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Days went by,  seems that everything was going well.


I woke up, went to the hall and found out that there was a big box sent to the palace with my name written on it. "Who could have sent this and why now? " I opened it, I fell to the ground, because of what I found. I found that a body that had its head separated from it. It was my close friend . There was a note on the box ' How's the surprise?' Bile rose to my mouth I couldn't hold myself and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom and threw up I could not control my emotions.

Daniel's POV

Audrey seemed devastated. I couldn't think of anything when I saw her in such a state. A girl who always had a beautiful smile on her face was torn to shatters from inside. I blindly followed her when she ran upstairs. I was too impulsive and I ran into her room without knocking. She was in the bathroom. When she came out her eyes were red. I went towards her and said that its gonna be okay. Get yourself together. And then she suddenly gave me a hug I hugged her back too and pat her back I tried to comfort her. She cried her heart out. After a while, she passed out. I picked her up in my arms and put her on the bed and called for the Royal Doctor.

He came within few minutes. He checked upon her and said, "Her Highness is just tired and needs some rest. She will be fine once she wakes up." I felt a bit relieved after hearing that she is fine. I didn't leave her and sat beside her bed.



I opened my eyes to find out that I was in the bed and Daniel sleeping while holding my hand.  As I sat he woke up. "Your Highness are you alright?" was the first words he spoke when he woke up. I replied to him saying that I was fine. There was a knock on the door. I asked the person to enter, it was the Royal Doctor. He entered and said, Your Highness here is the report of the material that you gave me last time. I thought that you must see it right away. When I read it I couldn't believe my eyes because the report said that it had components which were similar to Dragon's bones. I couldn't believe my eyes. I said, " What? Dragon's bones. Are not Dragons just fictional characters made just to scare children?" The doctor then said, " Your Highness, what seems fake to us may exist somewhere in this vast universe." Accepting it I told the Doctor that he could go back and take care of Ray and thanked him for the report.
I then thanked Daniel to be by my side. He replied, "Your Highness, this is what I should do."

Well, everyone, I want to know your thoughts about who would u choose between Daniel who is sweet or Bronco who has the badass kind of attitude? Do share your views in the comments section.

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