Plans? What Plans?

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Hi yeah I'm back you guys!! :DDD Just wanted to thank everyone for handling the truth so well?? Like I thought y'all were gonna be mad and I don't even know why! You guys are better than that! 

Chapter warnings for; Possessive Behavior and Suggestive themes.

(Also, I changed the book's rating to 'Mature'. I felt it was necessary with the kind of language and theme that's in this story.) 

{Even More Flashback}

"So that's the idea." 

Hunched low, kneeling on the side of Crooks' cold metal bed was Horror. 

Sincerity filled his eye sockets as he explained his well though out plan to the smaller skeleton. He'd been scheming, scheming for an escape. Scheming for his freedom. Scheming for his dignity. 

Ever since he'd gotten locked up behind glinting silver bars of suggestive smirks and all too suspicious warnings, he was livid. Farm was a prick, an interesting prick, someone Horror feels he would've liked if he'd maybe negotiated some kind of vegetable agreement rather then stealing everything he wanted. 

He couldn't be blamed though. Not with the way Farm treated him. Like a slave. Like an object. Like someone under his ownership able to be bossed around like a loyal dog. 

It filled Horror, with DISGUST, it filled him with HATRED.

Yet it felt so shallow every time Farm invited Crooks to help him cook, or threw his blanket onto Horror in the middle of the night. It made the messages he was getting from his gut, and the messages he was getting from his brain, blend together in some indecipherable mess. 

"I hope this works." Crooks murmurs, nuzzling into the sheets a little further. Breaking Horror from his thoughts and gazing at him sympathetically.

 "I know you don't like it here, big bro."

Horror felt a pang of guilt as the little skeleton closed his eyes with a yawn, drifting into slumber quicker than expected. Did he not like it here? 

He didn't want to make Crooks worry... he never wanted his little baby bones of a brother to ever worry about him. No matter how big the situation.  But at the same time, Horror was worried too. 

The plan was to leave on the night before his alleged 'birthday' (which had been confirmed to be   nothing in October), and ditch Farm before he even woke up. 

But, he wasn't so sure all of a sudden. Moments ago, he was brimming with rage and contempt, but now, he wasn't certain he could pull it off. 

In fact, Horror wasn't fully assured that he should. 

Solemnly, Horror stared at the ceiling, his skull full of an unwarranted feeling of dread. His plan was to get Crooks by snatching up out of the room they were in via the little window on the wall. Now the window looked small. 

Raising up off the ground, Horror rounded the bed and gazed out the tiny stained window. Outside were large pastures, half-picked. Horror had learned that some plants take longer to grow than others, even if it is harvesting season. 

Horror had learned a lot of things. Some he didn't want to know, most he didn't need to know. He was primarily a carnivore. What business does he have among agricultural squabblers like Farm? Or his little brother. 

Many, many thoughts ran amok within Horror's mind, some slipping out his eye socket, some spilling out of his skull. He was a full cup of water, waiting to overflow. 

A creak from the room's door made Horror jolt, the abrupt noise causing him to throw his gaze back towards the intruder, though he reluctantly relaxed when he saw it was just Farm. 

"Miss me?" Farm joked, an odd fondness in his tone when he spoke to his captive. 

Horror bristled protectively. Farm didn't come in to throw another blanket at him, otherwise he'd be holding one. 

"Like hell I would." Horror growled, fully turning around to face the farmer. No way he was taking his eyes off this bastard. 

"Woah Woah, calm down buddy." Farm purred, taking a step around the bed as Horror moved the slightest bit away from him, keeping a close eye on the wall that seemed to be getting closer. "I'm not looking for trouble tonight."

Farm put up his hands in mock surrender, exposing the pajama shirt that Horror couldn't help but read. 'Forget about John, just call me Dear.' It said, the image of a barn in the middle separating the phrases. 

Horror snorted. How superior did Farm think he was?

"I been thinking you know? Like the FDA's coming over in a bit. Lovely group of monsters." Farm said, making Horror huff in indifference as he took a step closer to the scarred skeleton. 

"Stop." Horror hissed, his shoulder blade knocking into the wall as he bared his teeth. 

"Stop what?" Farm asked, faking a dumbfounded expression as a coquette smirk came over his bony face. "Don't you like it when we—" 

"Stop coming over here!" Horror barked, quickly lowering his voice as Crooks quietly stirred. "Stay on the other side of the bed or something. I'm suffocating over here!" 

Horror bit back a whimper as Farm's expression darkened considerably, his straw hat (that he never took off) falling over his face and creating a dangerous shade over his face.

"That wasn't very nice." He muttered, tentatively taking a half step into Horror's territory. Then a wicked grin grew over his face and Farm forced himself into Horror's space, smothering the latter in his presence. 

"Haven't you heard of personal space!?" Horror yelped, uselessly pushing against Farm's rib cage as the skeleton loomed menacingly over him. 

"Course' Squirt, haven't you ever heard of I dunno' respect?" Farm uttered, gripping Horror's lower jaw while he writhed in futile attempts to escape. 

Horror chose not reply, mind racing, as he felt an unwanted crimson creeping up on his cheekbones. He had to control whatever was going on. 

Horror prayed Farm didn't notice the redness on his face, the proximity, the way Horror hissed and sputtered like a cat cornered by a bear. It was embarrassing. 

"I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to be released before then." Farm said, a dark chuckle dropping from his teeth as he drew little circles on Horror's smooth warmed cheekbones. "But it's clear you need more training before society can accept you as a troublemaker again." 

"What!?" Horror exclaimed, his words slurred by the way Farm playfully squished the soft bones of his face. "Not fair!" 

"I could ask them for federal assistance and get you shipped to the nearest Asylum." Farm spat, eye lights shrinking slightly as they flickered and darkened. "Do you want that, Squirt?" 

Horror didn't want this. Horror didn't want Farm to be cross with him— though he didn't know why. Farm had been a jerk this whole time, Horror shouldn't care if he dies tomorrow. 

"No." Horror grumbled defiantly, scoffing when Farm dropped his jaw and smiled saccharinely. 

"Good~!" He chirped, hands retreating to his pants pockets and his face brightened and the tension was stored away somewhere to be used later, not dissipated.

"Love ya', Squirt." Farm beamed, the mood escalating as he quickly kissed Horror's soft warm cheek. "You're a good addition to the farm, your brother too. Didn't wanna lose you to some federal freaks." 

All too fast, Farm teleported away, leaving Horror with too many questions to compute as he sunk to the floor in the very spot he stood. 

What in the world just happened. First playful, then deadly, and lastly... flirty? Nothing made sense anymore. Not Farm, not Horror, and not the change of temperature in his cheeks afterwards.

He really should've just bitten the bastard. 


Wowie! *cracks knuckles, predictably breaking them in the process* I haven't written this stuff in a bit! How'd I do?! Do I still have it?? 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

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