A Step Away

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Well, shit. I was in a humble mood when I wrote this, listening to soft and humble music, so this chapter is for all the tired and friendly saps who don't enjoy nice things often, but make the most of when they do. :) Enjoy my friends, and Merry Yom Kippur. 

—Your POV—

You shuddered gleefully as the warm water enveloped your body. You hadn't bathed in a while, and after giving the tub a thorough and cumbersome inspection, you deemed it worthy of your body being cleaned in it. 

Edge had left you some nicer clothes, claiming that he wanted to burn your old pair, in which you reminded him to let you at least take them off first, which earned you a playful glare. You were a little sore still, even after he healed you, but at the same time the warm water helped release your muscles from their tight and uncomfortable state, which was very relaxing to say the least. 

You looked around the room, sure it wasn't the best bathroom, small nooks and crannies in the ceiling making you question if it really was safe in here, but you kept bathing, forcing your gaze to drift back down to the water, your watery reflection rippling at the movement, before giving you a wavy smile which you returned, as it was your reflection after all. 

The water was slightly tainted with dirt no that you look at it, and you hadn't really done any cleaning, just sitting around in the ever-moving water and letting all the dirt just dissolve from your skin, which was fun until the water reflected your lazy choice. 

You sighed, slowly standing up and cringing as all the water came rushing off of you, the excess that clung to your skin and hair leaving you cold and discomforted. You bent down to dip your pruned fingers into the still warm, but not as warm anymore water, the feeling bringing back your lovely smile as you grabbed your wash rag and scrubbed yourself down. 

Once satisfied, you drained the water and hung the rag back up where you found it, before stepping fully out of the tub and onto the dry shower-mat that looked like it hadn't been used in years. Of course Edge helped you dust it before you took you bath, but you were sure there were probably some stray dust bunnies or a view threads of spider web in it somewhere, but the fondness of the antique mat made you happy on the inside. 

Gracefully, you wrapped yourself in a towel, a lavender silky one with an adorable argyle design on it. You couldn't help but wonder where Edge got it, it was long and soft against your skin, and at the same time, it kept the consistency of being a towel and not a blanket. 

It swept all the water right off your cold and slightly wrinkled body, and you questioned if applying lotion was really necessary at this point in time, not like you wouldn't get the chance later, but it wasn't all too often that a stranger just kidnapped you and demanded you to shower after going through what seemed like a personality shift. 

Reluctantly, you grabbed the lotion, squeezing a generous portion into your hand before you began to lightly rub it across your body, and the lotion was smooth and creamy, sliding across your body with ease and gentleness. 

The reluctance melted away as you applied more of it, a small smile replacing the timid frown you'd been wearing. You huffed in satisfaction when finished, and put the lotion back, it was just staring alone in a little cabinet, but upon further instruction, you saw... dog shampoo? Along with a few bottle of 'monster cleaner'. You snorted a laugh at the oblivious names, but you were glad this place still had some appreciation to it when it was down to the people living here. 

You tried on the new clothing the top being a nice and fitting dress shirt, colored a kind purple. Then, the bottoms were long and glossy dress pants, a navy blue and they kind of cling to your legs and rear a little, but you had no real problem with the dominating business type of vibe that reflected Edge's in some way. 

The shoes were cool too, slick black dress shoes that were a one way ticket to ClassyVille, but you like the mediocre more casual clothes then the overly expensive and radiant ones, which is why you felt quite good in your new outfit, the undergarments were hand picked by you, without Edge's interference either, and that fact made you a bit more comfortable as well. 

You examined yourself in the mirror, raising your arms to make sure it fit right, sitting down and standing up, running in place, and even taking dynamic poses all with ginger carefulness, but never hearing even a sound that made you think it might rip, much to your relief. 

You check your face too, your eyes were a little tired and pained looking, your hair was kind of dry and oily, your teeth were covered in plaque and there were already a few fresh beads of sweat running down your forehead from the humidity of the room. Cleaning your ears was mandatory as well, as dirt just seemed to magically appear in there when you weren't looking. 

You grabbed the washcloth again, running it under the warm water and began to clean your face with it. You cleaned the crust from your eyes, the dead cells around your mouth, the dirt in your ears and even the sweat on your forehead, ringing out the rag when finished. 

You grinned at your cleaner reflection in the mirror, a feeling of confidence washing over you as you stepped out the door, a large puff of steam coming out behind you. Edge was there waiting to your surprise, carrying a stack of clearly used blankets. 

"One moment human, I will get you your... undesirable drug. I just have to complete my duties as a first course of action." 


Ok, so like I was humble when I started writing, good mood and shit, but when I hit 956 words, my dad purposefully cut the internet and only like 830 words were saved. I had to rewrite the ending, and before I could, when the internet came back up, he legitimately kicked me out. I was sitting on my bed minding my business and he just showed up and was like "You're  a lazy good for nothing sack of carbon, get outside with your brothers and go walk laps." I was so fucking pissed, but when he noticed my expression change he did that fucked up thing where he starts questioning me, and my mind is too pissed off to think, and our conversation turns into charades, and somehow that gave him the right to be angry with me. 

Thanks for readings! Hope you enjoyed!! (Sorry for sharing...) 

- De Moogus 

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