Chapter 7 - "Aftermath"

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Year: 2022

Location: Halcyon's Operational Site , Japan.

Time: 12:25 AM.

A/n: *picture above* Gura in Entry Point.


The scene appears to be the same operational site that was raided by Aegis.

The Authorities were there and so does the VTubers and their chat/fan army.

Gura:"another work caused by the Freelancer?"

Kronii:"yeah, whoever paid him to do this must've paid him well, since he did his job well.."

Amelia and the group were looking for clues and examining everything.. she found bullet casings and then picked one to examine it..

Amelia:"this looks like a bullet casing to me, Botan..any ideas?"

Botan:" appears that it was chambered with 5.56.."

Amelia:"understood, thanks for the information Botan."

She then proceed to to keep the bullet casing inside her bag and continued to search and examine around.

There were many dead Halcyon operatives fully covered with blankets.. the bodies were currently investigated by the authorities and autopsy personnel.

They proceed to enter the control room.. the computers were surprisingly still intact but still there were dead Halcyon operatives there.

Amelia:"Zeta, check those computers.. they might have something that we could use.."

Zeta:"got it!"

She went towards the computer and started to search for anything.. which she finds everything empty except one camera footage.

Ina:"find anything Zeta?"

Ina:"find anything Zeta?"

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"Ninomae Ina'nis"

Zeta:"everything inside the PC is empty... except a footage of something.."

Amelia:"well what are you doing then? play it."


She played the footage and then they gathered around the control room to watch..

The footage shows the Halcyon operational site being raided by one person which was the Freelancer.

Halcyon Operative#57:"it's the freelancer Aegis!"

Halcyon Operative#58:"kill him- ACK!"

All of the Halcyon Operatives that was stationed there tried to stop him with their guns only to be shot and killed by the freelancer.

Then after he killed them all he planted charges and bombs around the operation site and then left the building before detonating the explosive..blowing up the inside place and of course destroying the camera which lost the feed.

Calli:"ok so let me get this straight.. the freelancer went here, and then blew up the place and left?"

 the freelancer went here, and then blew up the place and left?"

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"Mori Calliope"

Mumei:"mmhm. don't forget he was paid to blow the place up by an employer.."

"Nanashi Mumei"

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"Nanashi Mumei"

Calli:"I guess that's everything?"


Gura:"let's return back to HQ.."

Amelia:'someday Aegis..or Freelancer we will get you..'

The all left the control room with their newfound information about the freelancer.


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