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I reached the palace. As I went inside I saw everyone waiting for our return. As I entered, everyone came rushing towards me, one of them asked, " Where is Her Highness?".
"She isn't back yet, but we will find a way to get her", I replied. "What do you mean by get her back?", someone from them shouted. I explained them the whole situation. Everyone had a furious look on their faces. They began shouting and screaming on what would happen of us now that Her Highness was taken away, the whole place was in chaos.

A lady then arrived into the palace. All of the eyes were on her. There was complete silence for a moment. The lady then said as she bowed to show respect to all of the courtiers, " I am Layla. Shouldn't we think of something to save Her Highness instead of blaming each other?" Hearing this all of them nodded in approval. She then said, " I want to talk to Daniel as he is the most promising person of Her Highness". At that moment everyone was looking at me with curiosity their eyes were saying 'go and listen to what she has to say maybe she can be of help to us even if a little bit'. I followed her to another hall.


It was years since I had last seen my brother. According to our planet's timeline we age really slow and tend to live longer than humans. It's been 500 years since he's been here on earth. Just because of the timeline of earth he's also turning into one. I was so happy to see him grown up so well. He and i went to another hall.  I hugged him as soon as we entered the hall. It was the best feeling to have met him. Tears made its way and I couldn't hold it anymore. I am so happy to meet you brother, I said. "What are you trying to say?", was his reply. As I expected, how could he believe me when I suddenly approached him and said that I was his sister.


I don't know what was going in her head. First she asked to talk to me alone, that was alright because I thought that she had something to talk to me about Her Highness. Then, she hugged me all of a sudden and now she's saying that she's my sister. i told her, " How do you expect me to believe you? ". She didn't stop moreover she said," You have to believe me. You are a demon yourself. You don't belong on this stupid planet." Now I totally lost it, "Hahaha. You are saying that I am a demon and you are my sister, and that I not belong to this planet. You are saying that I am the same as the ones who are out walking around with their heads up after killing so many innocent people. I could even believe the part when you said that you were my long lost sister and had finally found me after many years, but I can't believe you saying that I'm a demon." "No you are not like them. You are just physically like them but your heart is not like those heartless creatures out there you are the purest here", was all she could explain. "You are saying that I am a demon who has a good heart?" I don't know why but I deep down had a feeling that she was right.

To think back, this was the only explanation for the light that came out of my hands that rescued Ray. I couldn't speak anymore all the puzzle were fitting. "How did I reach earth moreover don't demons age slow and have the tendency to live upto thousands of years." She giggled a bit and said, "You read this from which books? Well it is true that a demon lives for thousands of years and age slow but in your case when you were sent to earth you lost all your memories and lost the ability of a demon and lived like a normal human. As long as you realise yourself will you be able to get back to normalcy." You are telling me that it's my choice as long as I don't realise myself I can still live as a human? I choose to live as a human and not like those ruthless creatures. " No! you have to unless you don't want that Queen of yours to die." What do you mean by this? " She is held by Bronco and he won't leave her, if we speak about how cruel and heartless he is. You are the only one who can rescue her." We have to rescue Her Highness and even if it means I have to turn to a demon! I am ready what am I supposed to do? "Firstly you need to know how to control your powers and feel them by your heart. From now on we can't waste a single second. Using your powers for good and not letting your pride take over your true self is the essence of not going to the wrong path.

Every morning Daniel would wake up early and stay up late at night. This went for a few days and Daniel was able to control his powers.

I was tired from all the training and I am feeling stronger than before. This was when I felt for the first time that being a demon was not that bad when I think about saving humankind I was doing a good deed. I went to sleep and as soon as I laid my head on the pillow I fell into deep sleep. I heard the same voice that I used to hear in my dreams, it had stopped for a while but now it had started again, and this time I could hear something more. She called my name, calling me out as her child but then she said, "Claim what belongs to you. Don't let them take what is yours!" I woke up I don't know what that voice meant by claiming what was mine.

They were ready to save Audrey but will they be able to when they face Bronco?  Moreover what was meant by claiming what was Daniel's?

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