Remembrance and Rescue

199 13 61

—Your POV—

213 is finally before you once more. 

Ecstasy fills you veins a mind as you impatiently bounce up and down behind Lust, who's knelt down in front of the cell peering in. You remember how Epic supposedly had the keys, but you're assuming there was likely some quick trading of hands and now Lust had the key to this cell specifically. 

"Ummm... small mishap here." Lust utters pitifully, leaning back onto his haunches and smiling up at you sheepishly. 

"What is it?" You ask with a tilt of your head, brain going light speed to try and figure out whatever the hell could possibly be wrong before Lust said it. 

"I don't know the passcode." Lust says simply, trying the key in the lock but it doesn't twist in the slightest. 

Oh yeah, your remember that crazy gangster saying something about a four digit code. You didn't remember it off the top of your head, but you felt as though it was within your mental reach. 

"Didn't Epic tell you?" You try, perhaps since he 'ran' this area he knew the code, but Lust looks at you with a  dumbfounded expression before shaking his head. 

"Only higher ups are told the code to the cells, we're going to have to see the prison master..." Lust grumbles, but you quickly hold up a finger for him to wait a moment. 

"Do you know it...?" Lust asks, rather like he's trying to prove a point or make a refute judging off how he narrows hie eyes rather skeptically, but you nod a little stiffly and he looks a bit startled. 

"Really!? Well you only get one chance so don't fuck up." Lust says, quickly regaining composure despite the look of hope and desperation deep in his eye sockets. Perhaps he's just as eager as you are. 

You press your index finger to your chin and suck in a sharp breath, closing your eyes and standing more comfortably in order to properly allow yourself to think. That mafia man said it quite nonchalantly, like it wasn't important, so it made it slightly harder to memorize. 

You furrowed your brow, right now the only things you could hear were calmed breathing of surrounding prisoners and Lust's irregular breathing pattern, which of course your brain let interfere with the remembrance process. 

It was a little time consuming, but then you came up with the answer, slowly but surely the pieces fit together perfectly. A small smile inched up your face as the puzzling question had been answered. (Show of hands who went back to the chapter where this was stated 🙋)

...6 1 7 4...

"Six, one, seven, four." You blurt out, causing Lust to jump a little bit. He nods obediently, punching in the code and pushing the key cautiously into the keyhole. It's not immediate, but the results settle in and the door unlocks. 

A million different emotions surge through you at once. First it's extreme giddiness that is overtaken by an unexpected lightheaded feeling, and then you feel so energized you can't help but jump up and down, and next you feel like you're going to internally explode, lastly however, you're filled with a containable mirth that makes you fidget uncomfortably. 

Lust spares a glance at you, then his face sours considerably, temporarily breaking you out of your joyful trance. He reels away from the cell and stands up straight, stretching with a click of his bones. 

"What's wrong..?" You query, more confused than concerned, but the matter still stands that there's something wrong, so you investigate accordingly. 

"It smells like rotten blood in there... and he's still out cold." Lust growled lowly his gloved hand coming up to wipe his nose bone. "It seems we'll have to carry him." Lust continues, placing his hands on his hips and looking up and down the halls. 

Without further ado, Lust bends back down the cell, notably holding his breath this time. He skillfully reaches in and heaves Horror out, struggling minimally as he cradles the larger skeleton in his arms. 

It sure is a sight to see, Horror in Lust's arms... it even brings a smile to your face. After waiting a very, very long time, you're finally here, even if the job isn't done yet. 

"Let's go now, there's an exit down this way." Lust purrs, skipping down towards the end of the hall with you close behind. You actually quite excited for this, and you won't waste a second. 

You and Lust exit with no problems, and you both make your way back to the other with ease. Epic stands holding a huge strangely familiar axe, while Fresh is off the side chatting with Papyrus. 

"Remember to be natural... and be nice." Lust murmurs next to you, going ahead and whispering to Epic, who nods and him and whispers to Fresh, who also nods and says something to Papyrus. 

Knowing your cue, you take a few timid steps forward as Papyrus turns around, the large skeleton locking eyes with you as disbelief blooms on his face. 

"Hi Paps... sorry I lied to you... I got really desperate." You say solemnly, projecting your voice enough to be heard, but not enough to sound loud. 


"I accept the apology human! As now I know the true reason of such deception!" Papyrus chirps, offering a smile and a giving you a hand which you graciously take. Papyrus takes you over to the group, where the idea of an escape plan is brought up, with Epic looking a little more fidgety than usual. 

Fresh suggests that you all first wake Horror, but quickly as not to risk anyone getting caught. Eventually, the common consensus is to split into teams as to avoid capture: Lust, Horror, and Fresh on one team and you, Epic, and Papyrus on the other.

The way the teams were split didn't make a lot of sense to you, but you counted that as being picky and accepted the fact you were lucky enough to have help anyways. 

This was something you couldn't pass up. 


Oi Oi... for once I rewrote this thing like twice. I don't know why, (should've counted it as me being picky) but I just wasn't happy with it... ALSO. Random 7th grader texting me for no reason tryna flirt like 'you're mine' and shit i told him I belong to no one and this bitch is like 'I don't see ur name on you' so I just grabbed one of my sharpies, wrote my name on my arm, took a picture and sent it to him. Like damn bruh privacy. I swear after this break is over imma march up there and report his ass.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!

- De Moogus 

(On a side note, he gay or something? I know I don't look like a guy but I sure as hell don't look like a girl.)

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