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We decided to plan the wedding together. So I called all of them so that we could sit and discuss all of it together. Daniel asked, " So, what are the plans? I heard that we are planning to have both of the weddings on the same day. Why so?" I replied saying, " Yes, I just wanted to have new beginning together. It would also be memorable, wouldn't it? But if you want to have it separately, it would be totally fine." He denied, " No, not that I don't want to. I mean we were just curious." Turning to Jez I asked, " What are your ideas?" She said, " That's really a great idea. Not only we have a new beginning together and make our vows on the same day which makes it so special, we also save a lot of money." Daniel holding her hand said, " Love, money doesn't matter. All that matters is what makes you happy." I also agreed of course the opinion of everyone mattered the most. So it was decided that we would walk down the same aisle but take our vows separately as it was something religious.

All the preparations were done. We picked the most beautiful vineyard for out wedding. Everything was decorated so beautifully. It looked as if the heavens had made it's place on Earth. I wore the wedding dress that I wanted to since childhood

I was so happy that finally all my dreams were gonna come true. Jez was ready too. She was looking so pretty.

We were ready as decided we went to the place together

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We were ready as decided we went to the place together. We both stood and stood at the aisle. With Bronco waiting at the end I started walking down the aisle. The more nearer I got the more my heart was beating. Finally he held my hand and started walking together. We took our wedding vows together. The priest then blessed us and asked Bronco, "Do you take Audrey as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" He looked in my eyes, smiled and said, " Yes, I do." The sincerity and the look in his eyes were so pure. The priest then turned to me and asked, "Do you take Bronco as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" I looked at him dearly and said, " Yes, I do." We exchanged our rings. After that we finally kissed. The ceremony got over but this was just a part. We went and stood aside as Jez started walking down the aisle and Daniel just kept staring at her the whole time he didn't even notice when she came to him. They then headed towards the priest. They took their vows. The priest the asked Daniel, "Do you take Jezebeth as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" He said, " Yes, I do." The priest then turned towards Jez and asked her, "Do you take Daniel as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" She too said, " Yes, I do." The wedding finally was done we now became inseparable. We then headed back to the palace. Then Daniel came towards us and said, " Audrey, we now need to head back to the demon world. But we will keep in touch through the portal. Bronco take care of her or I won't leave you alone." Bronco holding me by my waist said, " You don't need to worry about her. She is the safest with me. I'll keep her happy forever. Be safe and take care of yourself there. Also keep visiting us." Before Daniel could say something Bronco turned to Jez and said, " Hope to see you next time all blown up like a balloon in your stomach area Jez." Her face turned all red. Daniel said, " You don't need to worry about her. I'll make sure about everything you look after Audrey." Both were smirking at each other. I said in a bit soft voice but clear enough for them to hear , " What are you guys even talking about can't you stop it already." To this Bronco said, " Well sweetheart, you will get to know all about it once we reach the palace." Then he whispered in my ears, " I won't leave you today." I hugged Daniel and Jez and just started running towards the carriage. He then told Jez and Daniel, " See you then. Take care both of you." Then started running towards me and said, " I know that you are really excited but you don't need to run." We then sat in the carriage together. I had sat in the carriage a lot many time but this time I was feeling nervous. I couldn't help but stare at his handsome face. His ruby eyes, long lashes and back flipped hair. Cupping my face he said, " You can look at me all you want. Now I'm all yours." We finally reached home.


We finally reached the demon world. Mother was already waiting for our return. We greeted Mother took her blessings and started going towards the tower. We had a grand entry with all the commoners hailing to their new King. We reached Mother then went to her room. The servants took me and Jez to our room. As soon as we entered the room I shut the door and said, " Now, I've already waited for a long time." I started walking towards her when I reached close enough to her I said, " If you allow me to." She then pulled me in for a kiss. This was the first time that she took an initiative.
They had a wonderful night.


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