The Truth

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Hey yeah I know it's been a bit. 

Two whole months, gone without a word, without a trace... without a choice. 

To those of you who've been wondering, pondering, questioning— and so on, this is your answer. 

I lied.

Yep. I lied. I lied a lot. 

I lied to the people I loved most. And looking back at it now— for what? For an 'outlet' I'd convince myself. 'For the attention you deserve', little voices in the back of my head would whisper, egging me on, even when I knew it was wrong.

And it's my fault for listening to them. 

So to clear the lies, and your heads, and to really just confess to everything I've put you all, and myself through, I'd like to say some things. 

1. I was born in America.

Yep. I lied about my home country. In reality, when I was younger, I took a cross-country trip that flipped my world upside down, and I guess I let my imagination grow and turn it into more than what it really was. 

2. I'm not Moogus. 

Moogus is an OC based off of me. One I tried to impersonate so much that it ruined some of the more social parts of my life... during my separation from the internet, I learned a lot of things, and I reevaluated myself in order to prepare for me coming back. 

In truth, I'm not emo or living in terrible conditions, I'm just a dumb kid with an overactive imagination. Turns out the rush of having online accounts and accessing the internet was too much without being monitored. 

(But, I will still go by De Moogus, and my newly adapted nickname 'Merfy' from now on. [thank Raidthevillage and EclipseAU]) 

3. I'm cringe. 

I'm just going to admit that now. My ideas are overactive, unrealistic, and unobtainable in my current situation. 

It's just way too much in so little time. I'm a fledgling writer, artist, and musician. My dreams are too crazy to be held in my hands at such a quick pace. 

4. Thanks 

You guys have done so much for me. Even if it's just a simple view. Every little detail counts— and if you're a fellow creator you'll no what I mean. 

You people... you amazing and inspiring people. You're the ones that keep me going, and no wild dream would even exist without you guys. 

So thanks, thanks for putting up with my terribly written madness I call 'fanfiction' and thanks for not spamming my inbox with hate. You're all so important and inspiring, even if you don't realize it. 

Hope to see you reading my works tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading, hope you understand. 

- De Moogus 

(P.s... I changed all my descriptions and stuff if you want to check em' out. I really hope my japes and lies didn't tick anyone off. And if so, I'm sorry.)

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