Chapter 16 - "Calm before the Storm"

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Year: 2022

Location: Hololive/Nijisanji HQ, Japan.

Time: 06:30 PM.


Days later, Aegis woke up..only to find himself at the infirmary room.. his wound was patched up with bandages.. Zeta was there sleeping not keeping an eye on Aegis which gave him a opportunity to escape without alerting everyone.

He grabbed his equipment and his guns, then opened the door slowly..he peeked around to see the VTubers were there along with their CEO as well..

Y/n:"dang it.. I need to get out of here, please RNG do something.."

They walked away giving a chance for Aegis to sneak out of the medical room and then walk throughout the hallway.

Y/n:"I can't knock or take out anyone.. I need to be careful..or else I'm done for.."

He ran towards another cover and then peeked by the wall to scout for any incoming VTubers around..turns out there were less of them..which were Elira, Rosemi,Enna and Nina.

He quickly navigated through carefully using cover by cover to not get detected.. he then arrived at the lobby which the exit was there.. luckily RNG blessed him when there was no one around, he made a run for the exit and successfully escaped without being detected by the VTubers and their CEO.

Y/n:"not now VTubers.. I must stop Halcyon first.."

Meanwhile Zeta woke up to see, the freelancer was missing, she was surprised by this and then alerted the others..


Yagoo:"what happened, where's Aegis?"

Zeta:"the freelancer went missing.. he's nowhere to be seen!"

Yagoo:"he's gotta be around the HQ somewhere.."

A-Chan:"sir.. he escaped, surveillance footage caught the attempt.."

She showed the footage of Aegis being excellent in stealth, escaping the Headquarters without getting caught by the VTubers..

Yagoo:"I see.. he's full of surprises... He's going after that Halcyon Facility to stop them.."

Calli:"now what?"

Yagoo:"I guess we'll have to wait for what will come next.."

Zeta was trying to leave only to be stopped by her genmates.

Kobo:"Zeta, where are you going?"

Zeta:"I'm going after him.."

Kaela:"but Zeta.. you'll get hurt or worse..shot"

Zeta:"I don't care.. I'm going after him.."

Gura:"..let us come with you then!"

Zeta:"Gura you'll get hurt too!"

Gura:"doesn't matter, we'll come with you!"

Mumei:"Gura's right, we have our weapons and powers to fight.. Yagoo-san, let us come with Zeta-chan.. we'll get the freelancer here."

Yagoo:"*sigh*...I hope all of you know what you're doing.. I wish you the best of luck.."

Gura:"yes! Let's go guys!"

Calli:"we're coming for you Freelancer!"

Zeta:"don't worry, Aegis.. you've got backup to help you.."

They all left for an adventure on helping the freelancer destroy Halcyon and get him back to the headquarters..

Meanwhile, Aegis arrived back at the safehouse and preparing his gear for the big fight..which will take place right at the Halcyon's main operational facility..

Y/n:"why do I feel like.. I'm getting some reinforcements during the fight...oh well doesn't matter it ain't gonna be them.. since they'll risk themselves getting seriously hurt.."

He refilled his ammo for his F57, and then exchanged his RAVEN for the Thumper grenade launcher.. he packed up some first aid kits inside his equipment bag and then went outside..

He hopped on his motorcycle and then drove off..onwards to Halcyon's main operational facility to settle the score once and for all..


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