Chapter 2 - "The Bank"

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Year: 2022

Location: [???] City, Japan

Time: 03:30 PM.


The scene appears to be at the back of the bank, where Aegis got his disguise equipped which was a bank guard uniform.

He went inside the building and then head upstairs to find the manager.

He saw guards patrolling and employees working around.

Y/n:"the banks busy, I'll try not raise any alarms.."

Unknown Caller:"then keep it quiet then."



at the Holo-Niji HQ. Some of the members were busy streaming while others were having a Collab.

Maria Marionette was being chased by Aia Amare because playing tag in the Minecraft Collab for no reason along with Millie Parfait,and Enna Alouette

At the CEO's office there was a man or best boi sitting on his chair while looking at his paperwork...he thought to himself

???:'who was that man who saved Aqua..I guess we all have to wait for what will happen next..'


he quickly dragged the bank manager at the hidden location and then held him hostage.

He interrogated the bank manager for Intel which ended up giving the vault code and the master keycard.

He then bashed his suppressed RAVEN pistol at the bank manager's cranium which knocked him out unconscious.

He got his bodybag and then shoved the unconscious man inside before carrying the bag.

He quickly unlocked the locked door by his lockpick and then went inside. He then dropped the bodybag by the couch and then went over to the safe.

He cracked down the safe which was a slow process but he got it done. He opened the safe and then acquired the Vault Keycard.

Y/n:"now all need is the target at the archives.."

He then gets out of the office and then went over towards the camera operator room, he slid the keycard in and then opened the door.

The guard spotted the freelancer with his gun but he was shot before the operator could act fast.

Y/n:"there goes my no kill bonus..atleast we don't have to worry about the surveillance cameras at this floor anymore"

He got outside and then with no one around unlocked the archives room by lockpicking the door open.

The door was unlocked and then went inside the archives room and searched the archives for the target number...which was box-110

Unknown Caller:"you've got the box number? Good."

He then proceed to head down to lower ground where the vault was located.

Unknown Caller:"before you could even go inside the vault.."

Unknown Caller:"..are you even aware of the sensors?"

Y/n:"don't worry, I've got a solution for that."

Unknown Caller:"how?"

Y/n:"it's better to find out.."

Unknown Caller:"and the guards stationed there?"

Y/n:"already took care of them.."

Unknown Caller:"good, now get that target."

He typed the code and then slide the vault keycard.. the vault door opens and then he detonated something at the transformer generator which shut down the sensors temporarily.

Y/n:"sensors down...gotta make it count.."

He then finds the box-110 and then started to open it...revealing a box filled with... documents.

Y/n:"uhhh boss, is this the target you're looking for? It's just a box filled with documents.."

Unknown Caller:"yes that's it, that's the target get it now."

He picked up the box and then put it inside the duffel bag, he quickly left the vault before the sensors were reactivated.

He went back to the ground floor and then left the building with the target.

He got inside the van and then drove off away from the bank.

Y/n:"where we meeting boss?"

Unknown Caller:"don't worry, I have given you the location.. you've done your work Aegis."

Y/n:"thanks, just have my paycheck ready."


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