his breath from the long walk as Horror's eyes widened at the sight that was before him.

A big giant place full of huge, edible creatures.

Horror shuddered even though the inside of the barn was warm. 

The smell of life shrouded him. Inside a barn full of living, breathing organisms that were typically consumed, Horror relied on Farm to ground him as he was led along by the arm. 

The barn was large, but bovines were pretty big too. On all fours, they were only inches above Horror's head, but of a formidable build, nonetheless. And while they didn't look or smell the most appealing, Horror's metaphorical stomach still twisted and yearned as he walked by them, all the way to the back of the barn. 

"Yep, these old fellas've been around for a bit." Farm hummed, snapping Horror back into reality as he blinked wide, hungry eyes at Farm, who studied his expression carefully. "...around six or seven years, most of them." 

The words were left to hang about in the air, invites for conversation left unnoticed as Horror pressed his teeth together as hard as possible. One wrong move, and he was afraid he would do something regrettable. 

"Not very talkative today are we?" Farm observed, casting a stray glance back towards Horror when something in his expression sparked. "You're not even cussing me out like usual." 

Before Horror could growl a sarcastic or unkind retort, Farm dropped his arm in favor of grabbing Horror by the cheekbones. Horror staggered as Farm wiped something warm from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, eyes upturned with a coquette playfulness. 

"Hungry are we~?" Farm purred, chuckling when Horror thrashed out of his grip, drool now smeared across his face and Farm's hand. "You could say something, though, the slobber gives it away." 

"It's nothing!" Horror hissed bitterly, loosing his grounding anchor as the smell of animals—the smell of meat filled his senses and began to batter any remaining sanity he had to bits.

Horror's fingers subconsciously slid into his eye socket. He wasn't going to lose control, not now, so early in this instance of... of whatever was going on. He was going to follow directions, and do what he was told, without messing things up. 

Striding over in smooth steps, Farm gently enveloped Horror within his arms, catching the latter off guard as he leaned down and whispered something. 

"Now let's not let ourselves fall too deep into the will of temptation." Farm uttered low into Horror's nonexistent ear, the words trickling down his spine like ice-cold water. "If you fall, I'll come down too. We don't want that." 

Quietly leaning away, Farm used a hand to gently tilt up Horror's face. Horror was frozen solid, a clash of emotions welling within him that unfortunately only resulted as an embarrassing crimson hue spreading across his cheekbones. 

The crimson only grew when Farm pressed a kiss to his teeth, smirking condescendingly as Horror bashfully glowered at his captor. He wasn't getting away with this Horror would think of something. 

"There, all better." Farm cooed, stepping away and leaving Horror's brain to melt along with his love-struck frame. "Now let's discuss what'll be happening." 

"No— no you discuss what just happened." Horror sputtered, straightening out as he hugged himself. 

"Well uh, I thought it was obvious." Farm said matter-of-factly, though a small green haze betrayed him as he pulled his hat down a little further on his face. "I uhh... I kinda went for it just now." 

"Went for what?" Horror pressed on, the answer lingering at the edge of his mind... But he had to hear Farm say it. He needed all suspicions confirmed or else all the heat on his face was for nothing. All the times Farm was nice to him would become meaningless. 

"For you." 

Emotion struck Horror in the ribs. He felt his soul flutter as his world slowed and Farm was the only thing he could focus on. The now equally flustered (but better at concealing it) skeleton scratched the back of his skull as Horror's hunger immediately shifted direction. 

He was ravenous, but now for answers. For attention. For Farm.

He felt his magic spur lightly as his fingers twitched and Farm smiled sweetly, albeit slightly hesitant. He waltzed up to the crofter, gingerly bringing his teeth to Farm's cheek as the unforgotten thought of escaping became distant. 

Would he really be able to run away after just now?

Horror stopped then pulled away. No. He couldn't indulge. It wasn't right. He wasn't going to let selfish desires get in the way of him and his brother. Never again. 

" what am I here for anyways." Horror murmured, words rolling out of his mouth slow and dry, snapping Farm back into awareness as his eye sockets briefly flashed with hurt. 

"Yeah, right..." Farm mumbled, pulling out an axe— Horror's axe and giving it to Horror. "I want you to kill the cows I direct you to." 

In disbelief, Horror took the axe, his grip tight and secure. The axe fit firmly in his hands, as it always had. As it always should. 

"You kept this...?" Horror asked, dumbfounded. He'd for sure thought all his stuff was thrown out in the midst of his captivity. "Does this mean you have my clothes too?" 

Farm, having had a moment to take in his wordless rejection, looked up and nodded, silent. Horror didn't exactly feel comfortable with the face that Farm wasn't talking, but brushed it off as pettiness. 

"Let's get started shall we?" Horror suggested, lighthearted. Looking at the cows around in their stables, he had to shove down feelings of greed and guilt. "Just tell me which ones and I'll chop em' down." 

"Mkay'." Farm mouthed, barely above a whisper as his downcast eye lights flickered up to meet Horror's. Never had he seemed so down before. Horror felt near guilt tripped. 

"Hey." Horror said, stepping forwards a little and settling a hand on Farm's shoulder. "Don't act like that ok? You're making me feel guilty." 

It was the softest he'd ever spoken around Farm. And seemed to brighten the mood. Farm actually grinned again, face brightening and Horror returned the pleasantry. 

"Alright, first up, old Fifer." 


*intense foreshadowing* i predict cow gore next time and blood and umm probably sadistic laughing. Other than that, how was this one?? Tried to go for something more character-centric and emotional. Did I nail it?? 

(Sorry this was so late into the night! Had an extended bedtime because dinner was really late.)

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

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