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Daniel and Jez frequently visited Earth and always kept in touch with Audrey and Bronco. Audrey and Bronco too visited the demon world. Daniels mother treated both Audrey and Bronco as her kids. Bronco got motherly love from her. He now has changed into a totally different person. Always caring for Audrey. Always making her wishes come true. He now has someone who he could rely on and someone who could rely on him. Audrey gave birth to twins of which one was a girl and the other was a boy. The girl was named Stella which meant 'star' and the boy was named Steve which meant 'a crown'. Stella was born with powers which she took from Bronco on the other hand Steve was born as a normal human. Though they differed a lot Bronco and Audrey never let them feel unloved. They loved both of them dearly.
Daniel and Jez on the other hand had a boy who was born powerful inheriting great powers from Daniel and Jez. They named him Aaric which meant ' Grateful ruler'. As the only child he was loved a lot. Aaric was two years elder to Stella and Steve.

It's been 14 years since we got married. Today Daniel and Jez were to come along with Aaric.
We were sitting in the garden having the morning tea. On the other hand Stella and Steve were playing in the garden. While playing Stella used her powers to always trouble Steve. After a while Steve came crying and said, " Mom, Stella's bullying me again." I asked him, " Stop crying baby. You are a man, aren't you? What did she do this time?" He said while calming himself, " She told me to play dolls with her when I refused she used her powers because of which I started flying vigorously in the sky." I used to warn Stella to not use her powers if not necessary. And to not harm anyone using her powers. I turned to her and said, " Didn't I warn you to not hurt others by your powers and to make the best use of it? As a matter of punishment you will bring all the books lying on the table alone and arrange it in the library." She said, " But mom, it really wasn't my fault. I just wanted him to enjoy flying." Daniel and Jez had finally come. I said, " Enough Stella baby, just accept your mistake. If you want I'll play dolls with you next time don't force him. And come to the living room when you've arranged the books. We all will be waiting for you. By the way Aaric has come along with uncle Daniel and aunt Jez." Hearing this she quickly started collecting the books. I told Steve to be  with her and come when the books are kept accordingly.
I and Bronco went and greeted Daniel and Jez. I said, " Oh my, Aaric seems to have grown a lot. Look how handsome he looks now." He then said, " Thank you so much aunt. By the way where's Stella and Steve?" I just said that Stella was punished and she should be in the garden. He ran and went to the garden before I could say that Steve was with her. I then chuckled. " Come in Jez, let's go to my room" Bronco and Daniel went to the bar to get some drinks.

Stella was picking up the books when Aaric entered. They were 8 to 10 books she piled them up and noticed Aaric. He came towards Stella and said, " Are these books not heavy? Steve, how can you just let her do everything?" Trying to carry the books a bit Stella said, " Uh, they're really heavy." Steve just kept staring at them as he couldn't believe that the girl who was bullying him a few moments ago was acting weak. Aaric then picking up the books said, " Let me help you out." They then went to the library and arranged everything. Steve left saying that he had to go to the wash room. Stella was on the ladder and was trying to keep the book in the top most shelf. Aaric was in the same aisle. She lost her balance and was about to fall when Aaric caught hold of her. She was quite small compared to Aaric.
They ended up together when they grew up.


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