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We entered the tower. I had a bad feeling about it but I thought that we should put an end to this as soon as possible. As we were walking through the corridors with many doors against it, maybe it was just an illusion to fool others, mother said," You two should save the Queen first I'll deal with Mara." I think mother knew her better than us and has a way too deal with her. I could just agree to her as I had no options. Maybe she knew something that I didn't and maybe she could end it in a better way and as early as possible.  She said," It's here. I can strongly sense them inside the room." We entered the room to see ooBronco in a terrible state, his mother (Mara) laughing hysterically as she won something great and Audrey crying her heart out.

A few hours before
I finally reached the tower where I could smell Audrey's scent. It was guarded by the strongest spells possible as thought of mother. I tried to get through using all sorts of spells that I could think of but none of them could get the doors open. I raged up and hit the spell with all my power and the door finally opened. I went in. I rushed in the direction where I could sense Audrey. I thought about using another spell to open the door to the room but the door itself opened and I could see mother eagerly waiting for someone with Audrey who was trapped by her. Mother finally spoke when she saw me," How is Master doing? I saw that he wasn't able to get the task done. I would really love to know the reason or I guess it's not important as I'll get it done myself." Mother had finally lost it. I couldn't bear parting with Audrey. I haven't even confessed that I love her. Yes, a demon who has fallen heads over heels for a human. I can't let her die. "No, you can't kill her. I won't allow you to do it." "Who do you think you are to allow me to not kill this bitch? And do you think you are capable enough to defeat me? Do you really think that you can protect her? I really don't want to hurt you. You still can join me and I'll spare you but if you still insist to protect her then i don't need you. I just had you because of my plans if you can't even listen to me then you don't have any rights to live." " Mom, am I really your son? How can you say that to me? Please just leave her. I really don't want to lose her." " If you insist I really can't help you then." Bronco and Mara start fighting. Bronco is trying his best to keep her busy just until Daniel and the others come. On the other hand Mara doesn't show mercy on Bronco even after he is her son. The son whom she gave birth to.

I guess a day or two had already passed and I was scared for I didn't know if i could survive. Mara entered and she sort of created a cage from external roots of the trees that came from the ground. They were glowing in green colour. I went on to touch then but the moment I did I burnt my fingers and then she said," Oh, I forgot to tell you that those roots can burn anything that touches it. If you chose to burn and die, I can't help it. You can go ahead." Hearing this I backed off and sat down sticking to the wall. " Great choice. I would do the same if I were in your position. Then I could hear some footsteps running towards our direction. In a few minutes I saw Bronco entering the room. He was panting and left a huge breath after he glanced at me. The first thing he said when he entered was to spare me. I was really happy that he wanted to protect me but I feared what Mara would do if he went against her. They argued for a while and in a few they started fighting. Spells, scream, blood filled the entire room. I couldn't bear to see him being hurt and that too when he was trying to save me. He saw me and said, " Don't worry. Just close your eyes and ears until I tell you to. Everything will be fine until then." I did so as I didn't know what to do but then I opened my eyes because I couldn't hear anything. Not even their voices. Was everything over? But when I opened my eyes all I could see was Bronco lying unconscious on the ground and Mara coming towards me. " Well, well now that you don't have anyone to protect you shall we put an end to everything?" Just then someone came into the room. It was Daniel, Layla and a beautiful lady. Upon seeing the lady Mara said," Oh my dear sister, it's been a long time." The lady didn't respond to her but cast a spell because of which the roots that had trapped me vanished. She told Daniel and Layla to take me and Bronco away. We went away to the human world after that.

Sister? What is the story behind Mara and Daniel's mother? What is the revenge that Mara is trying to seek?

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