Chapter 8 - "Gunfight"

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Year: 2022

Location: Freelancer's Apartment, Japan.

Time: 10:00 PM.

Y/n "Aegis" L/n.


Aegis was at his apartment taking a break from his freelancing job.. enjoying his day by drinking some coffee while sitting on his chair by the balcony.

His phone rang, he picked it up and then answered the employer's call.


Y/n:"yup, that's me.. watcha got?"

Employer[Phone]:"we've got another Halcyon operation again.. this time they are guarding a high value target."

Employer[Phone]:"About the target.. the target offer us Intel in exchange for defection.. get this target out of their secured site and bring it in to us."

Employer[Phone]:"your exfilltration point will be the helicopter.. do you know how to fly one?"

Y/n:"I got it boss.. Aegis out."

Employer[Phone]:"good, best of luck.. Aegis."

The employer hung up the call, Aegis stood up and sighs.. as he get to take a break from his freelancing job.

Y/n:"...great I couldn't take a single break"

He head inside the apartment and then went to prepare his gear.

He grabbed his F57 assault rifle and his RAVEN pistol.. he then packed up 6 first aid kits.

He put them all in the bag and then left the apartment. He locked the door and then went downstairs and onto his van.

He got inside and then drove off to the location.


Location: Halcyon Safehouse, Japan.

Time: 10:50 PM.


The van stopped by the road, Aegis got out of the van and then went around to the back of the van to get his gear.

He got his first aid kit, wore the body armor and loaded one mag on each of his guns.

He then close the back door of his van, then left the area and proceed with the mission.

He silently entered the safehouse without being detected and then took cover by the shed as two Halcyon Operatives passed by.. one of them went inside only to be dragged by Aegis and have his neck stabbed by his knife. He then shot the other operative by the head, making the body drop dead on the ground.

Control Room Operative#1[Radio]:"what's going on? Respond."

There was only silence..which the control room operative felt suspicious about it..

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