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I sensed that mother had arrived on Earth and she was close to the tower. I commanded my most trusted warrior Jezebeth to go and accompany Audrey as I was really worried that she won't be safe anymore. She was strong and cunning enough to keep Audrey safe as I think of what to do with mother for now.

 She was strong and cunning enough to keep Audrey safe as I think of what to do with mother for now

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I really didn't understand why mother wanted to kill the Royal family of Earth and wanted to enslave or kill the other humans. As a demon it was normal to have the feeling of killing and ruling over everyone but I felt that there was some other reason she wanted to kill the Royal Family. She succeeded in killing everyone except Audrey who was the last descendant of them. She was determined enough to kill her within a few days too. I wanted to stop her but I didn't know what to do. Moreover I felt that I had something different for Audrey. I felt that she was my other half. Why was I feeling such a way to a human? I really don't care if she's a demon or a human anymore all that I wanted was for her to be safe. I wanted her to be by my side forever so that I could treasure and protect her myself. Was I really in love with her? I guess so. Me as a demon had never loved anyone not even my parents I had never felt the warmth of a family. Maybe no demon ever did. As we are born we are thought to kill everyone who comes in our way. The only rule was the stronger takes over the weaker. As I was the only son of the King and Queen of the demon world my parents had always had high expectations from me never did they ask if I was happy with everything that they did for me. All that they said was that it was for my own good. Once I am powerful enough no one will ever be able to deny me. I always used to act as a cold person I wasn't allowed to smile or cry as it would show my weaknesses to the enemy. At first, it was difficult to maintain a poker face as a kid but as I got used to it, I don't remember the last time I smiled or was true to my feelings. I did become powerful and also got all respect and was always looked upon by the other demons, but I lost all hope that I would ever feel the warmth of a family, that I will ever have a smile on my face. Now that I met Audrey I could feel all sort of feelings that I longed for as a child. She is a total different specie but she makes me feel warm inside. Neither is she related to me nor do we have a future together but the fact that we can't be together wants me to be withe her even more.
Mother walked into the tower and started walking towards me from the entrance of the door and as she did all the faces in the courtroom turned pale as if they were going to die that instant. I could hear my heart beating faster because of fear. It was my first time to go against mother. I still remember the time when mother was the Queen of the demon world and everyone feared her. Once she gave a task to one of her most trusted men but unfortunately he wasn't able to complete it and mother not thinking twice that he was really close to her and killed him right in front of the entire courtroom. I really feared her after this. She sat beside my throne which was empty for the queen to be. She spoke after sitting on the throne," Why isn't the human queen dead yet? Are you not able to kill her in the time period I gave you? Are you this incompetent?" I tried to control myself and spoke with the same aura as she was giving," Why should we give her an immediate death when we can torture her and then kill her bit by bit. Killing her in one go isn't my way," I smirked a bit after speaking. I guess mother was satisfied with my answer because of the weird smile she had on her face. Of course killing someone in a go isn't as good as killing them bit by bit from inside and outside. Thanking all my ancestors that I knew my mother's cruel heart well.

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