Chapter 5 - "The Safehouse"

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Year: 2022

Location: Unnamed Safehouse, Japan.

Time: 08:50 AM.

Y/n "Aegis" L/n.

A/n:"Stealth has been chosen for this chapter"


The scene starts off outside the safehouse, one hostile tango spotted something left in the open, the tango went to investigate the dropped object.. only to be bashed in the cranium knocking the bad guy out.

Aegis used the outfit as a disguise and then proceed to go around the safehouse.. trying to find a way inside.

Y/n:"anything special about this safehouse?"

Employer[Radio]:"nothing special about their security.. just tangos roaming around the place..but they've got radios on so there could be a possibility that their head of security might be around, find the head of security and take him down"

Y/n:"I see.."

He went to the backdoor and began lockpick the door..

Y/n:"I guess this should be easy.."

Employer[Radio]:"but be careful, these tangos are ruthless mercenaries.. once they spot something suspicious they won't hesitate to shoot first and ask questions never.."


He unlocked the door and then went inside the safehouse.. he looked around his surroundings which there were 4 guards were roaming around inside.

Y/n:"alright i'm inside the place."

Employer[Radio]:"good, find the head of security and take him out..then take out the inside guards."

He walked around the safehouse looking for the head of security which he found him almost immediately going to an isolated spot.. a perfect spot to take him out.

He followed the head of security, then drew his pistol out from his concealment and shot the head of security dead.

He went over to his dead body and then disabled the auto-radios from his pager.

Y/n:"head of security down, no need to worry about that anymore."

Employer[Radio]:"good, now take out the guards."

Timeskip to minutes later he took out all of the guards inside the safehouse and then proceed to examine around the place.

He found a file which he take a look at was a code for something..

Employer[Radio]:"a code? Bet there's something we could it for..keep looking around."

He returned back to the main area where he finds a heavy door by the kitchen..

Y/n:"I think i know where this code is going to be used for.."

Employer[Radio]:"a heavy door?"


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