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I was waiting for the time as I couldn't do anything and I couldn't put any more of my people in danger. Then came Daniel with a smile on his face saying, "Your Highness, Ray is back...Ray is back to his consciousness." I was overjoyed to hear that I wanted to go and meet him as soon as possible. So we left to meet Ray. As I entered he tried to get up and said," Greetings, Your Highness." I was happy to see him healthy. I told him not to get up as he just had gained his consciousness and still needed rest. He suddenly had a serious look on his face and there was a glimpse of fear. I asked him if he was alright. He replied with a serious tone that he learnt some things about the demons when he was taken away. He started explaining what he saw and experienced.


I found that humans and demons seem to come from the same origin just that they are more developed than us. As we humans have religions, castes, and other things that differentiate us, the same is among demons just that they differentiate themselves according to the powers they possess. I don't know much about it but, I could see two men fighting over something. I decided to hear the conversations between them silently. It seemed as if they were fighting over something.


Person 1 : "Don't think that just because the master values you, you can do anything and treat us like trash."
Person 2 : "Well, if you think this isn't right, you can win the master's favor. You insignificant fool. Do you think you can defeat and overpower me with your powers? Hahaha, what's the difference between you and children who play with water guns?"
Person 1 : "You are going overboard."
Person 2 : "Am I? Then try to shut yourself and know your position."
Then he waved his hands and the other one started to float in the air and then banged to the wall.
Person 1: "I'm sorry, please don't do this." Person 2: "Now you know how you should behave. Know your position and don't try to open your filthy mouth. Take this fool away for now and don't hurt him any further."
I slipped and was caught seeing this whole scenario. "Well, well look who's awake. Were you enjoying everything? Now, it's time for you to participate too. Then I was surrounded by them in no time. " Don't kill him. Take it slow." I guess getting surrounded by 5-6 demons will scare even the bravest humans when you don't have powers and don't know what is going to happen next. I thought I wouldn't be able to get out alive and maybe this was destiny for me to die of these filthy creatures.

Ice cold water that could make you feel as if you were sent to poles was poured on me. I felt as if I were a dead corpse with no blood flowing. Then something choked me when I realised that a demon was strangling me he was so strong that if it had been a few more seconds my neck would have broken into two. Suddenly a whip like hand extended from another corner and started hitting me. I couldn't feel anything at a minute as my whole body was feeling numb and at the next minute i would feel sore all over by the pain. A loud thud distracted them and Daniel saved me by then.



If Daniel wouldn't come in time, if they weren't distracted I wouldn't be standing in front of you right now.

"Alright stop now. Thinking about it will only make it worse just take a good rest for now and get well soon." Ray then got up saying, " No, Your Highness how can I rest when the humankind is in danger." I reassured him and said, " We need you but in order to help us you need to get better or else we all will be worried about you." He then finally laid down on the bed.

TWO WORLDS WITH INTERTWINED DESTINYWhere stories live. Discover now