Chapter 20 - "Short Backstory"

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Year: 2022

Location: Hololive/Nijisanji HQ

Y/n "Aegis" L/n


The scene appears to be at the Hololive/Nijisanji HQ where all of the VTubers were gathered around to hear their bodyguard's story before working with them as a guard.

Fauna:"so what happened in your story?"

Y/n:"I was once one of them....a Halcyon Field Operative.."

Fauna:"I see... How did they manage to find you before getting hired and betrayed by Halcyon?"

Y/n:"I was at the rural part of Arizona, robbing a bank which.."

Some of them were shocked that a freelancer had robbed a bank..but Baelz had one question..

Baelz:"how many times did you rob a bank?"


This shocked most of the VTubers as he has robbed a bank alot of times

Y/n:"in fact..not only that.. there was one time me with a small crew of other freelancers manage to snag the gold from a transport while trying to avoid getting shot by alot of SWAT Units."

Kronii:"...i-i see.."

Calli:"continuing with the story between you and Halcyon..what happened after that?"

Y/n:"I was contacted by them and made a contract..and that was to retrieve some classified Intel at some unnamed police station.."


He received a call from an anonymous caller which he answered it..

???:"is this Aegis?"

Y/n:"Who's asking?"

???:"you're a contractor, a good one. I have an opportunity for you."

Y/n:"..go on.."

Timeskip to hours later the scene appears to be at the alleyway..or the back of the police station..

Y/n inserted the suppressor on his RAVEN pistol and then said to the Halcyon Employer..

Y/n:"I'm on site, ready to retrieve the package."

???:"Good. Get inside and get to the evidence storage.."

???:"and then...keep it quiet, Got it?"

Y/n:"please, i'm a professional."

Y/n:"have the paycheck ready..this contract mission won't take long."


Y/n:"after that..I was hired by them and now joined within the ranks of Halcyon to be sent to dangerous missions in many years.."

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