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Ray was kept tied with the demon warriors guarding him. I somehow got in. Ray's condition was bad. Bruises all over his body. Rescuing him was very difficult with the demons around him. I had to divert the mind of the demons to grab a chance. Guess the heavens were with me, a scream of a man distracted them. They went in the direction where the noise came from. They were surprised to see one of the demons unconscious on the ground. The demons turned blue. All of them had a terrible look on their faces as if hell and heaven had come together. Their chief who was present there commanded them to take him to their quarters where Bronco was waiting.

 Their chief who was present there commanded them to take him to their quarters where Bronco was waiting

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As the path was clear I took the chance and quietly and steadily started moving towards Ray. When I reached him I noticed that the material used to tie him up was not from this world. Ray told me to leave the place before the demons returned but I wasn't ready to leave without him. I thought deeply about rescuing Ray but, couldn't find a way then, something unexpected happened some light with a magnificent power came from my hands. Not thinking about how this happened I picked him up on my back and we left the place.

After a while, when we had left the place the demons returned. Not finding Ray in and finding the unconscious demon out there the demon warriors left and went to Bronco. " Master, the prisoner has set free, but we are trying our best to get him back." A hoarse yet strong voice from another side said, "Are you going to find him after he managed to set free? You brainless fools, you couldn't even watch over a human? How did he manage to escape with you who have powers around?" Silence spread around the place. Hearing this a member of the court asked "Could it be that a demon is against  us, and maybe he is siding with the humans?" These words made Bronco turn red in rage, "Who dares to go against me? and that to side with the humans? Let a few men be in charge to find what is going on and how he managed to escape."

On the other hand, Daniel reached the Royal Palace with Ray.


I had been anxious all this time and hearing that they reached I rushed down to check upon Ray. He was in a terrible condition that he fainted on the way back. I could see that he had been treated worse. Looking at his bruises, I went into deep thought," If these demons can make his condition so bad in just a few hours I must know which creatures we are fighting against"

I called for the Royal Doctors to treat him. Ray was shifted to a special room where he had been looked after. After Ray was shifted Daniel handling something said," Your Highness, I brought back some of the material that Ray was tied with, it didn't seem to be from our world so I brought it with me thinking it would be of some help". "Alright you can leave now and you should take some rest after what happened" I replied. The doctors started his treatment at once.

A few hours later the doctor came out he mentioned that Ray had gone into a coma after the trauma that he faced. He even mentioned that what he went through was not as simple as it seemed. I handed him the material that Daniel had brought back asking him to do some research on this material too. He left after saying alright Your Highness.

What exactly was the magnificent light that came out of Daniel? What did Ray exactly experience? Find out in the next chapter.

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