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While we were discussing matters I sensed some extraordinary powers. I left the courtroom and straight headed towards the room that Audrey was in. She was surprised at first but then calmed herself. I walked towards her and grabbed her into a hug. She first struggled but then let me hug her for a while. I parted and asked her if she was alright. She nodded in agreement. I sighed in relief. I just told her to be safe. She asked me with puppy eyes," Will you really end the humankind?" She was so cute that nobody could handle it. I told her," I didn't had any means of harming you all." She got excited and jumped in joy. I was satisfied to see her happy for the first time that too because of a decision that I made. I left the room all happy. I was having this feeling for the first time. I have always felt rage, pride, greed, etc but never have I felt satisfied or happy. It was the best feeling I had ever felt.


We first walked to the port and from there we travelled by a ship. We decided to rather go on a small reliable one than a fancy big one so as not to alarm the demons. We were headed to an isolated island a bit far from our kingdom. It took a few days for us to reach. The journey was long but I learnt one thing the more nearer we got the more tensed Layla looked. We got out of the ship. The island was beautifully creepy. There were no sunrays touching the grounds of the island as if there is a barrier not allowing them in. No birds, no plants, nothing just barren land with lifeless plants on it. It was as if there were no traces of life on it. Cold breeze adding to the discomfort. We slowly avoiding the guards went towards the structure. It was not magnificent but had the charms which could hence be called as a palace or more precisely a tower that was high enough. To my surprise the tower had no doors to it maybe that is what makes it so different. We headed toward it and Layla enchanted some spells which made a door visible in front of us that headed inside the tower. In the past few days I had learnt many things and one of them was invisible doors that were usually used in houses or any structures in the demon world. I could sense the direction Her Highness was in even though the spells that were casted on the tower made it a bit difficult. We went in the direction. We somehow managed to get in as there were just two guards on the door. I used my powers and to my surprise just one hit was enough for one of them and the other was taken down by Layla. We walked in the room to find Her Highness safe. I unconsciously ran towards her. She shouted my name in joy and ran towards me. We hugged each other. Backing off I said," I am sorry for my behavior Your Highness." She just ignored my words and took me into a hug again and said," I thought I would never see you again." I hugged her tight to let her know that she was safe now. Yes, maybe I was breaking the rules by touching Her Highness simultaneously but if I didn't I would have regretted it forever. She then noticed Layla who was observing everything. With curiosity she looked at me for an answer. I told her that she was with us. Layla then greeted her. I said," We don't have time. Bronco could notice us anytime. We rushed to leave but were stopped by a demon who was giving the aura of he would kill anyone who goes against him. He was Bronco. He told Her Highness to go towards him, but she nodded as a disagreement which made him turn red in rage he ran towards me to grab Her Highness who was hiding behind me. I stopped him. We then had a fierce fight. It was as if it would never end. We both were equally strong, but I wanted to end this as soon as possible. Suddenly I felt this energy taking over me and I hit him with a big blow which made him weak. He couldn't get up for a  while. We took the chance and fled.


Why? Why would she run away from me? Weren't things going really well until now? She even smiled at me, so why is she leaving me? Is she already tired of me? Wasn't I gentle enough towards her? All these thoughts were flowing inside my brain. I couldn't handle to part ways from her. I wanted her to be just with me and nobody else. The fact that she was going away was making me go crazy,moreover now she was hiding from me behind another man was something I couldn't bear to see. Wrath took over me. I bashed towards him to get her, but he stopped me. We got into a fight, and when we did something that I never could have thought happened. He used powers. He was a demon too. I couldn't understand it. I decided to ignore it and focus on getting Audrey back. I was finally defeated by him. How? She was taken in front of me. I had become really weak after the fight. I had Agiel take me to my room. Many things were overflowing inside my head. He was a demon and was siding with humans. To look back he was Audrey's right hand man who was with her when I took her with me. Why would he be with humans? Why was he against his kind? I couldn't handle it. Moreover when Audrey was comfortable with him. All these things going in my head and there was a knock and Agiel came in. He informed me about mother coming back in the coming month. Now, there were so many problems that I had to face. I had to find who that demon was amd what his purpose is. I told Agiel to find information regarding him. Before leaving he told me that Audrey will be much safer with them, saying this he left. Well Mother was coming back to think about it, Audrey would really be safe with them. If mother sees me and her together she will end Audrey there and then. I couldn't do anything even when I wanted to. I didn't want to hurt the humans now but, if I didn't mother would herself end them at a much faster rate. I was thinking of ways of how to not harm the humans and at the same time be able to satisfy mother. I then talked to Agiel about what if we don't harm humans just spread terror. Letting them be in their houses would make things much easier. In short let them play dead. Agiel too thought that it would be the best thing to do at the moment. I ordered him to carry out the plan in secret because if the other demons who were on mother's mother's side were to know this I would be in trouble.



Why did he turn to his demonic side again? Wasn't he much gentle in the morning? I was over thinking things when Daniel and the lady who came along with him to rescue me came into the courtroom. She introduced herself formally and then Daniel explained me about the things that happened in the past few days. I was shocked to hear that Daniel was a demon. To be precise he had an angelic look. How could anyone doubt that he could be a demon. I told him," Whether you are a demon or not would never matter to me as you are one of my people whom I think as my family." He was happy to hear these words from me. After getting to know his true identity in such circumstances and accepting it so quick would be difficult for anyone. I thought that rather than asking him more questions calming him down and understanding him was much more important. I told Layla to take a rest as it was hectic these days. She was directed to her room by my men. Daniel then came forward . It were just me and him. He then said,"  Your Highness, I feel really uncomfortable about my identity. I want to find my origins and how I really landed on Earth. He then told me about the voice of the woman he heard in his dreams. I agreed to help him out, and then told him to take a rest too it was difficult for him these few days. I then returned to my room. It was really a big question as how Daniel came to Earth. As long as I know it would be really difficult for him if he was a kid and not aware of his powers to teleport to Earth. A few days had already passed after I came back from the clutches of the demon. I could feel that there were no killings at a higher rate. I really don't know what was going in Bronco's head at a time he is so furious that he is ready to kill anyone in front of him, but then he then reduces the killing of people. I then thought about the time when I asked him if he would really end humankind and to that he replied that he didn't want to hurt us. I was thinking if he was applying it in reality. I was happy for him to change so quickly maybe now we could be saved.


The was a flash of light and a woman wearing a black majestic robe falling to the ground came out of nowhere with a few men behind her. Yes, she was Bronco's mother. As she walked into the tower, the once dark tower turned all gloomy and it felt like all the happiness was taken away. As Bronco's mother she really had a strong aura which spread sorrow, uneasiness wherever she went.

 As Bronco's mother she really had a strong aura which spread sorrow, uneasiness wherever she went

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Author: Umm, I tried my best to find the most related pictures of Bronco's mother that I had in my mind. I hope that you won't mind it. And yes credit for these pics go to the ones who made it.


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