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—Your POV—

You whimpered as Reaper waved to you, gave you little finger guns, and then disappeared out the door. All seven mystical skeletons were gone now, leaving you and Crooks to squabble about in the huge mansion. Since you had a good-ish ear, you'd overheard Nightmare talking to Horror about your work. Nightmare said you didn't have to clean the whole thing again, but if you didn't clear the most busy areas, you were as good as dead. 

With a sigh, you forced yourself off of the comfy couch, wincing as pain snuck up your leg depending on how much pressure you put on it. It definitely wasn't as bad as earlier, where you couldn't walk, but you were going to be limping until it healed completely. 

Crooks immediately came over to aid you, gently taking your hands and helping you balance. "ARE YOU OKAY HUMAN?" He asked, and you nodded in response, your leg screaming in disagreement. "I should be fine Crooks, would you like to assist me again." You croaked, noticing Crooks' eyes scanning across something on you face. "Is there something on my face?" You queried, instinctively reaching up to touch yourself. 

"NO, IN FACT YOUR FACE IS FLAWLESS." Crooks chirped, making your face heat up. "O-Oh! Thanks buddy!" You replied, adding a sweet smile from your heart. "YOU ARE WELCOME. ALSO, I WOULD LOVE TO PARTAKE IN THE HOUSEHOLD DUTIES." He said, returning your warm smile. 

After slowly placing your hands back by your sides, Crooks bustled off somewhere to grab the more obscure cleaning supplies while you went to go get the cart. By the time you'd wheeled it back, Crooks was already there, waiting for you to put the special cleansers in the cart, which you did. 

You put them in, then beckoned Crooks after you as you went around cleaning the more popular rooms, scrubbing walls, vacuuming floors, dusting counters, fluffing pillows, eradicating bacterium as a whole, bleaching sheets, drying laundry, taking up loose trash, and recycling anything that needed to be recycled. It took you lots of time of course, at least 2-3 hours, but you were done before you knew it, and had to take a small break from using your legs so much. 

Flopped across Reaper's couch was you, softly nuzzling into the fresh cushions, closing your eyes and sighing contently. You glanced and Crooks and smiled at him with your eyes, seeing the large skeleton was also slightly winded, relaxing on his brother's couch with a joyful look on his features. 

Seeing Crooks made you think of Horror, a frown coming to your face as you recalled your betrayal a few nights ago. You huffed silently, wondering if Horror really did care. Obviously, all the skeletons were quite two-faced, sometimes, being murderous monsters who would stop at nothing to fulfill their Boss' needs, and other times, they were silly and childish dopes who couldn't care less about their behavior or the reactions of those around them, and just wanted to commemorate with their comrades. 

Somehow, the thought brought a smile to you as you continued to wonder, briefly slipping into a world of slumber and imagination...

~Dream Start!~

You were back home on the surface, running late for work and impatiently bouncing up and down at your bus stop. The old man was suspiciously gone, and Larry wasn't there this morning. After about ten minutes of the bus being late, you got up and decided to run to work yourself. Sure, it might take a long time, and you'll most likely get fired, but you still wanted to make an effort to be the good employee you claimed to be. 

However, when you got there, the shop was empty, greatly confusing you. "Fritz! ...Marris!! BOSS!?" You yelled, trying to catch anyone's attention at all, before concluding no one was here. You went into the kitchen, it was still well stocked and whatnot, but no workers were here to use it, which only confused you more. 

Traveling into your boss' office, you found a single person. A small, grey child with large black eyes and a striped shirt, sitting comfortably in your boss' seat. "Hey there... we've been waiting for you." They spoke, their voice soft and childish as they hopped out of the chair and grabbed your hand. "Come with us, we have to show you the wonderland!" They whispered as everything around you faded into white, the color forcing you to shut your eyes until it dulled back down enough for you to bare.

"Where am I?" You mumbled, recovering from the light. "You poor, poor soul..." The child cooed, reaching up and stretching to stroke your cheek fondly. "I am Core, keeper of the OmegaVerse." They stated, black eyes shining inquisitively as they scanned you. "Who are you?" They beamed, hopping in front of you and tilting their head innocently. 

"I...I'm... Y/N?" You said, but it sounded like a question. "Oh no! You're already forgetting, please don't go yet! We waited so long!"




         Core huh?

~Dream End~

Your eyes flew open as you bolted into a sitting position, alarming the Crooks on the other side of the room. "HUMAN ARE YOU OKAY?!" He boomed, prepping for to get up if need be. You simply thrusted a prompt thumbs up into the air, quickly regaining your composure and relaxation, and noticing a little drool you'd left on Reaper's couch that he'd endlessly tease you about until you took care of it. 

You cleaned up the mess, checking your phone which read 3:00PM, meaning you had a few hours of free time before Horror and his buds came back, and you were clueless on how to spend them. Draw, write, eat, play, chill, flirt, explore, sleep, or... maybe you could spend your time constructively doing a simple activity that everyone always benefits from...

...And Think?


And think you should because guess who mutilated their writer's block that way!! Drum Roll please...


Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Btw Core belongs to DokuDoki

- De Moogus 

(P.S as of now I'm squandering all previous promises except the fact I will finish this book on a good note and I will write smut if I get enough views and votes. So thanks a lot to everyone, you have no idea how awesome this is for me. :D) 

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