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Listening to her if I look back I don't have any memory of my childhood nor my parents. I just remember the King saving me from an accident which I could barely survive and from then I started serving the King. To be honest I seriously don't know why but I somewhat felt the warmth of the voice from my dreams and wanted to believe that lady as I didn't have a mother but how could I just believe a dream that has no meaning to it. I decided to ignore it but that voice somehow left an impression on me the more I thought of it the more I wanted all of this chaos to come to an end.
Today was the day when i finally was going to enter the lion's den. I was scared but determined to bring Her Highness back safely. In the past few days I practiced really hard and finally am able to control my powers. If you ask how did I learn it so fast maybe because I was born with them and also because the want to save Her Highness and Our World made me do it. So I got ready with all of the equipments required and went to Layla as she was the one who knew about where Her Highness was caught hold off and also how I could do all this. I can't say that I truly believe Layla but just that there was no choice and maybe she really wanted to help humankind. For me the ultimate task was to save humankind, I really didn't care about my origins or the demon world anymore. I went to Layla. She was looking ready for a big battle, looking at her I now felt that today maybe a win or a total loss for us. I guess she could see through the things that were going in my mind. Looking at me in the eyes she said with confidence," Don't worry everything is going to be alright. Just believe in yourself and you will see miracles happening." We set off together.



I went to check on Audrey just to find her asleep on the bed that I had arranged for her. Yes, I did arrange a bed. I too don't know why but she made me feel different. I don't think that I had ever treated anyone in such a good way. Even I could see that I was changing drastically. The rumoured stone hearted Demon King Bronco was now looking after a human queen. A smile curled upon my face seeing her mumbling in her sleep but then the smile turned into a frown and my dark red eyes were bloodshot. She was crying in her sleep. I went near her, she unconsciously held my hand and said," I'm scared."  I couldn't see her cry and moreover when I knew that the reason of her fear was me. I tried to take my hand away from her but she didn't let go I decided to stay. I was happy just being beside her. After a few hours she woke up. Seeing herself holding my hands I could see that she was embarrassed and scared. She stuttered and said," I'm really sorry. Please don't kill me. I won't do that ever again." I just said I won't and left the place. I was unhappy but I didn't want to believe that it was because of her. I then called my right hand man. He asked," Yes, My Lord. How can I help you?" I spoke in a low voice, how can I make her trust me. I who was never scared to speak my mind, for the first time spoke in a low voice. I think he heard me. He was astonished but then asked, "Who? The human queen?" I just nodded. He understood what I meant. He then said," Women love to be pampered and taken care of. In my opinion, My Lord should show his gentle side to her." I just nodded again and he left the place. I massaging my head with my hand was still thinking which is my gentle side? Will I ever be able to win her? I decided to do something rather than nothing. I went with her breakfast in the room she was in. I knocked the door for the first time because I never was in a habit of knocking a door as I never felt the need as I was the King. I entered the room to find her combing her golden brown hair which fell to her waist. I was so engrossed looking at her. I wanted to look at her this way forever and wanted this moment to last forever. She turned to see who it was. She was a bit shocked because she never expected me to bring her the breakfast. I asked her if I could enter. She just nodded.


It's been more than a week that I am living here with these demons surrounding me. I somehow felt scared of Bronco. Of course anyone would be with him killing innocent ones right in front of you. If you cared about yourself and didn't want to be killed by him you had to keep a distance from him. I feel so embarassed to think that I dared to hold his hand while I was sleeping. He was a really handsome. A man that every women would desire. Just that, I wish he was a man and not a demon. I heard a knock on the door. Thinking that it was one of his maids arranged by him with the breakfast I said," Come in." I was busy combing my hair. I thought that the person should have left after keeping the breakfast on the table as always but there was no noise of the door closing. I turned to see who it was. I was a bit shocked to see Bronco on the door he just looked at me as if the time had stopped. After a while he spoke," Can I come in?" To this I just nodded as I was so busy understanding this behaviour of him he was never this gentle. Never had I thought that he would ask for permission before entering that too from me. He brought the food towards me just like a small kid who wanted his mother to eat the food he had cooked for the first time. I giggled at this behaviour of him.  I could see his lips curling into a smile. Seeing him smile for the first time my ears turned red. I guess he didn't notice them nor did I want him to. I took the plate from his hands. I sat on the bed with him by my side, he looked at me with curiosity as I ate my food. It was a bit uncomfortable to eat with him staring at me so I spoke up," Umm, could you please look away when I am eating?" To this he replied in a low voice," You look pretty while eating too." He didn't expect me to hear it but I did which made me blush a little. He then looked away. I finished the food and kept the plate on the table to let him know that I had finished. He then turned towards me and there was silence for a moment, we looked in each other's eyes but the the moment was broken by a knock on the door. He was the right hand man of Bronco.


I was happy looking at her but one can't be happy for long. There was a sudden knock on the door we looked away. My right hand man Agiel came in. He looked a bit worried. He said," I am really sorry to disturb My Lord but there is an emergency and you need to be there." I couldn't understand what he meant but the serious look on his face made me a bit curious. Saying nothing to Audrey I left the room and headed towards the courtroom. I took place on my throne and asked what the matter was. One of the demons came ahead and spoke," My Lord,  Her Majesty is on her way here." Hearing this there was a chill running down my spine. Why would I be this scared of my own mother? Well that is because if I'm the demon king and she's my mother she holds a much stronger aura than mine which even makes me scare. I know that mother's dream was to crush humankind forever and now that she got the chance she would never lose it. I was a bit worried of Audrey. I wondered if mother would kill her too. I didn't want to lose her. The more I thought about her the more I was losing it. Suddenly I sensed something unexpected.


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