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Mara I really don't want to hurt you just stop all this nonsense already and we shall go back to where we were. I'll forgive you for what you have done so far and try to minimize your punishment as much as possible.

You want me to stop what I have planned for so many years. Forgive me? Who do you think you are to forgive me. I haven't done anything wrong. Why didn't you act like a caring sister back then when dad banished me from the Royal Family you just stood there as if I didn't mean anything to you. Upon saying this sister said, " You were in the wrong at that time. And father just said that he would take you in if you realised your mistake." Was it my mistake to fall in love?
Back then we were kids I and sister used to get along really well. I was respected by all the people from the demon world as I was the daughter of the demon king. Dad used to dote on us and even allowed us to roam around all the world and did not cage is into the demon palace but he had a rule where everyone from the demon world was prohibited to go to the human world. As a kid i really loved roaming around in different worlds trying to get to know how everything happens in each world. Once when I was wandering about I mistakenly went to the human world. As I entered I could see many new things that I had never seen. Greenery and liveliness everywhere. I was fascinated and wanted to explore when I detected that this was the human planet. Not thinking twice I started walking around and saw a boy who looked a bit elder to me. He caught my eyes among all of the people who I saw. I approached him. His name was Alston (Audrey's father). We talked a lot and got along really well. I used to sneak out and visit human planet and meet Alston as and when I desired. This went on up until many years. On my eighteenth birthday I decided to confess my feelings to Alston. In the evening the ceremony where I was showered with long life and was given guidance as one would take control over their true powers on the day they turn eighteen and after that we start aging slowly and live up to thousand years. After the ceremony I decided to go and meet Alston. The timelines in the two worlds were such that if it's night in our world it would be day in theirs. I met Alston and we went to a park seemed to be rather quiet and less crowded than usual. There were hardly any people to be seen. Alston got thirsty and hence I went to bring him some water. Whole returning I saw that he was surrounded by some wild dogs. I threw the water at a side and started running towards him. As a dog was about to bite him I used my powers and killed the dog not thinking twice.  Looking at this the other dogs ran away. Rather than thanking me for saving his life he started to blame me for killing the dog. He said, " Who are you? You are not a human. Stay away from me you beast. Don't come near me." I couldn't bear to hear these words especially from him. I thought about returning to the demon world and explaining him everything some other day. But who thought that this would be the last day of me meeting him. When I returned to the demon world everything was turned upside down. Everyone in the demon tower looked worried and scared and when they saw me they told me to rush as dad had called me to meet in the family chambers where we discussed family matters. I didn't know what was happening but I was a bit scared looking at the expressions on everyone's faces. I entered the chambers to find that mom, dad and sister were eagerly waiting for me. As I entered dad furiously asked me, " Where were you?" I calmly replied, " Just roaming around different worlds." He raised his voice and said, " Did you go to the human world? Have I not warned you before? I could have forgiven you but you dare use your powers and even killed a creature?" " I didn't mean to kill it. It's just that it was trying to hurt my friend." " I don't want to hear any nonsense from you. We demons have always been discreet about our existing to the humans because humans and demons can never co-exist. Just because of your selfish actions and desires was the void broken." " But I didn't do anything wrong." " You still won't accept that you were in the wrong? Fine, as a matter of punishment you are banished from the Royal Family until you realise your mistake and ask for forgiveness. Until then you are no longer my daughter. Guards take her away." When I was being taken away by the guard no one came to my rescue not even mum.
It was at that time that I started planning my whole revenge. To all who never once thought about rescuing me. To the one because of whom I faced all the disgrace.

No, that was not the case. After Mara was taken both me and mom tried to talk it out with dad but dad just said that Mara should learn to follow rules and more than that accept if she's wrong. He even said that if she returned and accepted her mistake he would forgive her, but she never returned. Years later Mara returned with a dark aura that surrounded her. She was not the same Mara who was playful and innocent. Her eyes had a purpose. She started to kill everyone in the tower. She even killed mum and dad, but as for me she locked me up in the dungeons which suppressed my powers. I had two kids Layla and Daniel who were on a trip then and hence they were alive. While locking me up Mara said, " Well now that I'm done with everyone here all that is left is the man in the human world. For him I have created someone who will carry the task and I can enjoy it from here."
We were always by your side but it was you who left us. She started attacking me. I told her that we shouldn't fight and solve this down peacefully but she didn't stop. I couldn't help it i started to use counter-spells to save myself. She really wanted me to die. After a while I felt like I would really die then I started attacking her. After what she's done and the amount of hatred she had I don't think that talking would solve anything. We were in a phase where one of us would die for sure. I couldn't hold back now and I started attacking her igniting all my powers and gave her a big blow after which her soul vanished into thin air. She ended just like this? Well it would not come to this if she would be a little understanding, if only dad would be a little linent on her, if only we tried our best to get dad get her back. I really don't know whom to blame her, dad or myself. After that I went to the human world where everyone was waiting for my return.

I guess we should be understanding and forgive others and clear the misunderstandings as soon as possible. What are your thoughts?

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