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Fate is something that never stays with me. Destiny was something in which I lost hope when my fate collided with their world. It all started the day when there was an imbalance in the universe. Our world fell into grave danger,  the demons started a battle as soon as the worlds collided. We lost our King and Queen in the battle and many innocent people. People started fearing the demons. They started thinking that accepting defeat was a better choice than continuing the battle and losing their loved ones. But I as the Princess will never give up to the demons.

I was coronated as the queen the day my parents died. The crown I wore was so heavy and I could feel the weight of my responsibilities.

Sometimes I have this feeling will I be able to defeat the demons with no magic. Will I be able to get humans together?  Will humankind end if we lose? I needed comfort at that time and the only person by my side was Daniel our warrior who had been serving mom and dad for years.  He had this cheerful smile even in grave danger to lift my spirits. "Don't worry Your Highness we'll surely find a way to get out of this mess. " That line made me think that the world has not yet ended and maybe even if we have the smallest hope, but if we try our best we may even be able to defeat them. But accepting defeat was not what a real Princess would do. Thinking about it I replied, "Let's try to find out the weak point of the demons"."Yes, Your Highness, we'll start with it right away. " he replied and left.  The tension lasted for a while but we were confident that we would find a way somehow.

  The tension lasted for a while but we were confident that we would find a way somehow

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Days went by and the fear among the people increased. One day a mage came to the palace saying that there was a mention in the book of ancient history that," Creatures that cannot be defeated will arrive on earth. They will only be defeated by the eternal person. The savior of humankind will arrive when the secret is enclosed". Now, the only way was to find the book in which the secret was written. "We can't just move around freely when we don't know their weakness. We need to disguise ourselves as one of them", I said. Upon this Daniel replied, " We saw the demons wearing black outfits with a black scarf that covered their faces".  I told them to summon the royal designer and asked him to make some outfits that look the same.

Everyone got busy. Once the outfits were ready Daniel set out with people in search of the book. They quickly got mixed up with the demons no one recognised them, but happiness doesn't last for too long. Ray, one of Daniel's men got his face revealed and was taken away by the demons. We were afraid of losing more people. At once I asked them to come back to the palace. Daniel did not return and he said that he would return with Ray. He followed one of the warriors of the demon. He finally found where Ray was.

Will he be able to rescue him? Find out in the next chapter.

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