Life on Font Farm

198 12 18

Hi, no warnings, just wanted to give a heads up at my horrible use of numbers, thanks.

{More Flashback}

After that day, full of mortification and humility, Horror and Crooks were forced to work under Farm and his brother's jurisdiction. (Even though it's not exactly legal) 

Horror had been there for about two weeks, when he realized three things. 

One, he hated his unfortunate punishment. He'd been stealing from Farm for around a year, and on his biggest heist yet, of course he'd been caught. Horror knew that he should've actively brought Crooks along rather than telling him to hide in that stupid bin. It'd smelled horrible anyway. 

Two, there was no way he was going to last here that long. Unlike most other skeletons, him and his brother couldn't survive only off of vegetational sustenance. Most times, Horror would just trade his top-notch stolen veggies for other delicacies, saving few of the organic items. 

And three... Horror didn't know how to mentally explain this to himself, or anyone for that matter. So, correct or not, he believe Farm had been teasing him. 

Yeah, there was no way he could be wrong about that. Stupid flirts and prompts just to throw Horror off guard. It messed with him, he hated it... but a small part inside was more curious than Horror was willing to admit.

Besides that, Horror also disliked the tight schedule he was always on. Back when he was still a street rodent, he could sleep till noon and no one would give a second thought. 

Now, Horror had to endure from four o' clock AM, until the Sun went down with it's sporadical cycle. It usually went down around six thirty PM, and Horror was thankful for the autumn harvesting season, shortening the days and ripening the crops. 

Even when he did go to bed, he didn't sleep. On top of his already terrible condition, he had to sleep on an old scratchy cot with Crooks. 

They'd already agreed that Crooks would sleep on the cot, still being a baby bones and all, but sometimes, just sometimes, Horror was a tad envious at his captors' luxuries.

Like the clothing options as well. For whatever reason, when Horror and Crooks 'arrived' they were pretty much forced to wear stupid attire. 

Horror legitimately wore cloths, elderly kinds of clothing made of things like burlap now covering his bones. 

Ironically enough, his bones were also covered in scars, cracks, and sores, so the gritty fabric rubbing against it all day was mildly aggravating. 

That wasn't all, Horror knew it, but that was all he was able to list in his head before a firm hand settled on his shoulder, causing him to jolt rigidly. 

He already knew who it was. Though, it was unreasonable. Usually Farm came in from around twelve to two PM, and as of now it was only ten. 

"Heya Squirt, when's your birthday?— If you have one." Farm queried, but Horror didn't bother turning to get an eyeful of his likely smug expression as he instead glared at the table.

"Why do you fuckin' care?" Horror hissed, attempting to break from Farm's grip on his shoulder, to no avail. 

"Well, you're not doing your chores like you're supposed to be." Farm started, glancing at the broom held idly in Horror's skeletal hands. 

"Plus you looked bored, so why not answer a simple question huh?" Farm suggested, steadily leading Horror upfront, guiding him by the shoulders. 

"How bout' you answer some questions of mine, dumbass." Horror growled back, being forcefully pushed onto the couch as a retort. 

Horror grumbled miserably, craning his neck to look over his shoulder at Farm, rather than fixing his position around. 

"You know, this would be much easier if you just answered the question." Farm sighed, sitting in the loveseat across from the couch. 

For second, Horror was flooded with relief, twisting around in his seat to sit properly. He didn't like it when anyone but Crooks sat with him, so Farm sitting away was almost interpreted as a respect for Horror's boundaries. 

But, the slight suggestiveness in Farm's expression set Horror back on edge, even if only a little.

At first he planned on hurling some curses at him before making his grand exit, but after a moment of floating in side his big empty skull, Horror caved and decided to answer the stupid question. 

He leaned back onto the couch, closing his eyes and crossing his arms, an agitated huff leaving his teeth. He didn't like the weird look on Fa—

When Horror reopened his sockets to go along with that thought, it startled him to see Farm leaned over in his face, hands casually stuffed into his pockets. 

Upon sight, Horror let out a small undignified yelp and his reflexes fired off, and he slapped Farm away from him, feeling little remorse. 

"Ow, kind of jumpy I suppose." Farm murmured, pulling away rather quickly, rubbing his cheekbone. 

"Stay the hell away from me!" Horror shouted, though it felt pretty hallow even as he began to relax back into the couch. 

Horror sighed, he can't relax anymore, he wanted to escape, very very badly. He decided he'll probably make a break for it tonight, maybe tomorrow or a week from now, but he was in the present, so he made his decisions accordingly.

"Today's October nineteenth if that helps." Farm purrs, eyeing Horror with an unwarranted interest as he reclined into the loveseat across the room. 

Horror huffed, then realized something quite detrimental. 

He umm... he forgot his birthday. 

Horror shot straight up, sockets wide as he remembered Crooks was the smart one. Crooks was so smart he wrote their names and birthdays in his shoes and coats. Horror had snuck them into a movie theater to watch a movie about an anime girl losing her name after her parents turned into pigs, and she remembered it because of a card that an anime boy gave her, and defeated the evil witch who cast the spell on the girl's parents. 

(Anyone getting the reference gets a free idea suggestion to the author, no exceptions unless I already have something in place) 

He figured he'd just lie, and relaxed back into the couch, his eye sockets narrowing back to their usual semicircular and noncommittal stare. 

"My birthday's in like... I dunno fourteen days." Horror fibbed, the lie sliding out from his teeth smoothly, as Farm put his hands together and smiled. 

"Good. Now go finish your chores, we only have so many hours of daylight, Squirt." Farm said, promptly getting up for a quick stretch, before shooting Horror a wink and leaving. 

After Horror heard the front door closed, he sunk into the cushions of the couch. 

"What a fuckin' bastard." He grumbled. Farm only showed up to torment him and be weird. Horror didn't respect that, not at all. 

"I said go do your chores." Farm growled, close to Horror's nonexistent ear, making him spring to his feet. 

"And I said stay the hell away from me!!" Horror snapped back, whipping around in fury, wanting more than ever to smack the stupid grin off farm's face. 

Farm mockingly raised his hands and backed away, flashing one of his signature smirks before disappearing, giving Horror a chance to loosen up if only a little. 

After that, Horror got to work, nothing but spite fueling him.

No way in hell he wasn't escaping this shit. 


(New authors note here.)


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

Playing with my food. (Horror sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now