Epic Decision

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—Your POV—

Epic walks beside you at a leisurely pace, his arms behind his head as you confidently grip the straps of your newfound backpack. 

No one else is in the hallways, though when you strain your ears hard enough, you can make out faint voices behind the walls, whispering about things you can't bring yourself to care about. 

Another moment or two of aimless roaming, and Epic's walkie-talkie makes a shrill beep, startling the two of you briefly. Epic regains composure and holds up a finger to you, turning away to take the call more privately. 

"It's Lust..." Epic utters, loud enough for you to hear, but you can't make out the rest of what they're saying to each other. You feel a tad bit left out, but you ignore it in favor of watching Epic's body language to perhaps decipher the mood of conversation, which currently seems quite lax.

He stands with an easygoing posture, device held to his nonexistent ear as he smiles contently, his grin stretching as the two converse. You stand on the other side of the hall, waiting patiently until Epic turns to face you with a self-assured smile, beckoning you over rather eagerly. 

"Lust says Horror is awake and taking the medicines! He should be better in around two hours!" Epic chirps, his voice quiet but still excited. You can't help but share the pleasant energy, and follow the skeleton down the hall with a spring in your step. 

"We could wait in my room until they're ready— if that's fine with you." Epic suggests, looking at you with something in his eye lights you can't quite place your finger on. 

You nod submissively, concluding that there aren't many other options to go with. Epic leads you to his room, where you find a small chair in the corner and sit in it, watching Epic close the door behind you. 

"I'm sure there're some things you want to know right? Like what's going on with the overall plan and things?" Epic asks, and you nod again, remembering the initial shock you had when you learned that Lust was going to accompany you back to Nightmare's mansion, not exactly wanting to relieve that. 

"Well... we're split into 2 groups, the escapees, and the aids." Epic starts, plopping down on his bed as he looks at you intently, determination burning in his sockets as you gear your ears to listen. 

"You, Lust, and Horror will leave by the end of this week. Me, Fresh, and Papyrus will cover for you and keep things under wraps." Epic explains further, something like sorrow passing through him as he studies your face, putting his skull in his hands. 

"So after these couple hours, you'll finally be able to leave after the post-shenanigans." Epic informs you, sending a pang of over-joyousness into your system when you thought of the possibilities. 

"So what are you going to do after you leave?"

Oof, killed the euphoria. 

You have no idea how let alone if there even is an escape to the OmegaVerse. You showed up via portal, so maybe Nightmare will come collect you afterwards like he said he would, but a part of you sincerely doubts it. Plus, you think you've pissed him off a little too much since then, but maybe you can ask Horror to call out instead of you. 

Seeing the way you scrunch up your face in thought is enough to prompt Epic into walking over, standing a few feet in front of you with a dimness in his sockets that greatly contrasts the great mirth you two shared only moments before entering this room. 

His smile is a little crooked, and the way he misses a beat or two before answering is enough to draw a decent amount of suspicion as you draw your energy to figuring out what's up with him rather than an escape route once out of the reeds. 

"I have these here, they might be a tad handy for you." 

With shaking phalanges, Epic gingerly give you two delicate bus tickets. Immediately you conclude he must be a little weary of giving his expensive tickets to a person he just met hours ago, or maybe he is giving this as an apology. 

You read the travel time, destination, and station name, rather pleased with the results. You're leaving the OmegaVerse, that's for sure. 

But wait— why're there only two? And where did he get these? You make sure they're not expired for your own sake and return you gaze to Epic who you wouldn't notice trembling if you didn't look very very closely. 

His sockets were empty, his permanent grin at an angle that seems rather uncomfortable as you look at him a little harder. He really must not want to share, or perhaps he's imagining all the things that could go wrong. 

"Thanks a million Epic!— But why're there only two?" You query, sweetness in your tone as you watch the lights flicker back into Epic's sockets, his smile loosening a little as he waves a hand dismissively. 

"You and Horror are flat broke over here. Lust can pay for his own, they sell tickets at the station anyways." Epic says, giving you a wink that you're not sure is supposed to be reassurance or a hint that he's fibbing.

You smile, looking at the tickets with an appreciative fondness as you find something odd on them. Besides the name of the station, there are two large deep black dots, each about the size of a pea. 

You linger on them a little too long, an odd noise from Epic snapping you out of your thoughts as you glance up at him, his sockets eerily dim with what looks like shame, but that is quickly replaced by his neutral smile, a sign that your conversation has lasted long enough. 

"Thanks again Epic." You sigh out, relief flowing through you as you consider how much easier your escape has become. It wouldn't be too far fetched for you to say you could just collapse, as your energy leaves you when you realize you can't recall the last time you slept. 

"We've about an hour... let's get ready to get our plan in motion." 


*arbitrary noises* plot twist epic and lust are conspiring against you— /j

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

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