Chapter 19 - "The Bodyguard"

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Year: 2022.

Location: Hololive/Nijisanji HQ, Japan.

Y/n "Aegis" L/n.


It was daytime at the Hololive/ Nijisanji HQ..where Aegis parked his motorbike at the parking lot and then switched his motorbike helmet to his gold aegis mask.

He then head towards the entrance and then heads inside the HQ, where A-Chan and Yagoo was waiting there for him.

Yagoo:"Good afternoon freelancer, shall we proceed?"

Y/n:"whatever you say boss."

The three proceed to take him around the HQ for a tour, while the starting a conversation with the freelancer Aegis.

Yagoo:"so.. when did you start being a freelancer, Aegis?"

Y/n:"that's classified information for now.. not ready to tell it yet.."

Yagoo:"I you always wear that gold plated mask of yours?"

Y/n:"yes, but that's permanently a classified information..."

Yagoo:"I understand, anyways shall we escort you to the workplace?"

Y/n:"aye, so i can start my job.."

Timeskip to minutes later..the three had arrived at the door and then get inside the workplace..

The VTubers were busy minding their own business..

Some of them saw the three and others were focused in being interested on the young man wearing the gold aegis mask..

A-Chan:"may I have your attention please."

They stopped on what they're doing and then Yagoo spoke the announcement.

Yagoo:"ahem..fellow genmates, this is an announcement. Today we have hired a bodyguard to keep all of you safe from hazards that might pose a threat.. requested by Kronii, thank you for your suggestion"

Kronii:"no problem Yagoo-san."

Yagoo:"continuing on..this bodyguard of yours is not just your average one, so please treat him well and with respect.. because this young man had saved us from not only once but twice from a dangerous criminal organization known as Halcyon."

Then one VTuber raised her hand to ask questions.

Selen:"is he the freelancer, that the others are talking about?"

Selen:"is he the freelancer, that the others are talking about?"

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A Freelancer In A VTuber WorldWhere stories live. Discover now