Into The Unknown

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—Your POV—

You gawked at Nightmare in disbelief as he tore a hole in what seemed like absolutely nothing. He looked at you, and rolled his eye. "Get in there dipshit, you have a goldfish to save." He growled, giving you a light shove toward the dark swirling threshold with his one of his tentacles. "B-B-But..." You rapidly scanned yourself, and the area around you for an excuse before you went through the ominous monstrosity of a portal. 

"NO!" You squealed, just as Nightmare forcefully pushed you entirely in, chuckling darkly to himself. Not to mention, unbeknownst to you, he was currently devouring the cookie as soon as you left.  

You landed hard on a grassy floor, startling some nearby people. Immediately you got lots of attention, a medium sized group of maybe 25 people crowding around you. "Are you ok?" "Where'd she come from?" "She looks tasty~." "Stop with that disgusting chatter!" "Oh look... she's human." "Are you sure it's a girl, she landed on her stomach." "A specimen!" "Did anyone else see the portal she crashed through? ...creepy vibe." 

"All of you stand back." 

Suddenly, the group dissipated, and you were still lying here face flat, too terrified to get up. "Stand child." The person spoke, they sounded strong and demanding, but intelligent and caring. You followed order and stood up, noticing even the cover of darkness couldn't fully protect you, and only made you more terrified of all the creepier and nocturnal monsters slinking around. 

"Good." You looked at them, dusting the dirt and dust off yourself, and met their eyes. He was a large goat, probably as tall as if not taller than Crooks, with a golden beard and a large purple cape. He looked down at you with a sort of fondness in his eyes, and knelt down to greet you. 

"Hello human, I am Asgore, and I patrol this area in th—"

"Yo! wassup broski?"

An odd skeleton came running up from behind the goat man, dressed in bright neon colors, and speaking like a 90s nightmare. You stared at him in disbelief, as he didn't seem to notice you yet, and was collaborating with his large goat-like acquaintance. "Excuse him, he is my patrolling partner, Fresh." Asgore advised, despite the colorful skeleton practically climbing on him just to say hello. 

"Oh look! You found a human!" Fresh beamed, bounding over to you and slinging an arm around your shoulders. You weren't completely sure about all the close contact, but you didn't want to fight off the people who could be your guide to Horror. "H-Hi..." You muttered awkwardly, gingerly wiggling out of Fresh's hold. He didn't seem to mind or notice, the bright smile with the unmistakable golden tooth still prominent on his face.

"Let us take you somewhere more... private?" Asgore suggested, pulling out a walkie-talkie and murmuring something incoherent into it. "S-Sure." You squeaked, your attempt at not sounding so pitiful only making you sound scared. Asgore looked at Fresh and nodded, the odd skeleton then proceeded to sling his arm around you and the goat, before the ground beneath you disappeared, and now, you were in a well furnished little cottage, where a tall fish lady was standing, sorting through some papers. 

"Ahem, Mrs. Undyne?" Asgore said imperially, sending a chill down your spine. The fish lady jolted, and whipped around to reveal a shy blue face, with large yellow eyes shielded by a pair of glasses. "U-U-Umm M-Mr. Asgore!" She stammered, bustling over and nearly bumping Fresh, she skillfully maneuvered around though, probably having been here a lot. 

"W-What is it th-that you r-require S-Sir?" She stuttered, eyes briefly scanning over you in a blink. "This human here spontaneously appeared, and I think she should go and see Core." Asgore said endearingly, sending you a kind smile. Undyne switched her attention to you, and bowed loyally. "W-Welcome t-to the O-Omega T-Timeline Ma'am." Undyne said humbly, straightening up and sending you a toothy grin. 

You paused to think for a moment, not catching Fresh gesture oddly to Asgore. Omega Timeline? And that little kid Core? You feared that you'd get lost in all this instead of finding Horror, and you needed to find a way to escape. Not now though, not with a huge goat who could scoop you up and never let go, or a 90s nightmare who could easily teleport in front of you like most skeletons, and then confine you. But you had no idea what a timid fish lady could do, and maybe you could take a chance on your way to see this elusive 'Core'. However, it seemed unlikely that you would be able to slip through anyone's fingers in a heavily populated place like this. 

Plus, before you knew it, a skeletal hand was waving in front of your face, and Fresh's chirpy voice kept asking  if you were there. "Yo, Earth to human broski? Bro?" You jolted out of your trance, and quickly sped over to the Undyne. "I-I'm ready to go now." You whispered to her, and she nodded and led you down a hallway leading outside of the cottage and straight to a large building, called the Communal Introduction Center.

The inside was full of humans and monsters alike, skeletons, animal people, anomalies, and most things imaginable. Most of them stopped what they were doing to watch you and your escort go through though, hushed words flowing around the lobby. There was only one person who stuck out to you though, a human girl with pink dip dyed hair, also wearing a pink and purple sweater with pink bottoms, however, when she picked up on your stare, she looked at you with a creepy smile, making you shudder.  

Next room wasn't as populated, but there was an elevator in the back and you were led to it, Undyne walking in and pushing the button to go to the 4th floor, fidgeting with the buttons on her lab coat. When the elevator was done, Undyne led you to a room on the hallway, it seemed like a lobby room, where a few other people were waiting, most looking anxious or worried. 

Undyne bowed to you again, smiling softly at you before leaving, and you assumed you were to wait here until it was your turn to go in, which might take a while with your current position. You plopped comfortably in a large chair, next to a cat man with a hat that read M, and he looked a bit sad. 

But, the only thing that scared you, is that you saw someone you actually recognized.


WOOHOOO! And a spot opens up for one of my favorite Sanses! Lol, he's only gonna be there in like 2 paragraphs but y'know still worth it. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! :D

Good day today!

- De Moogus 

Yea Asgore belongs to Toby Fox, Fresh belongs to Loverofpiggies, and Swap!Undyne belongs to Popc0rnPr1nce

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