Chapter 11 - "Apartment"

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Year: 2022.

Location: Freelancer's Apartment, Japan.

Time: 06:02 PM


The scene appears to be the apartment where the freelancer was watching TV news about the recent casual shootout with the police and Halcyon.

His phone rang which he answered it..

Employer[Phone]:"Aegis..pack your things, they're coming."

Aegis stood up from his couch and the peeked by the window

Y/n:"who are they?"

Employer[Phone]:"it's them, the VTubers..they know where you are and they are coming for you.. you've got a minute to pack out of there, hurry."

Y/n:"how did they know?"

Employer[Phone]:"one of the VTubers named Zeta tracked you down and followed you, and now she's informing the rest about your location."

Employer:"I've arranged you a new safehouse to live in..just pack your things and run."

At the outside there were VTubers heading towards the apartment.

Gura knocked on the door, which alerted Aegis and started to pack quickly.

Gura:"helloooo! is the freelancer there?"

Calli:"great, now you've alerted him Gura!"


Kiara:"listen here freelancer, open this door. You are coming with us!"

Only silence was heard for 12 seconds, so know what do...

They kicked the door open and then they head inside.. they see no one around here.. no sign of Freelancer Aegis..

They searched the area from the living room to the bedroom..only to find the place packed out by the freelancer..only a note saying "Better luck next time"

Turns out the scene cuts to Aegis climbed down from the balcony using the ropes as a rappelling ladder down to the ground.. he silently run towards the parking lot, he got inside the van which the headlights turns on, the VTubers goes out of the apartment to see the van drove off away from the scene..

Calli:"dang it! he got away.."

Kiara:"I guess we need to go back.."

Kronii:"yeah..lets just go back."

Meanwhile inside the apartment Amelia Watson found something that the freelancer was his extra RAVEN pistol..she picked it up and examined it..

Amelia:'such an interesting gun...Botan would have a good time looking at this..'



She kept the gun in her bag and then left the apartment to reunite with the other VTubers.


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