Chapter 9 - "Contact"

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Year: 2022

Location: Tokyo, Japan.

Time: 06:00 AM.


The scene appears to be at the city of Tokyo, Japan.

Aegis was sent there to find and assassinate a high profile target.

He concealed his suppressed RAVEN pistol and then started to blend in with the civilian crowd..searching for the target. He stopped for a second to look around the city

He found the target which was walking towards the hotel.. he followed the man inside the building..

The high profile target then took the elevator, as for Aegis.. he knocked out one staff, dragged the unconscious staff to a bodybag, hid the bodybag in the bin and used his uniform as a disguise to proceed further inside the hotel.

Y/n:"alright.. time to find and shoot the target."

He took the elevator and then pressed floor 5 which where the target was located at.

As the elevator ascends to the 5th floor, he looked at his watch to see it was 07:10 PM.

Y/n:"man, time really flies fast huh.."

The elevator dinged and then the door opens, he stepped out of the elevator and then began making his way through the hallways. two bodyguards were guarding the target's room.

He brought a cart filled with cleaning materials to pretend as a cleaning staff for every hotel room.

He then arrived by the door and was halted by the bodyguards.


Y/n:"yes, I've been requested to clean this room."

Bodyguard#2:"okay, right this way.."

The bodyguard then opened the door..the staff went inside the room along with the cart tray filled with cleaning equipment.

The door closed and then the target was right there looking by the view..he pulled out his RAVEN pistol and then shot him in the head, making the body drop dead on the floor.

He then dragged the body inside to a bodybag and then hid it by the cabinet.

he got the mop and proceeded to mop the bloodstains to get rid of evidence.. he picked up the bullet casing and threw it on the trash cart.

A few minutes later after he was done with the cleaning, he then gets out of the room and the start making his way back to the elevator.. he pushed the cart in the corner and then went inside the elevator.

He pressed the ground floor button,the door closes and then elevator descends to the ground floor.

The elevator dinged and then the door opens, he quickly jogged towards the exit and then left the building.

But unbeknownst to him.. there were VTubers taking a walk at Tokyo.

Amelia and the Holomyth group were taking a walk at Tokyo,.

Gura:"so, how was the build in our EN Minecraft server?"

Ina:"pretty good i guess."

Amelia:"yeah, it was nice."

???:"so what do we do next?"

Calli:"I don't know, I still have some stream to do right now.. we should head back- Kiara look out!"

 we should head back- Kiara look out!"

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"Takanashi Kiara"


The Freelancer and The Phoenix bumped into each other, her friends ran towards her to help..but for Amelia.. she recognize the gold plated aegis mask... It was him

Calli:"are you okay?"

Kiara:"yeah, I'm fine."

Ina:"sorry mister."

Amelia:"hey, it's him!"



He quickly got up and run to the opposite side, Amelia went after him and so did the other Holomyth members.

Amelia:"stop right there freelancer!"

He didn't listen and then run towards the alleyway and turned left.

She tried to shoot Aegis with her gun but her bullets missed.. they both got out of the alleyway, Aegis quickly ran into the crowd to lose her.

Amelia stopped as she lost him in the crowd.. she quickly left and then reunited back with the Holomyth group.

Calli:"Ame, where were you?"

Ina:"why were you chasing that guy?"

Amelia:"..I've lost him.."

Gura:"him? The Freelancer?"

Amelia:"yes.. let's just head back to the HQ, I'll explain later."

They all left the scene, as the screen fades to black.. ending the chapter.


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