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It's been a week since everything came back to normalcy. I've been enjoying my time with Daniel on Earth. He's really sweet. I feel so happy to have met him. He wanted to show me the seaside as it'd be a whole new thing to me. It'd be our first date. All the time I was on Earth I learnt a lot many things. I wanted to look the best of me. I decided to go to Audrey to get some tips. We have become really close to each other. She shares with me about the things I don't know about Daniel and I do the same for Bronco. I went to her room and asked her if she had time. She replied with a curious look on her face, " Well, well, looks like something happened between you and Daniel. Did he propose to you?" I replied as quick as I could and even stuttered a bit, " No... umm, but.... he asked me if I wanted to see the seaside and I agreed." Excited she said, " So, it's a date. I'm so happy for both of you. Me and Bronco have not go enough time to go out as I have been busy with political affairs. Well, what were you here for? Do you need some help?" " Yes, I wanted you to help me dress up. It's the first time for me to go out with him after all." Running towards me she held my hand and said, " What are we waiting for? It's time for us to get you some dresses stitched. I'll call the designer. We will check some designs that will suit you. We even need to get you some heels. Oh, I almost forgot about your makeover. We'll change you into a different version, Jez." Looked like she was much excited than me. I was much more excited than she was but just that I was not that used of showing all my emotions. The designer was so talented the dresses were so lovely it was really difficult for me to make a choice. Finally I chose the one that was perfect for me.
It was 5pm and  Daniel came looking for me as I was still getting ready. It was past ten minutes since he was knocking on the door. Finally I was done and came out. Looking at Daniel I was worried if I had overdone everything. He didn't speak a single thing from the time I came out of the room and all he did was staring at me.

I was really impatient to see Jez. It was our first date and she was a whole ten minutes late. She finally opened the door and came out. I was frozen by her beauty for a moment. She was probably the prettiest woman I had ever seen.

When I snapped out she was looking a bit worried and asked me if anything was wrong

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When I snapped out she was looking a bit worried and asked me if anything was wrong. I replied, " Umm, no it's just that you are looking so beautiful that I was lost for a moment."

I just ran and jumped into his arms. He hugged me and kissed my cheeks. He then said, "Let's go now or we'll be late for the sunset." We reached the beach. It was not that crowded. We played in the water. I even had some seaside food. It was the best day of my life. Spending time with my loved one. Just me and him no one to bother us. We were walking hand in hand. It was almost time for the sun to set. The sky turned pinkish red with the ocean reflecting the whole sky. It was indeed a beautiful picturesque. He held my hand the whole time we were watching the sun set. It made me feel warm from in and out. Just when the sun was about to sink in he got down on his knees and took a ring out from his pocket and said, " With the beautiful sky and with all of the feelings that we can and have felt together witnessing our love for each other will you be my another half and spend the rest of your life together with me as husband and wife?" He never missed to make me feel happier everyday. I replied saying, " Yes, I love you as much as you do. I would be the happiest person to marry such a perfect man." He picked me up I crossed my hands around his neck and legs around his waist. He then pulled my face towards his and put his lips on mine. Out bodies pressed together heatedly, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thus of our combined heartbeat. We parted and I didn't know what to do after all it was my first kiss. He chuckled and said, " You look so cute when you are nervous. Let's go back. We even need to start preparing for our marriage. Most  importantly we should think of a way so that Bronco will propose to Audrey. Both of them love each other truly but Bronco lacks a bit when it comes to romantic life. I will go and help him prepare for the proposal you just stay around Audrey." I felt euphoric. We decided to walk back to the palace as it wasn't that far from the beach. The feeling of warmth between us, with my hair fluttering in the wind made me feel ecstatic. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled, his eyes were so sincere. I hoped that I could see him smile this way for the rest of my life. His smiling face made me feel so lost that I didn't noticed when we reached the palace.

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