Country Roads

161 10 44

—Your POV—

"C'mon Cupcake! Hurry up!" Horror demands as you rush up the stairs and onto the bus. 

"Hurrying!" You call back, rushing to the back of the bus where your skeletal buddies have situated themselves. 

You slide in, between the two, Lust on the outside and Horror closest to the window. It's a small squeeze, but you believe you'll live. 

You take a moment to a take in your surroundings. It seems like you got one of the more plush and lavished buses. The seats are comfortable, there's working air conditioners and other mechanisms, and the rumble of the bus isn't enough to shake your guts.

A few others get on, the majority monsters, with a few humans in between. 

"What are we gonna do on the bus?" Lust queries, though it sounds like he's thinking out loud. 

You think about what Horror promised earlier. You guess you're on the bus now, so he could tell you about his interestingly suspicious love life. 

"Why don't y—" 

"Later when the bus moves." Horror grumbles, cutting you off and turning away in what looks like humility. 

Lust smirks beside you, a low chuckle dropping from his teeth as he inclines towards Horror a little more. 

"You're prying about his relationships aren't you?" Lust coos, close to you. You nod, an inexplicable shiver creeping up your spine at the much expected lack of space. 

"Horror always clams up when it comes to love. You just get used to it~." Lust continues, a different meaning somewhere in that sentence... not like you really care. 

"Lust that—" 

Horror's cut off by and unexpected lurch that throws you back into your seat. It's not too harsh, by your standards, but a warning would've been a tad more preferable.  

Oh, looks like the bus is moving now. 

Slowly, you turn to Horror, pure smugness engulfs your expression, and you sure behind you, Lust is doing something similar. 

"The bus is moving." Lust hums, tone slick with knowingness as you nod give a small hum of acknowledgment as well. 

"I know that." Horror mutters, turning further away from you as he squishes himself into the corner, murmuring more incoherent nonsense as you press him for details. 

"C'mon! You promised!" You whine, grabbing his hood and giving a playful tug. 

"Darling's right! And I've been waiting for years if we're going off promises." Lust tuts, adding to your point as Horror becomes visibly guilt tripped. 


Horror whips around to face you, deftly grabbing your wrist and widening his sockets exasperatedly. 

You relax your muscles after a moment of tensing, though your arm is still suspended in Horror's grip as he narrows his eyes into a dark glare. 

"Heya pal...?" You try awkwardly, wiggling your fingers as you give a taut little tug for your arm. 

"Mine." Horror growls decisively, adjusting his grip on your hand so your fingers are intertwined. He then moves it to the small space between you two. 

You don't try and argue... no point. His grip is iron and you aren't interested in any extra reasons to want to fight or exert any excess energy. 

Horror clears his throat, a small crimson flooding his cheekbones as he takes an unflatteringly long time to prepare his speech. 

"Anyways... from the top I assume?" Horror asks, receiving two eager nods, one of flesh and one of bone. 

"From Farm... to Lust... to Dust... and then you." Horror explains slowly, and you tilt your head at the last suggestion. 

"Well for starters, Farm was older than me, we met when I was like... 16 I think." 


A young Horror sprinted through the corn maze, particularly triumphant in his feat of 'escaping' a tall farmer who looked like his little brother. 

Way before he met Nightmare, or even Lust for that matter, he was on Font farm, robbing it of its crops. 

In one hand, he tightly clutched a bag full of stolen vegetables, and in the other, his trusty axe. 

Sure it was one of those dulled safety axes (which were totally begging to be soaked in blood and dust), but it was sharp enough to cut corn and bean stalks... as well as flesh. 

Horror didn't exactly know where he was going at the time, he just ran and let his instincts drive him recklessly, sometimes slicing at random parts of the pasture to create a way out of the maze. 

He refused to let Crooks or himself go hungry... or ever be cannibals again... it was a promise on the inside. 

Up ahead, he saw an exit, or perhaps an entrance, and ran for it. 

He was running out of stamina, and didn't want to keep Crooks waiting alone in that alleyway, so he hurried as fast as possible. 

Except one problem. 

As he approached the exit, a false sense of confidence fresh in his bones, a skeleton appeared directly in front of him, causing him to, by reflex, try and stop. 

Yet, he ran right into the outstretched foot and tripped, landing just a few feet away as a string of curses fell from his teeth. 

"Well, Well! I'll be, there's a thief in my pasture... where are the pesticides?" A low threatening voice rang out from behind him, a southern accent accompanying the words as Horror was roughly yanked off the ground by the hood. 

"What's your name, squirt? You work here now."

Horror had learned the hard way not to speak when on someone else's turf. Anything you say is used against you, and everything you do is already set in stone. 

Yet... Horror wasn't always the best at following rules, not like he didn't already cuss out his agricultural captor. 

"Fuck you!" He hissed, hating that his feet didn't touch the ground. He'd dropped his food too... so much for not going hungry.  

Horror attempted to throw a punch at the stupid-faced skeleton, but his fist was caught, and the farmer let out a dangerous chuckle. 

"Now then, don't talk like that, Squirt. The plants'll hear you." The skeleton spoke, dropping Horror, but not his hand. 

"I don't give a shit! Let me the hell go!" Horror yelled, aggravation filling him at the thought he couldn't break some stupid farmer's grip. 

"What're you? A five year old?" 

Horror was smarter than to answer that, trying with all his might to pull himself free, digging his heels into the dirt and moving as far away as possible. 

The farmer sighed, unexpectedly letting Horror go. 

Horror stumbled to the ground, landing on his rear. He was then kicked flat on his back, a firm heavy-duty boot being pressed onto his chest. 

"You steal my crops, you insult me, and then refuse your punishment..." The farmer started, wiping the sweat off his brow bone. 

"You want the food, you work for it... but you're too greedy to be a farmer... so a housekeeper it is." The skeleton decided, his smile loosing some of it's fury and growing a bit more devious. 

"You're under my ownership, your brother too. Think of it as something better than jail." 


Yessir. I love this already... you have no fucking idea how long i've been waiting to write a FarmXHorror. So long, too long. I support the ship so good so cool. So many ways to perceive, so many ways to execute, so many way to interpret. And most importantly... SO FUN TO WRITE!!!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

Playing with my food. (Horror sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now