Chapter 21 - "Urgent"

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Location:Unnamed Apartment Tokyo, Japan.

Freelancer:Y/n "Aegis" L/n


Aegis was just chilling at the balcony with his coffee and donut on his table...

Until his phone then rang, he picked it was the best girl himself...Yagoo.

He answered the phone and then began to speak with the caller.


Y/n:"Boss, what can i help you with?"

Yagoo:"this is urgent, report to the HQ immediately."

Y/n:" it, Boss."

He finished eating his donut and drank all of the coffee, he stood up from the chair and then went inside to grab his duffle bag.

He grabbed the keys for his motorcycle and then went outside the apartment, and locking the door before leaving.

He then went towards his motorcycle and then hopped in, he started his motorcycle and then began to drive towards the HQ.


Arrived at the HQ, he got off his bike, parked it and then went inside the HQ.

A-Chan:"Aegis! Glad you're here, our CEO is waiting at his office."

Y/n:"got it."

A-Chan and Aegis went inside the elevator and then the Hololive manager then pushed the top floor office button which the door closes and the elevator went up.

Y/n:"may I ask... what happened? why is this urgent?"

A-Chan:"our Nijisanji branch new wave of Members went missing after their debut.."

Y/n:"I see.. then what happened?"

A-Chan:"the CEO will give you the full explanation about the incident..."

Y/n:"I guess that's all you know..."

A-Chan nodded, the elevator stopped and then they have arrived at the CEO's office floor, then A-Chan escorted the Freelancer Bodyguard to the CEO's office.

A-Chan:"the CEO is waiting for you inside the office"

Y/n:"got it."

He entered the office and then sat down on the chair.

Yagoo:"Mr.L/n, glad you're here."

Y/n:"A-Chan told me that the new wave of VTubers from Nijisanji branch went missing, may I ask why?"

Yagoo:"that's the reason why I called you here, because you have a mission to do."

Yagoo showed the surveillance footage of what it seems to be the kidnapping incident, where the new members of the Nijisanji branch were kidnapped by men in black suit and wearing shades.

Yagoo:"the new wave of members from Nijisanji branch went missing after their debut not too long ago, their fans are worried for them.."

Yagoo:"..until this is what our reliable Detective Watson's investigation turned up."

Y/n:"who are these new wave of members?"



Yagoo:"I'm not done yet, we've got Zeta to track and follow the van where it was heading...turns out they're heading towards the abandoned warehouse not too far from Tokyo."

Yagoo:"as for the group of men in black suit and wearing shades..we don't know who are they-"

Y/n:"Black suit and wearing shades? it is obvious it's Halcyon.. they're at it again.."

This shocked and surprised the CEO of VTubers a bit.

Yagoo:"Halcyon? i thought their operations were stopped.. But why would they kidnap XSoleil?"

Y/n:"honestly... I have no idea either.."

Yagoo:"Aegis, your mission is to extract them safe and alive. no matter what choice you're going in.."

Y/n:"got it."

Yagoo:"that is all for your mission briefing, you may leave now and ready up your gear."

Yagoo:"godspeed, Aegis"

Y/n nodded and then got up from the chair, he left the office and was on his way to the abandoned warehouse to begin his mission.

Y/n:"just the the good ol' days.. what way should i choose? Loud or Stealth?"

He opened his duffle bag which was filled with his equipment.

3 first aid kits, lockpick, blowtorch, and two grenades. His weapons were S97 SMG, and F57 Assault Rifle.

Y/n:"I've got gear that is either fit for loud or Stealth..the only thing to do is let the fans decide which way the mission goes.."

>=What way will the mission suppose to go?=<

>Stealth and Silent way?_


>Loud and Dangerous way?_


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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