Fill the gaps

212 14 77

—Your POV—




Here you were, in the ground for the third time in a single night. You'd attempted going to sleep early, since you were bored out of your mind, but the makeshift bed you were on top of would suddenly just swerve in one direction or just become lopsided with a noise that would freak you out of your sleep, and then do you the honors of carelessly tossing you to the floor. 

You grumbled angrily, last time this happened it was only 2:30 AM, but you didn't have much of a choice so you had climbed back in, feeling tired and lazy. This time however, you were going to make different, checking the time on your phone, and getting smacked in the retina with an all too bright 4:47 AM, causing you to hiss and recoil away from the device, shoving it in your pocket as soon as you regained you sense. 

You stood up from your heap on the floor, groggily dragging yourself to the kitchen like a straggler in the night, though the sun would come up in around an hour. You immediately spotted the pristine figure of... well never mind, it wasn't Edge standing there, 

It was Stretch again, and your heavy heart urged you to apologize to the odd man, who was casually leaned over the sink, staring out the dimly lit window. He was smoking too, making you slightly uncomfortable, but he didn't seem like the type to randomly lash out at people, even if they were rude to him at first... 

Before forcing your seemingly petrified self forwards, you took an unnaturally long moment to just stare at him... admiring how his structure was a near perfect match of Crooks', albeit shorter, and Edge's, albeit more relaxed, and to some extent the arguing guard from the prison building, albeit much calmer. 

"Y'know it's rude to stare, come on over and stand with me."

You jumped, letting out a short and unharmonious squeak as you did your best not to lose balance. He spared a glance at you, chuckling lowly as you meekly shuffled over, staying about 3 feet away due to your own timidity. 

"Umm... Hi..." You gave him your signature strained smile and awkward greeting, shifting on your feet when you felt his gaze on you. "So, do you wanna chat for a bit... this little old shack is better structured than most would think." Stretch said, essentially ignoring your body languages, but leaving you an open choice anyway. 

Naturally, peer pressure got the best of you, and you agreed to make conversation, which you knew would likely embarrass you later on, but at least you weren't being rude again. "So, why are you here anyway...? It's like you're spying on me or something..." You asked, shrinking back just a little from his stare. 

"Hmm... good question kiddo, but I'm afraid I can't tell you much without stepping outside the boundaries of order." Stretch replied, blowing out a plume of smoke that nearly hit your face, with a strong huff it was gone though. "Well... can you tell me what you can?" You queried innocently, hitting him with your eyes for the first time in this conversation, yet he was back to staring out the window, pissing you off in the slightest. 

"Sure... my name's Stretch kiddo... nice to meetcha'." Stretch joked, looking at you now fully pissed face. "Ugh, that's not what I meant." You sighed, turning away so he wouldn't have the pleasure of looking at your flustered expression. "Well, I like puns." Stretch continued, smirking when you groaned loudly. 

Did every skeleton (spare Blue and many more—)around here enjoy puns and teasing? Or was it just a cute little totally coincidental pattern you'd picked up on while y'know... traveling the multiverse with pillagers, magical monsters, so-called gods, unimaginably clever criminals, an edgy character every now and again, and most recognizably, the fucking skeletons. 

You sighed again, looking up at Stretch who was watching the sun rise, making you slightly envious of his height. "Look kiddo, I know there's a skelet-ton of things you want to know, but don't let yourself get under your own skin, and most importantly, never ever stretch yourself too thin, or else you might give yourself a bad time." Stretch informed you, winking smugly while you practically choked on your sense of logic, not even catching the last joke. 

"I'm going to leave now, nice chat, make sure you watch the sun rise, I'll be waiting for you." Stretch chirped, then promptly disappeared, the last little ribbon of his magic settling right over your head, before dissolving as well. You frowned, wishing you would've used your time more wisely, but you couldn't lament about your own problems right now, as you went to execute the subtle order Stretch had given you. 

You quickly toddled over to the kitchen window, seeing the first little bits of sunlight pop out from behind the horizon, bringing an eased smile to your face. From the window it was a near perfect view, spare the couple of low-hanging tree branches that mainly kept sun rays out. 

You watched, star-struck as the light reflected off of each and every individual blade of grass, a nice warm golden hue settling over the clearing the back of the house faced, the temperature of the kitchen steadily climbing up as well, 

It was a nice and sunny view, bringing a feeling of joy to your heart and relaxation to your nerves, which was all predictably ruined by the unforgiving tramps that signified Edge's waking.

And, as bonus, he was coming straight for the kitchen. 


Oink Oink, Good day everyone, something really scary happened to me today... so you know how School is depicted as pretty much heaven on Netflix right? Well something cheesy like that actually came to fruition today. Girl drama, bathroom fights, lunchroom tussles, all sorts of shit to make me have to worry about what's gonna happen to me at school, but as long as I get to come home and write some more... Oki?

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!

- De Moogus 

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